25 June 19, 2011 |
Onion Growers
Occupy Collectorate, Score Historic Win
Amra Ram
SOME six
months back, many
a government was disquietened by the prices onions and garlic that were
selling at Rs 80 to 100 and at Rs 250 to 300 per kg respectively. It
was therefore
not surprising that the peasants of Rajasthan saw some benefit in onion
cultivation. At present, Rajasthan ranks second in onion cultivation
--- after
It is notable
that the
onions grown in
The average
yield of onion
in this area is 30 to 60 quintal per bigha.
The Sikar
onion is tastier
than its Nashik counterpart and is known as the “Shekhawati’s coconut.”
time the area witnessed a bumper crop of onions which lent a colour of
joy to
the growers’ faces. But the latter felt compelled to weep when they
reached the
mandis with their crop. They felt
compelled to sell their onion, which was once being sold at Rs 80 to Rs
100 per
kg in retail, at Rs 80 or Rs 100 per mound (40 kg). No onion trader was
prepared to give them more than Rs 2 or Rs 2.50 per kg.
The traders
the mandi were now trying to take full
advantage of the growers’ helplessness, as neither the central nor the
government has decided the support price for onions. Against the wishes
of the
growers, there was also a deduction of 5 kg per bag in the mandi.
But the growers’ patience gave way on April 23, 2011, when
the traders said they would offer the rate of only 2 rupees per kg for
Having grown incensed, the onion growers staged a demonstration on the
spot and
locked the mandi’s gates. They
blocked the
Amra Ram,
state president
of the All India Kisan Sabha and a member of the legislative assembly,
led this
On April 26,
the growers
held a panchayat in the onion mandi
at Sikar being on the issue of onion prices. Earlier, conventions were
organised on March 4 on the same issue, with the participation of
peasants from
Sikar, Nagaur and Jaipur.
At Sikar, the
magistrate (SDM) had had to personally appear before the kisan
panchayat and
receive their memorandum that detailed their problems and demands. The
Sabha gave the government a reprieve of 7 days, warning that the
growers would
hold a kisan mahapanchayat on May 2
if the government did not pay heed to their demands in the meantime.
However, the
government began
to try foil the move to hold a mahapanchayat
instead of conceding the genuine demands of the growers. The district
administration imposed Section 144 in the district on the bogus plea
elections to cooperative societies were taking place. This greatly
added to the
peasants’ discontent. They began to reach the mandi
from early morning on May 2 --- quite prepared to withstand
any kind of police repression. More than 7,000 peasants had reached the
mandi by the noon time on the day.
The mahapanchayat began at 12 noon under the leadership of
Amra Ram and
state Kisan Sabha vice president Pema Ram, MLA. The main demands
here were that the government must announce the minimum support price
(MSP) of
Rs 10 per kg for the onion crop, begin government procurement of the
ensure correct weighing with electronic balances, and ensure immediate
to the growers.
The suffering
growers told
the mahapanchayat that they have to
cough out more than Rs 10 per kg from the day they plant the seeds to
the day
they bring the crop for sale. In such a situation, if the traders
purchase the
crop at Rs 2 to 2.50 per kg, it simply amounts to ruining the growers.
incensed, the growers accused the government of changing the onion
prices at
CPI(M) state
Vasudev, Kisan Sabha state secretary Sagar Khacharia, the CPI(M)’s
secretary Bhagwan Singh, B S Meel, Ram Prasad, Hari Singh Garhwal,
Singh, Rungharam, Om Prakash Yadav, Roshan Gurjar, Subhash Nehra, Rood
Rameshwar Bagaria and Ram Ratan Bagaria were among the leaders who put
their views at the mahapanchayat.
When no
representative of
the district administration reached the mahapanchayat
even though its proceedings continued
for more than four hours, the growers marched towards the Collectorate.
they reached the Collectorate gate after traversing a distance of 2 km,
police tried to prevent their entry into the Collectorate campus.
Thousands of
peasants then broke the gates open and entered the premises where they
began a
meeting exactly in front of the district collector’s office, with the
bonnet of
the collector’s car as a makeshift dais. Having sensed the deep-seated
anger of
the growers, the collector (district magistrate) simply ran away and
himself in the veterinary hospital.
additional district
magistrate (ADM) and certain police officials tried to open a dialogue
both the MLAs --- Amra Ram and Pema Ram --- but to no avail. The simple
of the incensed peasants now was that the collector must be brought to
negotiation table. It was at about 6 p m that the police brought to the
spot the
collector who was trembling no end. At last, the collector came to the
mahapanchayat and conceded the
demands that were within his jurisdiction, adding that he would forward
demand for MSP to the state government. The Kisan Sabha then converted
the mahapanchayat into a dharna and
announced to hold a mahadharna at the Collector’s
office on
May 24 in case the demands were not conceded. Amra Ram announced that
from other districts too would be invited to take part in the proposed mahadharna.
In this
phase, hundreds of
peasants took out a rally in the city on May 12 and burnt the chief
effigy in Jatia Bazaar. On the same day, the chief minister’s effigy
was burnt
in Kuchaman town of
On May 24,
the peasants
taking part in the mahadharna defied
the heavy police bundobust, once again broke the Collectorate’s gate
open and
entered the premises. Hats of many police officials simply flew into
the air
during the scuffle that took place here. The angry peasants kept the
Collectorate in their occupation for more than two hours. Amra Ram made
important announcement here that the peasants would bring the entire
administration in Sikar to a grinding halt on June 3, as their next
action in
the process of intensifying their struggle.
In the
meantime, officials
of the Electricity Board entered some peasants’ houses in the name of
reading, filed false VCRs against them, misbehaved with a peasant woman
snatched her jewellery away. Hundreds of peasants then gheraoed
the concerned police station and demanded the arrest of
the engineer responsible for it. The gherao
was lifted only after high police officers assured necessary action.
On May 30,
minister for cooperative affairs, Parsadi Lal Meena, could not address
conference of the cooperative supervisors and officials in Sikar town
and had
to unceremoniously go back because of the Sikar mahapanchayat’s
announcement of holding black flag demonstrations
against and organising a gherao of
the state’s minister. The minister and the administration were so much
of the black flag holding peasants that the former did not dare enter
the city.
On the other
hand, more
than 500 peasants joined the panchayat in Chetala village of Nagaur
district on
May 31, on the issue of onion prices. Women made an impressive presence
The panchayat warned the government that, in case the government did
not heed
to the peasant demands, the administration would be brought to a halt
Kuchaman as well on June 3.
Further, the
movement of the peasants of Deedwana tehsil of this district reached a
crescendo on June 1; these peasants have been agitating for
compensation after
their crops were destroyed in 2009. On the day, about 5,000 peasants,
a large number of women, squatted on all sides of the SDM office at
When no positive and satisfactory response came by 4 pm, Amra Ram
declared that
the gherao would continue
indefinitely and that the peasants would paralyse the administration
the next
day. He urged the peasant men and women present there to join the gherao in the largest possible number and
be prepared for all sorts of sacrifices. While the announcement
enthused the
peasants of the whole area, it unnerved the whole administration.
It is worth
noting here
that, confronted with angry peasants at Maullasar, once the chief
Ashok Gehlot too had had to run away from the scene, leaving his shoes
It is not surprising that even today Gehlot gets nervous on the name of
At Deedwana,
finally the
district magistrate (DM) had himself to come to the gherao/dharna venue at 10
in the night and announce the suspension of three high officials who
responsible for submission of a false report regarding crop
destruction. This
further enthused the peasants who then returned to their respective
shouting slogans all the way.
The Rajasthan
state unit
of the All India Kisan Sabha greeted the Deedwana tehsil unit of the
organisation, its leaders and activists on the success of their
The onion
peasants too scored a historic victory. Afraid of the CPI(M)’s and
Sabha’s programme to paralyse the administration in Sikar on June 3,
and in
view of the large scale preparations going on in all the villages, the
minister held a meeting of his advisory council and then announced
purchase of onions from the peasants. This was the first occasion in
the state
when such a protracted and militant agitation was organised in the
state for direct
crop procurement.
The peasants
reacted to
the state government’s announcement by holding a Victory Ceremony on
June 3,
under the leadership of Kisan Sabha. These continuing militant
struggles on
local issues make it clear that victory is assured provided the people
ready for making sacrifices. The oppressed have no other way but to
fight for
their rights. The Rajasthan state secretariat of the CPI(M), its Sikar
unit and the district unit of the Kisan Sabha hailed the fighting
peasantry of
the district for their determined fight up to the victory point.