People's Democracy
(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India
Meddling West in Middle East
R Arun Kumar
THE West, led by the US is doing what it does
best –
meddling in the internal affairs of sovereign countries and trying to
their destiny. The theatre for them now is the Middle
where many countries are facing turmoil. They are aggressively trying
to play
'catch-up', after the initial developments in Tunisia
and to an extent in Egypt
caught them off-guard. Their involvement in Libya,
through the military
operations under the NATO command is well known. But what is little
known and
is now emerging in a big way, is their 'chequebook diplomacy' – the way
are trying to use their economic power to ensure that these countries
remain in
their orbit of control.
Recently Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state
stepped up the US support for anti-government forces in Libya,
announcing that
it would 'free up' part of the $30 billion it holds in frozen Libyan
assets to
provide cash to the rebels. The self-styled Transitional National
Council (TNC)
based in Benghazi
says it needs billions of dollars for 'basic supplies'. Clinton's
announcement came at a 'contact group' meeting on Libya
in Rome,
also established an international fund to supply food, medicine and
salaries to
militants and civilians in rebel-controlled areas. Around $245 million
already been pledged to this international fund. This is a boost for
the TNC,
which has not been officially recognised by the US
although France, Italy and Qatar have done so. It is
to note that not satisfied with this 'monetary assistance', the Libyan
leader Mahmoud Jibril visited the US with a request for a
cool $3
Obama in his May 19 speech on Middle East, announced
$1 billion in debt relief over several years and another $1 billion in
loans to
finance infrastructure improvements in Egypt. Not satisfied with their
individual efforts to fund the rebels, they have roped in the G-8
(which they had
felt insufficient to deal with the global economic crisis and expanded
G-20), to influence the 'crisis' in Middle East
for their benefit. It should be noted here that many of the G-8
severely affected by the economic crisis are drastically cutting social
expenditures in their countries in the name of austerity. They have
money to
bailout the corporates and ensure that corporate profits remain
unaffected, but
none to carry out welfare measures for the working class. To come out
of the
resultant sovereign insolvency staring at them, they are accentuating
misery of the working class. It is this similar urge to gobble profits
that is
driving them to control the countries of the Middle
by extending loans and aid.
Leaders of the G-8 announced that they would extend
loans worth billions to new governments in the Middle East and North Africa as part of efforts to influence the
of the 'Arab Spring'. The G-8 released a statement declaring that banks
provide over $20 billion for Egypt
and Tunisia
through 2013 to support 'suitable reform efforts'. The money would be
administered by the International Monetary Fund, the European
Investment Bank
and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Lest the
message be
lost in ambiguity, US officials emphasised that the loans will 'only'
be delivered
to governments which agree to implement 'overall reform programmes'.
World Bank president Robert Zoellick, announced that
his institution is ready to do its best by pledging billions to this
'democratic enterprise'. He hinted that billions are available from the
Bank kitty for the 'Arab Spring' countries, provided they are committed
'good governance'. Zoellick stated that World Bank aims to fund
“community empowerment
which would bypass the State and target the people directly through
It is not just the G-8 or the developed Western
countries that are trying to 'aid' the protests in their favour.
protests in Bahrain
and Oman have
rattled the other members of the
six-nation Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC), raising concerns that the
tearing through the Middle East will
affect OPEC
members. The GCC pledged the $20bn in aid over 10 years to be split
between the
two nations. The aid package is intended to allow Oman
and Bahrain
to introduce 'long-needed social initiatives'.
The countries that are so eager to announce aid, are
not ready to completely write-off the debts of the recipient countries
– Egypt
alone has
a debt of over $30 billion. This in fact would have eased the financial
of these countries and would have helped them introduce some pro-poor
programmes. But this was not supposed to be. Naturally, chequebook
diplomacy is
not about 'values' but about 'donor interests'.
Even a cursory glance at the way the Western countries
are spending their monies in Middle East, will prove that they are not
at all
serious about values. The US
defence secretary Robert Gates admitted that the Obama administration's
involvement in the war in Libya
had so far cost around $750 million. The Pentagon officials estimate
that the
continuing cost could be $40 million a month. The Daily Telegraph
estimated that the costs of the Libya
operation for the UK
has reached almost $212 million and that the total cost “is likely to
$1.6 billion if it runs for a year”.
Contrast this with the tepid response to the UN appeal
for humanitarian aid. According to UN humanitarian co-ordinator for
Libya Panos
Moumtzis, 1.6 million people in the country need aid as fighting had
services and depleted stocks of food and medicine. The UN estimates
that around
500,000 Libyans who have fled the country since the insurgency erupted
mid-February also needed urgent humanitarian assistance. Above it,
330,000 people have also been internally displaced. The UN estimates
that 3.6
million Libyan people could eventually require humanitarian assistance
and has
launched a $310 million 'flash appeal' for Libya
which is so far only 39 per
cent funded.
The following question hence would be, what are their
interests? As has been extensively written, their interests are naked –
over these resource rich and strategically located countries. That the
talk of 'values' is bogus can be easily understood when we just look at
the way
they are standing-by the regime in Bahrain and Yemen, while being
involved in a
military campaign, overtly in Libya and covertly in Syria. In Tunisia and Egypt,
though they have reacted
late, they have used their deep-rooted connections in the army and
administration to prop up a regime that is not hostile to them. The
change of
faces succeeded to water down the protests to an extent, but failed to
kill the
protests completely. People are still on the streets, especially the
and other poorer classes in the society. They are continuing their
fight for
their livelihoods.
It is in this scenario, that the financial aid they
are providing becomes all the more important. The aid is intended to
the financial means to the ruling classes of these countries for
temporary doles' to the struggling people and thus ensure that they
retain State
power. The long term interests of the imperial powers is to use the
leverage of
aid to control these countries as was done after the collapse of
socialist, East European countries. Obama in his speech on Middle East
“These (aid mechanisms) will be modelled on funds that supported the
transitions in Eastern Europe after
the fall
of the Berlin Wall”. And we all know how ruined – socially and
economically – are
the East European countries today.
The US
and its imperial allies want to come out of their current economic
crisis by
prising open the economies of these countries. To quote Obama once
again, “We
will work with the EU to facilitate more trade within the region, build
existing agreements to promote integration with US and European
markets, and
open the door for those countries who adopt high standards of reform
and trade
liberalisation to construct a regional trade arrangement”. In short, as
a top
economic aide to Obama stated, “They need to privatise, to open the
economy to
trade”. In this zealousness, they are conveniently forgetting the fact
that the
genesis of the current unrest among the Middle
countries is not only due to the absence of democratic rights but also
due to
the economic hardships – growing unemployment, rising prices, etc. The
economic crisis, whatever extent these countries tied up their
economies with
the 'globalised world', is also responsible for these economic
hardships. To
ask them to further 'open', 'privatise', is nothing but pushing them
from 'the
pan into the fire'.
The economic prescriptions accompanying the 'financial
aid' will tie these Middle East countries more closely with the US and
allies, further burden them and accentuate the crisis in which these
already find themselves in. The people of these countries, who have
ushered in
the 'Arab Spring' hopefully would see through these nefarious designs.
should carry on their struggles until they rid their countries from
intervention and establish real democracy that guarantees social,
political and
economic rights, in their true sense.