26 June 26, 2011 |
Alleged 30 Million
during China’s Great
Utsa Patnaik
years ago, a highly successful vilification campaign was launched
against Mao
Zedong, saying that a massive famine in which 27 to 30 million people
died in
‘estimate’ was later widely publicised by Amartya K Sen who built an
theory, saying that democratic freedom, especially press freedom, in
meant that famine was avoided while its absence in China explains why
the world
did not know that such a massive famine had taken place until as much
as a quarter
century later when the North American demographers painstakingly
uncovered it.
capitalist press was happy to reciprocate the compliment by repeatedly
writing of
“30 million famine deaths,” to the extent that a fiction was
established as historical
fact in readers’ minds. The London Economist
had a special issue on China some years ago, which repeated the
allegation of
30 million deaths in three separate articles and refused to publish the
to the Editor this author sent contradicting the claim. More recently,
in his
Introduction to the book Mao Zedong on
Practice and Contradiction, which he edited and published in 2006,
Zizek also mentioned the figure of 30 millions as though it were a
given fact. Well
known intellectuals have to be taken seriously and the claim examined.
are two routes through which very large ‘famine deaths’ have been
claimed ---
firstly, population deficit and, secondly, imputing births and deaths
which did
not actually take place. Looking at China’s official population data
from its
1953 and 1964 censuses, we see that if the rate of population increase
up to
1958 had been maintained, the population should have been 27 million
over the period over 1959-1961 than it actually was. This population
deficit is
also discussed by the demographers Pravin Visaria and Leela Visaria.
population deficit was widely equated with ‘famine deaths.’ But 18
million of
the people alleged to have died in a famine were not born in the first
place. The
decline in the birth rate from 29 in 1958 to 18 in 1961 is being
counted as
famine deaths. The Chinese are a highly talented people, but they have
learnt the art of dying without being born.
is a basic responsibility that everyone, and more particularly
academics, has
to be clear and precise about. To say or write that “27 million people
died in
the famine in
was excess mortality compared to the 1958 level over the next three
years, of a
much smaller order. Let us be clear on the basic facts about what did
there was a run of three years of bad harvests in
output declined from 1959, there was a rise in the officially measured
rate from 12 in 1958 to 14.6 in 1959, followed by a sharp rise in 1960
to 25.4
per thousand, falling the next year to 14.2 and further to 10 in 1962.
clearly, 1960 was an abnormal year with about 8 million deaths in
excess of the
1958 level, note that this peak official ‘famine’ death rate of 25.4
thousand in China was little different from India’s 24.8 death rate in
the same
year which was considered quite normal and attracted no criticism. If
we take
the remarkably low death rate of 12 per thousand that
the 1982 census, there was a survey on fertility covering one million
persons or
a mere 0.1 per cent sample of the population, who were asked about
births and
deaths from the early 1950s onwards. The very high total fertility rate
obtained from this 1982 survey is used by them to say that millions
more were actually
born between the two census years, 1953 and 1964, than were officially
recorded. They ignore the birth rate of 37 per thousand derived from a
very much
larger 1953 sample which had covered five per cent of all households
and was
specially designed to collect the information on births and deaths used
in the
official estimates. Instead, they impute birth rates of 43 to 44 per
thousand to
the 1950s, using the 1982 survey. There is no justification for such an
arbitrary procedure of using a much later reported high fertility rate
for a long
distant past. We know that a distant recall period makes responses
inaccurate. These
imputed extra births between 1953 and 1964 total a massive 50 million
but according
to them did not increase by an iota the 1964 population total, 694.6
the official figure which they assume as correct. Thus, although all
official birth
and death rates are rejected by them, the official population totals
are accepted.
This opportunistic assumption is clearly necessary for their purpose
because it
allows them to assert that the same number of extra people died between
and 1964, as the extra people they claim were born.
the demographers are still not satisfied with the 50 million extra
births and
deaths that they have conjured up. Fitting a linear time trend to the
death rate of the early fifties is done to say that deaths should have
to decline steeply after 1958 and since it did not, the difference from
the trend
meant additional ‘famine deaths.’ Such straight-line trend fitting is a
senseless procedure since the death rate necessarily shows non-linear
It cannot continue falling at the same steep rate; it has to flatten
out and
cannot reach zero in any population --- not even the inimitable Chinese
people could
hope to become immortal. The final estimate of extra deaths in both
authors is
raised thereby to a massive 60 million, a heroic 65 per cent higher
than the
official total of deaths over the inter-censal period.
created these 60 million extra deaths at their own sweet will out of
the authors then proceed to allocate them over the years 1953 to 1964,
attributing a higher portion to the great leap years in particular. The
arbitrariness is clear from the variation in their own manipulations of
figures. Coale’s allocation raises his peak death rate in 1960 to 38.8
thousand while Banister is bolder and raises it to 44.6 compared to the
official 25.4 for that year, and 30 million ‘famine deaths’ are claimed
the Great Leap years after all this smart
legerdemain. Having violated every
tenet of reason, these ‘academics’ may as well have allocated all their
imaginary deaths to the Great Leap years and claimed that 60 million
died ---
why hang themselves only for a lamb rather than for a sheep! Seldom
have we
seen basic norms of academic probity and honesty being more blatantly
than in this travesty of statistical ‘estimates.’ And seldom have noted intellectuals, who might have been
expected to show more common sense, shown instead more credulous
and irresponsibility, by accepting
without investigation and propagating such nonsensical ‘estimates,’
giving them
the status of historical fact. In the process, they have libelled and
to libel Mao Zedong, a great patriot and revolutionary. They have
confirmed the principle attributed to Goebbels --- that a lie has to be
a really
big lie and be endlessly repeated; then it is bound to be believed.
million or three crores is not a small figure. When one million people
died in