26 June 26, 2011 |
Committed to Ensure Remunerative Prices
ON behalf of
the All India
Kisan Sabha (AIKS), its finance secretary Noorul Huda and joint
secretary Vijoo
Krishnan attended the meeting of the Commission on Agricultural Costs
Prices (CACP) that was called at Krishi Bhavan on June 15, to discuss
the issue
of minimum support prices (MSP) of rabi
crops, 2011-12. On the day, the Kisan Sabha submitted to the
chairperson of the
CACP a note containing its proposals for the MSP of the coming rabi crops.
The AIKS note
pointed out
that the CACP has been carrying out the exercise of consultation with
organisations and state governments for fixing the minimum support
prices of rabi crops and kharif crops
annually. This consultation for fixing the MSP of rabi
crops 2011-12 is taking place in
the immediate aftermath of the announcement of MSP for the kharif
crops. But the AIKS has expressed its displeasure with the manner in which the central government has
come up with
the announcement of the MSP for kharif
crops for 2011-12. (See People’s
Democracy, June 19 issue.) The announcement has been made without
into consideration the suggestions of the AIKS and other
representatives of the
farming community placed before the CACP.
The AIKS also
stressed the fact that the MSP announced by the Cabinet
Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) is far below the expectations of
peasantry and provides no incentive for continued engagement with
cultivation. The
government has, for the second year in succession, asserted that some of the
prices fixed
were even higher than the CACP recommendations. This raises serious
about the commitment of the CACP towards ensuring remunerative prices.
imperative is upon the CACP to dispel doubts and come up with realistic
that will provide farmers with the incentive and the investible surplus
carry on with cultivation.
The AIKS has
made the
following submissions regarding the MSP for rabi
crops 2011-12:
1) The
chairperson of the
CACP, had in the last meeting, assured to look into the AIKS proposal
arriving at a consensus on calculation of the cost of production and
had agreed
to recommend to the union agriculture ministry that it must have a
with the state governments, experts and peasant organisations for
setting at
rest the discrepancies in cost calculations. However, no follow-up
action has
been taken in this regard. Immediate steps have to be taken to rectify
the anomalies
in cost calculations.
2) Ever since
the decontrol
of fertiliser prices under the nutrient based subsidy (NBS) regime, the
of DAP, MoP and other fertilisers as well as of urea, which has been
decontrolled have been increasing. The prices of urea, DAP, MoP and the
have risen by more than 10 per cent. Now, with the import price parity
fertiliser companies determining the farm-gate prices, farmers are
going to be entirely
at the mercy of profit-seeking fertiliser cartels. The volatile oil
prices and
increases in the prices of petrol and diesel are also an added burden
on the
farmers. The CACP will, therefore, have to keep note of this
situation in fertiliser prices as well as fuel prices other than the
in costs of other inputs while determining the MSP.
3) We have to
be prepared with a contingency plan for the rabi
season in the event of lesser than normal rainfall. This will increase
the irrigation
costs. Shortage of DAP, which is a crucial fertiliser, during the
sowing season
as well as other fertilisers and absence of proper delivery mechanism
the farmers to buy DAP, urea and other fertilisers from the black
market. In states
like Orissa, for instance, the farmers are forced to pay double the
price for each bag of urea. Due to the decontrol of fertiliser prices,
the cost
of production this year will be very high. Interest free loans,
diesel, provision of rent-free pump sets and tractors through the
panchayats to
encourage group cultivation, and supply of quality inputs at affordable
must be ensured to deal with any such eventuality.
4) When
compared to huge
increases in input costs, it is to be noted that the MSP of wheat in
2010-11 had
been fixed at merely Rs 1,120 per quintal which was an increase of a
paltry Rs 20
or 1.8 per cent over the 2009-10 MSP. When seen in the context of an
decision of the government to buy wheat from the Cargill International
at Rs 16,250
a tonne, which would mean Rs 1,625 per quintal, we can understand how
low our
farmers are being paid while the corporate sector corners super
profits. Therefore
the AIKS has reiterated that in the light of the increase in the input
costs the
MSP for wheat should be fixed at Rs 1,700 per quintal (Rs 1,500 +
incentive of Rs 200 per quintal).
5) The AIKS
had collected
the costs of production for sugarcane in Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh,
and Uttar Pradesh (East and West). If the MSP is calculated on the
basis of the
Swaminathan commission recommendations, then at the given costs they
would range
between the lowest of Rs 284.4per quintal to the highest of Rs 367.50
quintal if Western UP costs are taken into account. This was based on
the calculation
a year ago. The AIKS note has expressed hope that the CACP would take
note of
this fact and fix the prices commensurately. The organisation has
demanded that
in no case should it be below Rs 300 per quintal.
6) The case
of jute
farmers in the country is pathetic and the low MSP announced from time
to time
has only added to their miseries. There has to be effective steps to
the jute farmers from the condition of extreme distress. Quantitative
must be reinstated to curtail import of cheap substitutes for coconut,
groundnut and other locally produced oilseeds. Special assistance to
fight the
mite menace in coconut and for phased removal of senile palms having
productivity must be ensured.
7) The
farmers are cultivating
mustard, rapeseed, safflower and masur
under high risk conditions. The market rates of these crops are many
higher and the middlemen and traders are raking in huge profits. The
and big traders control the dynamics of the local mandis,
making it impossible for farmers to get a fair deal. There
has to be stringent regulation of activities of such elements and the
announcement of MSP should be followed with effective procurement.
8) Immediate
steps to
ameliorate the soil condition and replenish it with provision of gypsum
also other sources of nutrients in the rabi
season, especially for rabi oilseeds
and pulses must be ensured at subsidised rates. Similarly, inputs and
needed to correct acidity, alkalinity and salinity, and also the drip
irrigation mechanism at affordable rates to ensure better water
where possible, must also be provided.
9) The
mechanism of MSP
excludes important crops like chilly, areca nut, spices, castor, other
oilseeds, aromatics, cash crops, traditional staples etc, thereby
leaving their
producers at the mercy of private traders. There has to be urgent
efforts to widen the crop basket under the purview of
CACP and procurement of the same should be taken up. Minor
produce must be procured at remunerative prices from the tribals as it
is their
main source of livelihood, and avenues for value addition must be
Compensation for losses in income due to natural calamities like floods
droughts must be ensured.
The AIKS has
expressed the
hope that the CACP would consider its proposals favourably while fixing
the MSP
for the coming rabi crops.
Proposals for MSP of Rabi Crops, 2011-12
Commodity |
MSP Approved
for 2010-11 (Rs per Quintal) |
MSP Proposed
by AIKS for 2010-11 |
Crops |
Wheat |
1,120 |
1,700 |
Barley |
780 |
1,400 |
Gram |
2,100 |
4,000 |
Lentil (Masur) |
2,250 |
4,000 |
Rapeseed/ Mustard |
1,850 |
3,500 |
Safflower |
1,800 |
3,500 |
Other Crops |
Jute (Common) |
1,375-1,675 |
2,500 |
Jute ( |
3,000 |
Sugarcane |
145 |
300 |
Copra (Ball) |
4,775 |
7,000 |
(Milling) |
4,525 |
6,800 |