No. 02 January 08, 2012 |
Indian History Congress
Holds Platinum Jubilee Session
From a Correspondent
Indian History
Congress met for its 72nd annual session at the
inaugural session at
B B Chaudhuri, an
eminent economic historian, was elected general
president of this session. He
devoted his presidential address to a detailed analysis
of “Radical Adivasi Movements
in Colonial Eastern India, 1856-1922.” The importance of
this study is
manifold. One conclusion Professor Chaudhuri drew was
that ever since the
Santal Hool of
1855-56, ‘radicalism’
grew among the adivasis, the demand for rectification of
specific grievances
increasingly turning into a demand for self-rule. This
had its accompaniments
in, first, an overhaul of customary beliefs and rituals
and, on the other, a
unification of different tribal streams. Without
explicitly so stating,
Professor Chaudhuri thus offered a totally different
interpretation of tribal
movements from those adopted by those historians who
tend to assume an
unchanging “subaltern” ideology.
governor of
Jaspal Singh, vice chancellor
of the
the general session,
the Congress broke into its six sections.
sectional presidents’
addresses were a mix of the scholarly and the topical.
Professor Ranabir
Chakravarti (president of the Ancient India Section)
highlighted the importance
of the coast and oceanic trade in
influencing polity and economy during the late ancient
period. Professor Pushpa
Prasad (medieval India) presented mainly epigraphic
evidence to trace the
position of artisans in medieval times; Professor N
Rajendran (modern India) analysed
the rise of the consciousness of both national and
regional identities in Tamilnadu.
In the section on history of other countries, Dr Madhavi
Thampi in her presidential
address discussed the appeal of Asian solidarity made by
early Chinese
nationalists, until Japanese aggression made it a
suspect ideology in China. Professor
M S Mate (president, archaeology section), who could not
attend owing to
ill-health, made a strong plea in his written address
for developing medieval
archaeology and offered a number of illustrations of the
kind of information it
can yield. N Ram, editor of The Hindu,
presiding over the section on contemporary
India, presented a very reflective study of the role of
news media abroad and
in India, giving some very disturbing instances of
‘manufacture of consent’ on
the part of a segment of the media.
the report of the secretary,
Professor Arun Bandopadhyay, delivered at the end of the
session, one learns
that over 1000 delegates attended the session, and some
650 research papers
were presented at the different sections. As the printed
list of papers shows
there is an increasing interest among historians in
areas like intellectual
history and gender relations, showing a shift away from
purely dynastic or
religious themes, though economic and social history as
well as the National
Movement continue to hold their ground. After a process
of refereeing and
editing, over a hundred of the papers are likely to be
published in the Proceedings
of the session. The Indian
History Congress has rigorously maintained the tradition
of publishing the Proceedings
annually. The thick volume
of Proceedings
of the previous
session, including all the presidential addresses and
over 100 papers, were
made available to delegates free at the Patiala session.
major lecture at the
session, the S C Misra Memorial Lecture, was delivered
by Professor Mushirul
Hasan, his theme being Gandhi and Islam. On the second
day, a symposium was
also held; it revolved around the theme of “Heresies in
Indian History,” the
participants being Professors Kum Kum Roy, Farhat Hasan
and Bhaskar
sub-conference on
Aspects of India’s Composite Culture was organised on
December 11-13 as a
special additional feature of the session, to
commemorate the Platinum Jubilee
of the organisation. Professor Michael Pearson, noted
historian of pre-modern
Indian Ocean trade, came from Australia to attend it and
gave a paper on the
collaboration of mercantile communities in the Indian
Ocean in medieval times.
Professor J S Grewal considered Guru Nanak’s perceptions
of Islam, and there
were naturally a number of papers considering
inter-religious relationships,
including such questions as the character of the Matiya
sect in late Mughal
Gujarat (Dr Samira Sheikh) or the effect of Hindu Reform
Movement on India’s
composite culture (Professor Indu Benga). Professor B P
Sahu considered the
issues of caste and region in ancient Orissa, while
Professor Iqtidar Alam Khan
touched on the dimensions of community relations as
affecting the polity of the
early Sultanate of Delhi. In his keynote address,
Professor Irfan Habib raised
the question whether in history a composite culture is
to be identified as such
only when a country’s or region’s culture lacks the
capability to fully absorb
or adapt new or external influences.
special two-day panel
entitled “Architecture and Artisans in India: The
History of Design, Technology
and Labour” was organised by the Aligarh Historians
Society along with the
History Congress session. The themes of the papers
presented ranged from caves
to temples in Orissa (Professor B P Sahu), to
pre-colonial Sikh architecture
(Dr Karamjit Malhotra), and to the pre-Mughal townships
at Delhi (Professor
Sunil Kumar, Dr Najaf Haider). Dr Rajsekhar Basu traced
modern measures of
planning the city of Hyderabad under Visvesvaraya.
Professor Shireen Moosvi
explored material on the housing of ordinary urban
people of the Mughal
period. Dr
S Ali Nadeem Rezavi studied
the actual work of conservation undertaken by
Archaeological Survey of India at
the World Heritage site of Fathpur Sikri, and pointed
out the many wilful
violations of basic principles of conservation committed
here under the
influence of various biases.
the business meeting,
held on December 12, the delegates mourned the passing
away of Professor Ram
Sharan Sharma, who had been, for over five decades, an
practitioner of the scientific method in history and a
consistent supporter of
the Indian History Congress.
meeting also adopted
an important resolution on the work of the
Archaeological Survey of India. It is
being printed alongside.
report of the session
will not be complete without a mention of the excellent
arrangements for
hospitality made by the authorities of the Punjabi
University, especially under
the care of the vice chancellor, Dr Jaspal Singh, and
Professor J S Grewal, the
local secretary, an eminent historian himself. The staff
and student volunteers
won the particular appreciation of the delegates.
this session,
Professor Arun Bandopadhyay, as secretary, and Dr
Rajsekhar Basu, as treasurer,
completed their very successful terms of three years;
and as required by the constitution
of the History Congress a new set of office-bearers was
new office-bearers
include Professor Y Subbarayalu as the general
president, Professor Satish Chandra
and Aniruddha Ray as the vice presidents, Professor S Z
H Jafri as the
secretary and Dr (Mrs) Tripta Verma as treasurer.
sectional presidents
elected for the next session are: Ancient
India: Professor Snigdha Tripathi; Medieval:
Professor M Ashraf Wani; Modern:
Professor Basudev Chatterji; Countries Other
than India: Professor Sneh Mahajan; Archaeology:
Professor R C Thakran and Contemporary
India: Professor Ramachandra Guha.
executive committee of
20 members was also elected unopposed.
on ASI
a number of years this
congress has been expressing concern at the state of
affairs at the
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). Of its major
journals, Ancient
India has long ceased
publication and the Epigraphia Indica
and Epigraphia
Indica – Arabic
and Persian Supplement are in
arrears by decades. Even its annual review of Indian
Archaeology is now
appearing with a delay of some eight years, shedding
much of its value thereby.
We urge that the assurances of their revival, now being
given, would be
honoured, and the periodicals would be issued after duly
ensuring that they
follow the minimum standards expected of them.
congress has had
occasions to express concern also at the lapses in
according protection and
preservation to monuments and antiquarian remains. Many,
though duly recorded
or observed in the past, are no longer traceable on the
ground. Equally serious
is the misuse of work undertaken under the colour of
restoration. Even ASI’s
own photographs, as in the case of the Stone-cutters’
Mosque, Fatehpur Sikri,
show the original structure to have been so reshaped
through ‘restoration’ that
its historical significance is lost. The congress is of
firm opinion that such
restoration work should not be undertaken without
scrutiny by independent
historians and archaeologists. Moreover, the work done
in the last two decades
ought to be examined by a committee or committees of
independent experts, in
order to ensure that such misdemeanours are prevented in
future. The ASI’s own
journals, as they are revived, should be thrown open to
studies or critiques of
its work from scholars outside the ASI so that there may
be some sense of
accountability introduced through that means as well.
This would also be in
accordance with the old traditions of the Archaeological
Indian History
Congress hopes that due consideration would be given to
this proposal by the
authorities concerned.