No. 02 January 08, 2012 |
All India Democratic
Women’s Association (AIDWA) has, through a statement
issued from
to the AIDWA,
the DGP has in this way tried to rationalise the
behaviour of the rapists by
linking it to the type of dress worn by rape victims, in
which the police is
helpless to intervene.
add insult to injury, the
woman and child development minister of Karnataka,
Patil, quite alarmingly
endorsed the AP DGP’s outrageous statement. At a press
meet held on January 1,
2012, the minister reportedly responded to the DGP’s
remarks with his own
sexist comment that women should know how much skin to
cover when going to
AIDWA statement
expressed the organisation’s deep sense of shock and
concern over the fact that
if public servants, who are responsible for protecting
women from crimes like
sexual assaults, think in such patriarchal and erroneous
ways, they thereby justify
the rapists’ actions. These views also seek to impose a
traditional dress code
on women, which is highly unwarranted. Blaming the
victim for a crime which has
been perpetrated against her, is not only grossly unfair
and unjust to her but
is and has been one of the main reasons for the police
and sections of the
judiciary not taking stringent action against the
rapists. Among other
consequences, this has led to a shamefully low
conviction rate and lesser
sentences. Such statements also embolden the criminals
further. The
2010 report of the National Crime
Records Bureau has shown that while the incidence of
rape has gone up, the
conviction rate has declined. In such a context, the
AIDWA said, the
irresponsible statements made by those holding high
office are extremely
reprehensible, as they would undoubtedly exacerbate the
trend of sexual
violence against women.
AIDWA has therefore demanded
that the DGP of Andhra Pradesh and the WCD minister of
Karnataka must withdraw
their objectionable remarks immediately, failing which
appropriate action must be
taken against them.