People's Democracy
(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India
“Pink Tide” Reaches Peru
THE victory
of Ollanta
Humala in the presidential elections held in the first week of June has
signalled the advance of the leftist “pink tide” sweeping Latin America
to the
shores of Peru.
Humala, a left wing nationalist narrowly beat Keiko Fujimori, the
daughter of
the former Peruvian president, Alfredo Fujimori. Humala, the candidate
of the
Gana Peru electoral bloc, received 51.4 per cent of the vote. For
Humala, it
has been a case of being second time lucky. He had narrowly lost the
five years ago to Alan Garcia. Garcia, a former leftist, had himself
made a
dramatic comeback, after a lacklustre presidency in the late eighties.
In the
2006 elections, Humala, a former army officer, had openly flaunted his
proximity to the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez. He wore red shirts
on the
campaign trail to highlight his radicalism. 11 years ago, Humala, had
led an
abortive coup attempt against government of Alberto Fujimori. Chavez,
being elected in 1998, had also led a failed coup attempt in 1992
before going
on to win the presidency.
advisers, it
seems, had come to the conclusion, that his close identification with
Chavez had
cost him victory in the last election. This time, on the campaign
trail, Humala
exchanged his red shirts for staid business suits. The right wing in Peru
claimed that if elected, Humala would be a proxy of the Venezuelan
leader. The
Bush administration, already rattled by the string of victories by left
candidates all over the region, had used its considerable influence to
Humala from being elected in 2006. Cables released by Wikileaks have
revealed Washington’s
suspicions about Humala in the run up to the 2006 elections. US
officials alleged
that Chavez was trying to export his “Bolivarian” revolution to Peru
the auspices of Humala. In the 2011 elections, Washington’s preferred candidate was
Fujimori. Fujimori had openly shown her
preference for the US
Humala chose to be identified with Brazil, the economic and
powerhouse of the region. The Obama administration feared that a Humala
would give Brazilian companies the edge in Peru’s
lucrative minerals sector.
The rivalry between the US
and Brazil
for influence in the region is now in the open.
for the first time in recent history, with
the pink tide having reached Peru,
will have to deal with yet another leftist president in a region that
become increasingly hostile to American hegemonism. Regional groupings
like the
UNASUR (Union of South American Nations) and ALBA (the Bolivarian
for the Americas),
have helped regional integration. The US has not been invited to
either of the two groupings. Only Chile
and Colombia
have pro-American right wing governments. To Washington’s chagrin, even the
government under the newly elected president, Manuel Santos, is veering
the left wing governments. On July 5, the leaders of the southern
hemisphere will
be meeting in Caracas
to firm up the creation of the Community of Latin American and
Caribbean States
(CELAC). This new grouping will include all countries except the US and its close ally, Canada.
The aim
of the leaders of the region is to sideline the Organisation of
American States
(OAS) which was commandeered on many occasions by the US to
its anti-democratic goals in the hemisphere.
During this
year’s presidential
campaign, Humala distanced himself from Chavez and instead chose
another “moderate”
leftist, the former president of Brazil, Luis Inacio Lula da
as his new role model. In this year’s presidential elections, Humala
his radical rhetoric to present himself as a candidate who would play
by the
rules of established Peruvian politics. He pledged that he would not
amend the
constitution to extend term limits, as had happened in other Latin
countries like Venezuela,
Nicaragua and Ecuador.
Humala has been emphasising
that his model of governance for Peru
will be the one successfully implemented by Lula in Brazil.
At the same time, he has
been critical of the generous concessions being given to multinational
corporations for the extraction of the country’s bountiful natural
resources. The
government of Alan Garcia had shown little concern for the rights of
indigenous communities on whose land the mining, drilling and logging
activities of the foreign companies were going on. Humala has said that
he will
make the multinationals pay much more for their exploitation of the
the first round of elections, held in early
May, Humala had come out on top followed by Fujimori. The three
candidates who
lost out in the primaries were Alejandro Toledo, a former president, a
former finance
minister Pedro Pablo Kucynski and a former mayor of Lima, Luis Castaneda. These
three candidates shared the same
neo-liberal ideology and in the process split the right wing vote,
Fujimori to emerge as the standard bearer of the right in the final
round. The
influential right wing media aided by the business elites switched
support behind Fujimori. According to commentators in the region, there
also a racial element that influenced the voting process. Humala’s
support was
among the dispossessed and marginalised. Humala himself has indigenous
and is called “el Indio Humala” in the country’s elite owned media. The
skinned Peruvians and the majority of the white middle class residents
of Lima,
the capital, which
has gained a lot from the economic boom of the last decade, voted
for Fujimori.
Peruvians still
consider president Fujimori as the man who revived Peru’s
economy and saved the
country from anarchy. Fujimori Senior is
currently serving a long 25 year prison term in Peru
after having been found guilty
of ordering the death squad related killings of civilians during the
campaign against the left wing Shining Path and Tupac Amaro guerrillas. Many of the disgraced president’s former
close advisers had joined his daughter as advisers in her bid for the
She had promised to adopt the tough style of governance that had
the Fujimori era of the nineties. “If we defeated terrorism in the
1990’s of
course we can defeat common crime now, with a heavy hand”, was one of
quotes. Peru
in recent years has attracted narco-traffickers in a big way. Militant
like the Shining Path have started reorganising and begun to stage
attacks on
the security forces. Keiko had invited the former New York Mayor, Rudi
Guliani and
a right wing Republican to campaign with her. Guliani is credited with
made New York
a relatively crime free metropolis.
What helped
Humala tilt
the electoral scales in his favour was the eleventh hour support he
from some right wing intellectuals and politicians, including Toledo. Toledo
had received 16 per cent of the votes in the first round. The Peruvian
laureate for literature and a former politician, Mario Vargas Llosa,
appealed to his countrymen to vote for Humala in the second round.
Before the
campaign had entered the run-off stage, Llosa was critical of both the
runners, saying that choosing between them was like choosing between
“AIDS and
Terminal Cancer”. Llosa had lost to Fujimori in the 1990 presidential
elections. Over 100 Peruvian intellectuals signed a letter against the
“resurrection of Fujimorismo”, stating that “the biggest triumph of
democracy was the rejection of this dictator”.
After his
victory, Humala
has not departed from his campaign script. He was quick to reassure the
multinationals which have invested heavily in the country’s mining
sector and
said that the US continues to be a “strategic partner”. After his
Humala embarked on a five nation Latin American tour.
Noticeably excluded from his itinerary were
Venezuela and Bolivia, whose leaders are the most vehement critics of
policy in the region. Humala’s first port of call was Brasilia, where
he met
with the current president, Dilma Roussef and his current mentor, the
charismatic former president, Lula.
despite being one of the major metals
exporters in the world and also one of the fastest growing economies
still has
one-third of its population mired in poverty. Eight per cent of the
live in absolute poverty. Humala has promised to give a greater share
of Peru’s
mineral wealth to the poor and a guaranteed pension to people over 65.
other measures he plans to introduce include the introduction of
profit tax on the mining industry to finance increases in public sector
salaries and expanding health care facilities in rural areas.
“It is not
possible to say
that the country is progressing when 12 million people are living in
conditions without electricity or running water”, Humala said after his
at the polls. The financial markets were initially jittery after
victory with the stock market plunging by 12.5 per cent on the day the
were announced. But the financial markets have since rebounded. Humala
has once
again received a certificate from Llosa. “Humala’s victory, contrary to
his adversaries say, does not put economic development in danger. I
believe he
has given enough proof, above all in the second round, that he will
political democracy, the market economy and private property”, Llosa
said from
his residence in Spain.
As Humala
himself has
acknowledged on several occasions, the market economy has left a
section of Peruvians marginalised. In his neighbourhood, it was state
intervention that rescued millions of people out of poverty. Humala’s
support bases in the impoverished rural areas of the country expect
measures from him to alleviate the dire situation they currently are
in. Humala
has already said that he proposes to give Amerindian communities the
right to
veto mining developments on their lands. Interesting times are ahead
for Peru.