34 August 21, 2011 |
Towards a Democratic Regulation
Of the Mineral Sector
THE mineral sector has been under the
monopoly control of the union government and has been facing several
challenges, least of which arise out of the rapid and ill conceived
policy of the
liberalisation of the sector. Its problems have been well highlighted
in the
report on illegal mining by Justice Santosh Hegde which resulted in the
resignation of the Karnataka chief minister. The report not only
highlighted the
lethal corporate-politician nexus behind illegal mining, it is also a
revelation on the different aspects of the sector which need strict
Some of these aspects include the question of mineral transportation,
yard permissions and the methods of continuous monitoring that detect,
and punish rampant illegal mining. At the same time the growing
conflicts in
areas where land acquisition is taking place for mining have forced the
to revise its Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Bill 2010
to consider
the sharing of benefits with local people. The revised Bill of 2011
(which is
yet to be introduced in parliament) reportedly proposes that 26 per
cent of the
royalty from profits of coal mining and royalty from operational mines
of all
other minerals will be shared by local people. The debate over the
nature and
quantum of benefit sharing assumes that beneficiaries will have no
objection to
corporate mining if they receive adequate long term benefits from it.
This idea
has been endorsed by some prominent environmentalists who see the long
local share in profits as a natural resource rent to the people who
live in the
mineral rich areas. While this is an important aspect of the debate, we
need to
take a more holistic view about the challenges facing the sector if a
people-oriented legislation is to be put in place.
The question of benefit sharing and
regulation has to be seen in the context of rapidly changing character
of the
mining sector. The introduction of private capital in mining and
increase in
profit mining has been evident in the last five years. The intervention
private mining companies has also led to a qualitative change in the
scale of
illegal mining. The case of iron ore mining illustrates the point. In
reply to
a starred question in Rajya Sabha, the minister of state for mines put
forth a
statement that only 190 mining leases were granted to central public
units between 2003 and 2011, while in the same period about 9967 mining
were given to private sector companies. Not surprisingly the
states of Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan topped the list of the states
private companies, with
But the growth of private companies does
not reveal the true picture about the nature of extraction in the
sector. The
legal licences granted to private companies were accompanied by the
if not higher extraction from illegal mining. The figures before
parliament are
instructive. A total of 36,677 violations were recorded in 2006 and
this figure
went upto 82,330 cases in 2010. This showed that private companies had
increased their rate of extraction beyond imaginable limits. This
increase is
also a result of the lack of social control over any type of mining
a fact reflected in the Bill of 2010, which is the last public version
of the
proposed law for the sector. The Bill ignores the lessons of the
report which points to the lack of records or local monitoring systems
illegal operations and stockpiling as the main reasons for the
leakages. It
hardly sets up any local structures that can monitor and report illegal
on a daily basis. Perhaps it is time that the Indian administrators
learnt from
other countries like
The question of benefits and beneficiaries
is also linked to the issue of social control over corporate mining.
returns in the form of royalty for minerals other than coal amounted to
Rs 2610
crore in 2010-11 and this had declined sharply from Rs 3997.42 crore in
2009-2010. In some states like
A third aspect that needs to be considered
is that in
It is difficult to say whether such
provisions will contribute towards lessening the conflicts arising out
corporate mining leases. But they will certainly start a process of
decision making in the mining sector itself. Hence the provisions of
PESA (Panchayats Extension to Scheduled Areas Act)
may be used and
suitably amended to set up monitoring structures at the panchayat
levels. At
the same time the convergence between local forest administration and
panchayats also needs to be strengthened in order to ensure that
operations are checked. This is particularly important because there
are very
few instances where outright violations were a result of large
Rather most violations were done by companies who already have mining
but are exceeding their permissible limit. Hence there are cases of
stockpiling and illegal transportation, the most prominent of which
came to light
after the Supreme Court banned all mining of iron ore in