26 June 26, 2011 |
Prabir Purkayastha
LAST week we had dealt with the broad issues in the KG
Basin Gas scam, in which the CAG’s findings are only one element. In
article, we will focus on what the CAG has noted in its draft report
about the
KG-6 block and the production sharing contract (PSC) between the
government of
The key findings of CAG (Comptroller and Auditor
General of
1) Even though the PSC envisaged a phase wise vacation
of the contract area for exploration under the New Exploration License
finally confining the operator to retain only the area from where
production takes place, the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH)
Ministry of Petroleum allowed the Reliance to retain the entire
area as “discovery area” in gross violation of the contract.
2) The Reliance never submitted a comprehensive field
development plan, as called for in the contract. Instead, it submitted
an initial
development plan (IDP) with an outlay of 2.2 billion dollars in 2004
and issued
an addendum to the IDP (AIDP) worth an additional 6.6 billion dollars.
3) The Reliance started procurement action even before
the Addendum was submitted or passed, indicating clearly that they took
the government’s
approval for granted.
4) Reliance added 746 million dollars
to its cost, which it had not incurred, as “estimated liabilities,” in
violation of specific provisions of the contract and of all accounting
5) Various sweetheart deals with its suppliers, the
most flagrant one being that for a floating production vessel for 1.1
dollars. It appears that this was a 26 million dollar vessel, converted
to a floating
production vessel taken by the Reliance on a 10-year lease.
The CAG has stated that it would like to go into each
of the sub-contractor’s prices and audit them further. Prima facie,
number of these contracts seem to be completely ad hoc, based on single
offers, change of terms and scope during the course of the contract,
If we look at the provisions of the PSC, there are two
major classes of violation. One is the Reliance keeping the total area
given to
it for exploration as discovery area, when the area of the major
developed gas
and oil fields there is less than five per cent of the total. The other
jacking up the capital cost.
The Reliance benefited in two ways – it recovered the
inflated cost right in the beginning as “cost” petroleum, the second
because of
the nature of the profit sharing deal in PSC, it got a much higher
share of the
profit petroleum, then it would have otherwise. Though the CAG has not
the total amount of scam as it wants to examine in more detail the
inflation of
costs, our rough estimate indicates the scam to be of the order of
billion dollars. Added to this, the additional area that the
Reliance has
grabbed from keeping the entire exploration area for itself and
therefore any
future discoveries here would go to the Reliance. As such, the scam is
comparable to the 2G scam, if not bigger.
As per the draft report, the total exploration area
for KG Block 6 was 7,645 km. This was an offshore deep-water block and
awarded to Reliance in 2000 under NELP 1. Under the contract, Reliance
required to retain only 75 per cent and 50 per cent of the exploration
after Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the contract respectively. After Phase 3,
it was
supposed to retain only the area here it had made discoveries or
developed gas
or oil fields. Phase 1 was supposed to finish in June 2004 and Phase 2
by June
2005. Not only did Reliance not release any area, as it was supposed to
under the contract, it claimed that the entire area should be
discovery area as various 2D and 3D surveys showed that there were
deposits in the entire block. The ministry of petroleum and DGH
accepted this
claim and in February 2009 agreed that Reliance could keep the entire
block as
discovery area.
The CAG has pointed out the following:
1) Discovery in the contract was clearly based only on
exploratory wells drilled and finding of petroleum at the
surface, and not 2D and 3D seismic surveys.
2) The wells sunk by Reliance, as visible from the map
of wells drilled by 2010, showed that it covered only the
3) Even the seismic surveys carried out – the 2D and
3D surveys – covered only a part of the block.
4) Till the end of Phase 2, only 4.5 per
cent of the area had been designated as
discovery area and therefore Reliance had no basis to claim that the
area was “discovery area.”
5) During Phase 2 of the contract period, DGH was on
record asking the Reliance to relinquish 25 per cent of the area as per
contract. It suddenly did a volte face later and decided that
the entire
exploration area could now be considered as discovery area.
Why is this issue important? This takes us to the NELP
and why production sharing contracts have been devised. It has been
argued that
national oil companies or the public sector does not have resources to
the country’s oil basins and therefore the case for inducting private
The entire argument for inducting private capital is for quick
development of
Normally, when gas or oil is struck in an area, its
nearby areas are also likely to have hydrocarbon deposits. The value of
areas would therefore go up for any subsequent auction. Hoarding such
means that though the party considered has not spent the money it was
for exploration, it is still allowed to retain this area and explore it
The CAG has commented that, clearly, the contractor
never intended to relinquish any part of the exploration area and this
facilitated by the DGH and the ministry of petroleum by “irregularly
incorrectly terming the entire contract area as ‘discovery area,’ when
of wells, which is the primary requirement for ‘discovery’ and
‘discovery area’
had not taken place in the major portion of the contract area.”
The CAG has also pointed out that RIL has similarly
been granted another contract area as discovery area on the basis of
discoveries when discoveries had not taken in a major part of the
area. As per the CAG, this would open the floodgates for other private
operators to follow suit and strike at the very heart of the PSC, “which
mandates a time bound exploration process with relinquishment of
areas so that these can be re-auctioned for exploration and development
other willing parties.”
Phases and Dates |
Area to be Relinquished |
Phase 1 end date June, 2004 |
25 per cent of exploration area to be released |
Phase 2 end date June 2005 |
Another 25 per cent or total of 50 per cent to be released |
Phase 3 original end date June 2007 but was extended to
July 2008 by MoPNG |
95 per cent should have been released as only 5 per cent
of the area had discoveries |
February 2009 |
The ministry allows entire exploration area to be
considered discovery area even though Reliance had not drilled wells in
the rest 95 per cent of the area as called for in the PSC. |
For all discoveries, the PSC calls for a detailed
appraisal program and a appraisal report which identifies the
boundaries of the
hydrocarbon bearing block, the recoverable petroleum or gas. It is only
this that the contractor can move for claiming a commercial discovery
development of the field. In the case of KG-6 block, the Reliance
skipped the
appraisal part and went straight way to commercial discovery. As the
report is the basis of the capital expenditure, this meant that all the
expenditure being incurred had very little basis. The major cost
claimed for the D1-D3 area thus had no appraisal report. All the cost
and plans for expansion of production from 40 MMSCD to 80 MMSCD was
without a detailed appraisal of the discovery.
This was not the only issue. In the case of 2 other
discoveries – D5 and D 18 – no proposal for appraisal have been
received even
after 7 and 6 years respectively. The PSC requires that if the
contractor does
not submit an appraisal programme for three years, the contractor would
its right to develop such discovery and this area would be excluded
from the
contract area. Again, in spite of such blatant violation of the
contract, no
action has been taken by the government and Reliance continues to hold
all the
original exploration area and the development rights.
Why is the Reliance not exploring the contract area as
it had proposed and why does it want to hold on to this entire area?
Oil and
gas exploration is costly business. If you strike oil or gas, as
Reliance did,
it would like to put its money in development of the field and getting
money out as quickly as possible. Moreover, if oil or gas has been
raising money in the capital market is easy, particularly given the
nature of
the one-sided production sharing contract that the government of
While Reliance was looking for easy capital to finance
its oil and gas field development, it did not want to relinquish the
exploration area. It did not even want to put in money for the other 16
discoveries apart from D1-D3 and D6-MA-1. However, it is hot property
in the
oil market, and therefore Reliance wanted to retain the entire area of
the D6 block
for future exploration and not relinquish it to the government for
again, as called for in the contract and envisaged under NELP.
The CAG’s draft report provides enough details to show
how the DGH as well as the ministry of petroleum conspired with the
Reliance to
keep the entire exploration area. The CAG has indicted V K Sibal by
name in the
report and has also called for holding other concerned officials
for this. As we had noted in our previous article, Sibal has been under
the CBI
scanner for two years without any concrete steps being taken against
However, the scale of this manipulation of the contract is not possible
the support of the ministry concerned, not simply DGH and Sibal.
The proximity of Murli Deora, the former petroleum
minister and now minister of corporate affairs to the Ambanis is
The petroleum ministry’s role in this manipulation is clear. A thorough
in the role of the ministry and the minister is necessary, pending
which Murli
Deora should resign from the cabinet.
The other important issue is: How much did the government
lose by the entire contract area having been designated as discovery
area? The CAG’s
draft report states that this is a huge loss as the government could
re-auctioned this area and it would have fetched a very high price
because of
its proximity to known hydrocarbon bearing areas. That is why blocks
Bombay High had fetched a high value in earlier auctioning of blocks.
important, blocks have been awarded to private parties in order to
speed up gas
and oil discoveries.
The question is: What will the government do about
this? The response of Jaipal Reddy, the current minister of petroleum,
makes it
clear that the UPA is in a stone-walling mode, reminiscent of its 2G
However, irrespective of who is guilty of favouring the Reliance, what
the UPA government of making a simple statement – that if the PSC has
violated, the government will ensure that Reliance will not be able to
from such violations? Why does the government not simply say we are
means of taking back the extra area beyond ‘discovered’ and
‘development’ areas
from Reliance? That way, it would at least do some damage control.
This, however, is almost impossible for the Manmohan
Singh government to do. Unlike Brazil and Venezuela, who have used
hydrocarbon and other natural resources to bank-roll pro-poor and
measures, the trajectory of this government has been to use all natural
resources such as spectrum, oil and gas, coal, iron ore, etc to
bank-roll the
capitalist class. This is the core of economic policies of the
Congress-led UPA
government. This is neo-liberalism at its ugliest.