03 January 16, 2011 |
Greetings to CP Vietnam, 11th Congress
The Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) sent the following message of greetings to the 11th congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam being held from January 12-19, 2010. N S Arjun from People’s Democracy is covering the congress. A report on it would appear next week.
ON behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) we convey our warm fraternal greetings to the 11th congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam. We believe that the 11th congress of the CPV will be a significant milestone in the history of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
The Communist Party of Vietnam is a proud inheritor of the anti-imperialist legacy. Founded by Comrade Ho Chih Minh during the anti-imperialist struggle, it is carrying forward those revolutionary traditions. The heroic role played by the party in mobilising the people of Vietnam against the imperialist aggression of the US and for the reunification of the country, standing firm to the ideals of socialism, will remain forever a source of inspiration. The people of Vietnam, led by the Communist Party of Vietnam, overcame many a hardship and achieved tremendous successes.
The CPI(M) is confident that with the support of the people of Vietnam, the Communist Party would lead the country to all round rapid development and turn Vietnam into a prosperous socialist country. We are also confident that the party would further consolidate the gains of socialism and realise its goals of ‘rich people, a strong country and a just, democratic and civilized society.’
Your congress is taking place in the midst of a severe global economic crisis, which has once again exposed the severe limitations of the capitalist system. People of many countries have come out on to the streets protesting against the ‘austerity’ measures introduced by their respective ruling classes --- an effort to shift the burden of the crisis onto the shoulders of the working class and toiling people. The ruling classes are trying to come out of the crisis by using all the means at their disposal --- political, economic and even military. They are indirectly encouraging the growth of right wing parties and groups with a divisive agenda. On the other hand, they are targeting the communist parties across the world. This is true for our country too.
In India, as you are aware, the Left including the CPI(M) suffered a setback in the last general elections to the parliament. The ruling classes in our country are trying their best to isolate our party and have launched a multi-pronged all out attack. In West Bengal, one of the strongest bastions for our party in the country, there is a broad ranging coalition forged by all political forces from the extreme right to the extreme left, including the armed ultra leftists and some NGOs. More than 320 of our comrades have lost their lives since last year in this province alone, most of them killed by the ultra leftists who were emboldened by this broad alliance. It is to be noted that West Bengal along with Kerala, two provinces governed by the CPI(M) led coalition, would be going for elections in the coming six months. Our entire organisational machinery is thick in the fight, not only resisting all these efforts intended to isolate our party but also gearing up to ensure the victory of Left and democratic forces in these elections.
The union government of the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance, buoyed by the fact that it no longer depends on the Left for its survival, is implementing the very same neo-liberal policies that, in the first place, had led to the global economic crisis. Large scale scams involving thousands of millions, an offshoot of crony capitalism, are coming to light everyday. The government is desperate to forge a strategic relationship with the United States and is slowly shifting from its cherished non-aligned foreign policy. We are in the midst of struggles, taking up the issues of the various sections of the society who are reeling under the attacks of the neo-liberal policies pursued by the government.
Dear Comrades,
The Communist Party of India (Marxist) cherishes its warm fraternal ties with the Communist Party of Vietnam. A whole generation of youngsters had joined our party, inspired by your heroic resistance against imperialism during the Vietnam war and the solidarity campaigns organised in our country. India reverberated with the slogan ‘Amar naam, tomar naam, Vietnam, Vietnam (My name is Vietnam, your name is Vietnam!). We are confident that this mutual trust and bonds of friendship will get further strengthened in the days ahead.
The Central Committee of the CPI(M) is fully confident that the 11th congress of the CPV would come out with a correct strategy to lead the people of Vietnam during these difficult times. We are confident that the CPV, guided by the principles of Marxism-Leninism and the ideals of Ho Chi Minh, would lead the march for the consolidation of socialism.
Once again, we wish the 11th congress of the CPV all success.
Long live Marxism-Leninism!
Long live Socialism!