51 December 19, 2010 |
Cruel Attack on People’s
NO sooner was the wasted
session of parliament adjourned sine die,
the price of petrol was hiked by Rs 2.95 per litre.
This is the fifth increase in the price of
petrol since June 26, when this UPA government deregulated the prices
petroleum products, thus, allowing them to rise according to market
conditions. These hikes together mean
that the price of petrol has risen nearly by Rs 8 during the last five
months. Reports indicate that the price of
diesel is
also likely to be hiked soon. Clearly,
despite the deregulation, the government is timing the price hikes in
order to
avoid the political costs of such hikes during a parliament session.
This constitutes a cruel
attack on
the livelihood of a vast majority of our
people. With the prices of all essential
commodities continuing to rise, these
hikes in petroleum products will further contribute to inflation eating
the real earnings of the people. Ironically,
minister expressed happiness at a eleven-month low rate of
inflation that stood at 7.48 per cent in
November this year. This, however,
cannot mask the reality that general
inflation rate has been hovering above the 10 per cent level and food
has been close to 20 per cent during the course of the last one year.
Repeatedly, in these
columns, we had
argued that a restructuring of the
tax regime currently
operation in the petroleum
sector is required in order to provide some relief to the people. While the government has deregulated the
prices, it has done nothing to restructure the taxes.
The net result is that the burden of
taxes is being borne by the people while
the government reaps a bonanza of revenues.
The government’s argument that these revenues are required to
meet the
expenditures in the social sector is, to say the least, totally
untenable. Vast multiples of what the
government spends
in the social sector are being looted through various scams. The 2G spectrum scam alone is nearly 20 per
cent of this year’s budgetary expenditures!
A government that has
assumed office
in the name of the aam admi is
imposing cruel hardships on the vast majority of our people. Relief can be provided to the people if the
government immediately releases the excess
stock of foodgrains lying in its
godowns to be distributed through the
distribution system at BPL prices. According to the last reports, as against the
buffer norm of 200 lakh tonnes of rice and wheat, the stock in the godowns
over 475 lakh tonnes. This measure along
with a withdrawal in the hike of petroleum products will result in some
to the people.
it is absolutely necessary to prohibit growth
of speculative trade in essential
commodities. The cumulative value of
trade in agricultural commodities during the year from April 1 to
November 30
was Rs 8,36,605.53 crores. In the
corresponding period last year, it was Rs 7,66,133.46 crores. Clearly, there are super profits in such
speculative trading, the cost of which is borne by the common people
rising prices.
This UPA-II government,
continues to remain not merely insensitive to growing agonies of the
people but is imposing policies that are adding to
woes. Under these circumstances,
it is only the
strength of the popular pressure mounted through growing protest
actions by the
people that can force the government to
take the above mentioned measures and provide some relief to the people
under the burdens of rising costs. Such
pressure needs to be intensified in the run-up to the forthcoming
budget session
of the parliament.
(December 15, 2010)