29 July 17, 2011 |
Bank Employees to Strike, Aug 5
C P Krishnan
AROUND ten lakh employees and officers of the
public and private sector banks, foreign banks, cooperative and
regional rural
banks, will observe a one day strike on August 5, 2011, in protest
against the
anti-people policies of the government of
The call was given by the United Forum of
Bank Unions (UFBU), consisting of nine organisations of bank employees
officers. These have come together to
protect the interest of the common people that is under severe attack.
One may note that the UPA government
introduced in Lok Sabha three retrograde bills on March 22, at the fag
end of
the budget session. One bill intends to remove the ceiling of 10 per
voting rights of the shareholders in private banks; another is for
raising the ceiling
of voting rights of private shareholders from 1 to 10 per cent in
public sector
banks, and the third one seeks to dispense with formal approval of the
commission for merger of public sector banks. If enacted into laws,
these bills
will bring a sea change in the banking sector in favour of the
corporates and against
the interest of the common man of this country. Also, multinational
corporations are likely to swallow the indigenous private banks if
direct investment is allowed to go up to 74 per cent in banking. If the
on voting rights of private shareholders in public sector banks is
increased to
10 per cent, it would create an opportunity for five or more corporates
to form
a syndicate and gain control of the public sector banks. This is
precisely what
the Raghuram Rajan committee has recommended.
While the signboard will say “A Government of India
Undertaking,” the board
of directors will be under the control of private corporates.
The third bill is to enable faster merger
of the public sector banks with one another. But while the government
that it favours the merger of public sector banks so to consolidate the
sector, it is giving free hand to the discredited non-banking finance
(NBFC) to either convert themselves into banks or to float new banks.
clearly exposes the government’s double standard. The NBFCs have a
track record
of swindling thousands of crores of public money when they were freely
access to public deposits without any regulation.
Another dangerous preposition is to hand
over the regional rural banks (RRBs) to private corporates or NBFCs. So
far, 82
RRBs, having more than 14000 branches spread over hundreds of districts
over the country, have been excellently helping in ameliorating the
rural poor’s
lot in many ways. But, while crying from rooftop that it stands for
growth, the government is out to hand the RRBs over to corporate
houses. It is
the proven record of the RRBs that 81 per cent of their advances are
to the priority sectors, which the new generation private banks and
foreign banks
hardly lend anything. While the public sector banks ask for a minimum
balance of
Rs 1,000 for cheque book facility, it is Rs 75,000 in case of foreign
that otherwise charge a fine of Rs 350 per month.
Even though the successive governments at
the centre since 1991 supported the new generation private banks, and
tried partial
or full privatisation of the public sector banks, the latter control 75
cent of the total business mix in of the banking industry. When he was
finance minister, Dr Manmohan Singh inaugurated the Global Trust Bank
(GTB), a
new generation private bank, in 1994. But within a period of 12 years,
it was
forced to cease its activity and incurred huge loss of more than Rs
crore. Ultimately, in order to safeguard the depositors’ interest, the
GTB was
merged with the public sector Oriental Bank of Commerce that had to
bear the
entire loss. After the nationalisation of 14 major banks in 1969,
private banks became bankrupt and were merged with the public sector
banks in
the interest of the depositors.
Following the September 2008 crisis in the
In this regard, the finance minister Pranab
Mukerjee’s statement before the
The Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek
Singh Ahluwalia went a step further: “India should continue with the
process of
financial sector reforms and not look at further tightening the
existing controls
in the financial system…..There is a point of view that we avoided the
because we had a lot of financial controls and we would be well advised
tighten these controls further. This would be in my view wrong. We need
liberalise the financial system.” He further said the “government
should reduce
its stake in public sector banks to 33 per cent, as suggested by the
committee report, to make them more dynamic….. public sector banks,
reduced government holding, should no longer be governed by social
The employees of the nationalised banks should have the same employment
as those in private banks….. The corporate governance norms too have to
improved so that directors and chief executives are appointed by
and not the government.”
Coming from two important personalities of the
government, these statements make it that the latter is bent upon
privatising the
public sector banks, handing their control over to private hands,
smaller public sector banks to indigenous or foreign corporates, doing
with the social objectives and dispensing with the uniform
industry-wide wage
structure and service conditions.
Another important announcement is that the government
would extend the banking services to many unbanked areas through a
called “Swabhiman,” through which it would achieve inclusive growth in
unbanked villages, in the first phase. However, it was simultaneously
clear that there won’t be any brick and mortar banking in these areas.
facilitators or correspondents would be appointed through private
corporates to
extend the banking services to these villages.
But a bank would not directly engage or
appoint these business correspondents. Clearly, the government wants to
the ‘risk’ of extending to them the same pay and service conditions as
enjoyed by employees of the nationalised banks. This is what happened
in case
of RRB employees. Thus the government wants the public sector banks to
the social objectives, which makes its claim of financial inclusion is
doubtful. Besides, this move poses serious threats like exposing the
and secrecy of the banking clientele and safety of the depositors’
money, while
sealing lakhs of dignified jobs and increasing the exploitation of
labour. While
the bank employees are ready to extend the banking services to all the
areas, this move of the government is clearly anti-people and
While the government doled out nearly Rs 10
lakh crore in the past few years to the corporates as tax concessions,
borrowed Rs 15,000 crore from the World Bank to recapitalise the public
banks. This entails draconian conditionalities.
Recruitments to banks virtually stopped two
decades ago but the volume of business has been fast increasing. The
quantum of
deposits and advances in public sector banks was at Rs 3,94,000 crore
in 1991
and it rose to Rs 82,50,000 crore in 2010. That means the volume has
by more than 20 times. At the same time the absolute number of staff
has decreased
by more than three lakhs. Another 3 lakhs are to retire in the coming
But instead of filling up the vacancies
through regular appointments, banks are outsourcing the jobs of even
nature to outside agencies. Most of the jobs like cleaning, security,
of cash and cheques, issuance of credit-debit cards, recovery of dues,
ATM cash
loading, data entry, signature capture and a lot have been handed over
outside agencies. Recently a Reserve Bank of
The Khandelwal committee, whose
recommendations the government has accepted in toto, suggests that an
end to industry-wide
uniform wage revision, creation and widening of performance based
among the staff, drastic reduction in strength, doubling the number of
compared to that of clerks, and wiping out the subordinate cadre. If
implemented, these would bring about a situation akin to that in the IT
industry. The idea is to eliminate trade unions in the banking industry
create deep disunity among staff members.
Besides, there are issues like improvement
in the pension scheme, government approval to the bilaterally accepted
employment and compensation scheme, regulated working hours for
officers who
are today made to toil for at least 14 hours a day and to do office
work on
Sundays and Holidays, five-day week etc.
The bank employees and officers are very
much determined to take the bull by horns by observing a day’s strike
on August
5. This will serve as a warning to the powers that be. The strike will
preceded by many explanatory campaigns and actions. It is a matter of
significance that all the central trade unions, which met in New Delhi
on May 29,
extended their support to the bank employees’ struggle. The success of
strike is sure to put the UPA government on the defensive and to
safeguard the
interest of the general public.