22 May 29, 2011 |
We Shall Overcome
R Arun Kumar
ACCORDING to the critics the verdict is out – with the
loss in
Of course, there are some analysts
who are genuinely concerned about the Left and the communists and want
them to
immediately recoup and bounce back. They want the Left to carry out a
introspection, which has already started, and come out with renewed
vigour to
fight the mounting attacks on the common people. They have some valid
points/criticisms to make, which the Left itself had acknowledged to
cognisance of, during its introspection. But others are neither fair in
analysis/criticism, nor bereft of any sinister agenda. They had spread
on the Left during the election campaign and now after the results,
intend to
take it to its 'logical conclusion' – demoralise the cadres, sow doubts
the ideological relevance of the Left and add force to the physical
Vain hopes indeed!
Before proceeding further, think of
this. Does anyone remember any party or ideology being written off
after an
electoral defeat? In a democracy, parties win and lose, but obituaries
reserved only for the Communists and the CPI(M)! Now, let us look at
simple fact. A news item had appeared in the newspapers on May 24. It
that the Left front government in West Bengal, under Buddhadeb
had led the state on the path of rapid industrialisation to place it in
fourth position in the list of states, ahead of even
Right from the day the Communist
party was founded in our country, it had to face numerous attacks.
cases were slapped, members arrested, persecuted, tortured and killed,
nothing failed to stop its onward march. Slanders were propagated,
hurled, names were called, but none succeeded. So, in a sense, what is
happening today is not something new, but is an old tactic employed by
ruling classes. The younger generation, aligned with the Left should in
'thank' the media for providing them with an opportunity to participate
in this
class war and steel themselves.
To defend their belief in communist
ideology, one need not quote from Marx 'himself'. If we purview the
happening around us with a rational mind, we can easily discern that
the only
way out of the morass engulfing the world is through the correct
application of
the principles expounded by Marx. The war on
Similar is the case with income
inequalities. What else can explain the condition in our country where
on one
hand we have more than 77 per cent of the people who live on less than
Rs 20
per day, whose numbers are growing rapidly, and on the other, the
number of dollar billionaires and their assets? What else can explain
starvation deaths and the lack of space for storing food grains, which
are left
to rot in the open than be distributed to the destitute, despite
orders from the unusually sensitive higher judiciary? What else can
explain the
spate of peasant suicides in spite of the various packages announced by
union government? What else can explain the Congress-BJP voting in
tandem for
the pension reform bill? Nothing else can explain these phenomenon
except for
Marxism-Leninism and the politics of the Left.
Media 'pundits' are afraid of facts
and answers to these questions and hence trying to gloss over them.
the readers of Marx's Capital have
increased. The book is in demand as never before in recent history, as
are trying to figure out what had caused the present wreak on their
People are finding out what socialism and communism really mean. Eleven
per cent
in the US, the fountain-head of neo-liberalism, think 'communism' is a
superior' system to that which is currently in place in the country,
another 13 per cent aren't sure, according to a startling new Rasmussen
conducted in March 2011. Further, 10 per cent say that the 'communist
system of
economics and politics' is better for middle-class Americans, and
another 10
per cent are undecided. In an April 2009 Rasmussen poll, only 53 per
cent said
that capitalism was better than socialism. With the margin of error,
those who
think capitalism is better are statistically tied with those who think
socialism is better (20 per cent) and those unsure (27 per cent).
The results of a similar survey
sponsored by the Romanian government-funded IICMER (the Institute for
Investigating the Crimes of Communism and the Memory of Romanian
Exile), in
order to help guide the institute in its work to 'educate' the
population about
the evils of communism are also significant. The answers they received
disappointed them. Particularly significant in the results of the
survey is, as
they acquire more experience of life under the 'market economy' people
becoming more negative about capitalism and positive about communism.
In the
previous poll in 2006, 53 per cent expressed a favourable opinion about
communism; the 2010 survey showed that 61 per cent are favourable
communism. According to the US-based Pew Research Center's survey
carried out
in several Central and East European countries in 2009, the proportion
people who take the view that life under capitalism is worse than it
was during
the period of communist power is as follows: Poland, 35 per cent; Czech
Republic, 39 per cent; Slovakia, 42 per cent; Lithuania, 42 per cent;
45 per cent; Bulgaria, 62 per cent; Ukraine, 62 per cent; Hungary, 72
per cent.
This is perhaps what is meant by 'wiser with experience'!
Ruling classes naturally try to nip
any real challenge to their hegemony, if not in the bud, at least
before it
grows into threatening dimensions. As they had failed to nip communism
in the
bud, alarmed by its electoral strength in 2004, they have since
targeted all
their energies on the Left. It is even more necessary for them now, in
times of economic crisis – a time when they are trying their best to
come out
of it by further burdening the working people. They are comfortable
with the
growth of right-wing communal and fundamental forces, the Frankenstein
create, but not with the growth of communist ideas. And remember, it is
the communist parties that not only stood up to these challenges, but
defeated them and put a lid on their growth, whether outside the
country or in
West Bengal.
There is no force on the earth that
can forever pin-down communism or communists. Yes, mistakes were
committed, but
only in the process of grappling with socio-economic realities. It is
only the
communists who have the real courage not only to own up their mistakes
but also
rectify them and emerge strengthened further. If somebody thinks that
melting of snow will reduce the height of the mountain, they live in no
than a fool's paradise. The defeat in elections is only a passing
Anyone who knows what exploitation really means, can vouch for the
validity of
communism because it is only the followers of this ideology, who
stand by the toiling sections in the society, defend their interests
and fight
for their rights. At the risk of appearing arrogant, we can say the
of communism and communist parties can easily be understood by the
toilers, but
the “stupid call it stupid and the squalid call it squalid”. And we
know, “it
is the simplest thing, so hard to achieve”. But achieve, we will!