People's Democracy
(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India
Indo-US Joint Statement
Subordinate Ally of USA?
THE joint statement issued
after the
second India-USA strategic dialogue
resoundingly confirms the apprehensions aired by these columns
in the
past and the Left parties that the Indo-US nuclear deal clinched in
2008 was
actually the launch pad for drawing India
as a subordinate ally of US
imperialism’s global designs. It is not
a strategic relationship between two individual countries alone. India has virtually become a partner of
geo-political strategy.
The joint statement
reflected that
both sides are “committed to continuing to broaden and deepen the
global strategic partnership”. Referring
to “the relationships extra ordinary breadth and depth”, the statement
“Since the inaugural strategic dialogue in 2010, the India-US
partnership has
resulted in advances in nearly every area of human endeavour”. In the bargain, the USA is reneging on what the UPA-I
told the Indian parliament that the US
had agreed to give India
“full civilian nuclear cooperation”. We
shall return to this later.
Confirming that India is now a part of US global strategy, the statement
informs that,
“The two sides launched a Central Asia Dialogue in June 2011 in New Delhi and a West Asia Dialogue in July 2011
in Washington DC. The
two sides intend to expand strategic
consultations to other regions, including Latin America and Caribbean,
and plan to hold the fourth round of the East Asia Dialogue in
the United states,
and Japan
plan to
commence a trilateral dialogue at senior official level.”
The two sides reaffirm
commitment for “consultation, coordination and cooperation on Afghanistan.” The statement also speaks of joint Indo-US
initiatives in Africa and other parts
of the
This has serious
implications for India’s
national and internal security. We have
repeatedly discussed in these columns in the past that State terrorism
sponsored by US imperialism and acts of fundamentalist terrorism feed
upon each
other. The US
military occupation of Iraq,
the NATO operations in Afghanistan
led by the USA, its
military offensive against Libya
and the continued intransigence in refusing to grant Palestinians their
right to a homeland are all instances that are globally perceived as
of US
imperialism’s hegemonism and efforts to impose a unilateral world order
its leadership. It is not in India’s national or security interests
to become
a partner of the USA
in such a global strategy.
While there is talk of
global terrorism jointly and to strengthen counter terrorism
cooperation, the
joint statement “called for Pakistan
to move expeditiously in prosecuting those involved in the November
2008 Mumbai
terror attack”. The Indian people are,
thus, left with no greater insight as what the USA
would do to ensure this as
as on other related issues like Headley etc.
While the statement speaks
of a wide
range of issues from cooperation on cyber issues, open source
platforms, strengthening election management capacities, maritime
security etc,
the key area remains in welcoming the
“progress in bilateral defence cooperation”.
The statement informs that India’s defence orders from
companies had reached “a cumulative value of over $ 8 billion in the
decade”, ie, over Rs 40,000 crores. This
is the primary objective of the USA
which seeks to promote its commercial interests in the areas of defence
nuclear power generation by selling us an equivalent, if not greater,
value in
nuclear reactors.
Another area of concern
are the plans
in the field of education. The joint
statement talks of a higher education summit between India
and USA
be held in October this year to emphasise the many avenues of
Such a dialogue is to continue through annual meetings incorporating
private/non-governmental sectors. As a part of the Obama-Singh 21st
century knowledge initiative, the linkages from post-secondary level
are designed to be strengthened. All these are part of the plans of the
government to not only privatise education in India further but to
permit the
entry of foreign universities and institutions to open their profit
raking shops in our country.
While there is talk of
cooperation in many other fields including space exploration, on the
nuclear cooperation issue, the USA remains ambivalent to its 2008
commitment to
transfer technologies to India and continues to put pressure on India
to amend
its Nuclear Liability Bill that absolves the suppliers of nuclear
reactors of
all obligations and responsibilities in the event of an unfortunate
accident. The CPI(M) Polit Bureau
statement carried alongside in this issue explains our position. In this context, it is important to note what
a key player behind the Indo-US nuclear deal, the then chairman of the
Energy Commission, Anil Kakodkar has to say.
Despite the fact that the USA
had assured India
in 2008
that the Nuclear Supplier Group will give a “clean waiver” to India
permitting the transfer of enrichment and reprocessing (ENR)
technologies, they
are now reneging on this by stating that such transfer will only be
to those countries that are signatories to the nuclear
non-proliferation treaty
(NPT). India
has refused to sign the NPT as it is patently discriminatory. Kakodkar calls this a “betrayal”. On the
pressure on India
to sign the NPT, he was categorical in saying that, “We have to protect
interests”. Another former chairman of India’s Atomic Energy Commission, P K
feels that the new conditions, “are an indirect way of forcing India
to sign
the NPT. I felt that the Indo-US nuclear
deal was a non-starter right from the beginning and this is proving
It has been announced that
India-US strategic dialogue will take place annually and the next is
for Washington DC in 2012.
It is clear that the direction in which this dialogue is
proceeding will
only further cement India’s
role as a subordinate ally of US
imperialism’s global geopolitical strategies.
strength has always been and shall continue to be its independent role
international affairs reflecting the aspirations of the vast billions
of people
that inhabit the developing world. This
requires India
to uncompromisingly maintain an independent foreign policy while
seeking to
improve our relations with all countries based on the principles of the
panchsheel. The efforts to
deny India
legitimate role and authority in the international comity of nations by
becoming a partner of US global strategy must be resisted to the hilt.
(July 20, 2011)