14 April 01, 2012 |
Onwards to the Twentieth
Prakash Karat
THE 20th Congress of the
Party of India (Marxist) will be held in
The four-year period since
the 19th Congress
has witnessed a global capitalist crisis which has enveloped the
economies of
the advanced capitalist countries. There
is more unemployment and severe attack on the livelihood of the people
due to
the neo-liberal policies pursued in these countries.
This has, once again, shown that capitalism
cannot be a system free of crisis and exploitation. More and more
people have
joined the struggles and movements to defend their rights and
livelihood in the
recent period. The scope for developing
the resistance to the neo-liberal policies and to build a Left
alternative has
increased around the world. The advance
of the Left in the Latin American countries is a testimony to this fact.
At the national level, the
policies pursued for the last two decades and being vigorously pushed
by the UPA government has resulted in two very different types of
The Party has striven to
take up the
issues which affect those who suffer from social oppression based on
gender or communalism. The fight against
such oppression should be widened and it must become part of the
platform of
the Left and democratic movement. The
Party Congress will also discuss this issue.
The CPI(M) is the most
force against imperialism. In the recent years, we had seen how the UPA
government has forged a strategic alliance with the
The central question which
will be taken
up for discussion in the Political Resolution is how to enhance the
role and activities of the Party and expand its political base and
influence. For this, the Party has to
organise the struggles of the basic classes – the working class, the
peasantry and the agricultural workers – who are bearing the brunt of
anti-people policies of the UPA government.
There has to be a concrete study of the effects of the
policies on different sections of the people and to identify their
problems. Organising sustained struggles
of those worst affected – workers in the unorganised sector, the
workers, the poor peasants and the rural
poor and orienting the entire Party towards struggle will be a
task to be discussed at the Party Congress.
Communalism in
In political terms, this
fighting both the Congress and the BJP – the two major big bourgeois
parties. In the present situation, what
is of crucial importance is the strengthening of the CPI(M) and its
growth all over the country. Along with this, we have to strengthen
Left unity
and gather all the Left forces to project Left politics. The Party has
to work
to build a Left and democratic alliance which can be the real
alternative to
the parties of the big bourgeoisie and the bourgeois-landlord order. A Left and democratic front will emerge
we are able to rally the working class, peasantry, the agricultural
workers and
other sections of the working people through struggles and united
movements. In
the course of building such an alliance in order to fight both the
Congress and
the BJP, the Party will seek to cooperate with other democratic and
parties on people’s issues and in defence of secularism.
The period since the 19th
has been a difficult and arduous one.
The Party, in its strongest base,
This Party Congress will
take up
another important task which is to discuss and adopt a Resolution on
Ideological Issues. The draft prepared by the Central Committee has
discussed at all levels in the Party. Based
on a Marxist-Leninist outlook, the Communist Party has to constantly
update its
theoretical and ideological understanding.
In the contemporary world, there are many, even amongst the
Left, who do
not recognise that anything called imperialism exists.
It is incumbent upon us to grasp correctly
how imperialism works in the contemporary world.
There are many who deny that the working
class can play the role of a revolutionary force under the globalised
finance-driven capitalism which has been restructured.
The revolutionary role of the working class
has to be reaffirmed. At the same time,
we have to take stock of the challenges posed in the sphere of
ideology, economics and the cultural spheres in the era of imperialist
globalisation. How to develop the
wherewithal to wage the
class struggle in the political, ideological and material dimensions
and in the
Indian conditions have been addressed in the resolution.
The organisation of the
CPI(M) with
its over one million members has to be
further developed into an all-India
fighting force by going amongst new sections of the people and
areas. The Party Congress will determine
the organisational steps necessary for this.
The 20th Congress is being
held in