No. 02 January 08, 2012 |
Bauxite Mining in
Central Team Faces
Wrath of Tribals
Ch Narasinga Rao
“Lay off
our lands” -- this was the unambiguous
message delivered to the central government by the tribals in
the Agency area
On the
first day of the visit of the central
team, the CPI(M) laid siege to the hotel in
state government had signed MoUs with AnRak
Alluminium Ltd (a joint venture of AP based Penna Cements and
Ras al Kaimah
emirate) and Jindals for mining bauxite reserves in
Visakhapatnam Agency area
in 2007. When the publiic hearing was conducted in October
2008, tribals in the
four blocks of Jerella in Chitapally forest area vehemently
opposed these
projects. Thousands held a demonstration against the granting
of mining leases
to these firms. Since then the tribals and other democratic
sections have been
opposing the projects. But AnRak went ahead by starting
construction of its
aluminium refinery.
It was during the brief tenure of the
then union mines minister B K Handique that all clearances
given for bauxite
mining in the scheduled areas of
In this context the CPI(M) decided
to firmly oppose the visit of the central team and called in
advance a 48-hour
bandh in the Agency area during the visit of the team. It
refused to meet or
submit any memorandum to the team. The tribals by their total
participation in
the bandh have also rejected the visit of the team.
40 per cent of total bauxite reserves in
state and central governments are
neglecting the problems being faced by the tribals. While
around 4 lakh acres
of land in Visakha Agency area can be bestowed to the tribals
under Forest
Right Act, pattas for only 40,000 acres have been given to
tribals. Despite
making grand announcement in 2009 about giving pattas for 1
lakh acres, nothing
has been done so far about that. Despite generations of
tribals living for
centuries in the areas of Jarrela and Sapparla, these areas
continue to be
shown as reserve forest areas in government records. It is not
difficult to
know why. Around 90 per cent of these areas have bauxite
reserves. Tribals in
these areas do not have any right over land or forest produce.
If mining is
allowed thousands of them would be thrown out of their homes.
As per PESA (Panchayats Extension to
Scheduled Areas Act), grama sabhas must be
conducted and people’s opinion taken for undertaking such
activity in the
Agency areas. But so far no such grama sabha has been held
in even one village.
A farce of public opinion exercise was conducted by the
central team in the
circuit guest house on December 23 in Visakhapatnam!
As per 1 of 70 Act prevailing
in Andhra Pradesh, tribals have
sole rights over forest produce, lands and minerals in
Agency areas. The forest
wealth in the areas has to be tapped through tribal
cooperative bodies only.
But the state government is conspiring to hand over these
precious resources to
private corporate using the public sector AP Mineral
Development Corporation as
a front.
The present legislations in
the country governing the
exploitation of mineral wealth are blatantly in favour of
capitalists and
private mine owners. Mining mafias are entering all tribal
areas where mining
has been allowed. There is not a single tribal area in the
country that has
seen development of tribals due to such mining. The tribals
in Visakha are
therefore opposing the attempts of the Congress government
to turn the Agency
area into a desert in the name of so called development.
Bauxite mining will
poison the entire Agency area. Water resources will become
polluted due to the
huge amounts of fine dust that will be generated. This will
affect the water
supply to Visakhapatnam city also. In view of all this, the
CPI(M) has been
vehemently opposing bauxite mining from the beginning. Both
the main bourgeois
parties, the Telugu Desam and the Congress, are acting
Opposing the mining when in opposition and striving for it
when in power.
Therefore it is all the more imperative that the tribals
continue to unitedly
fight with the same resolve against bauxite mining.