46 November 14, 2010 |
Profits Surge
for MNCs, Perils for Indian Farmers
Vijoo Krishnan
A LOT has
been said about
the visit of Barack Obama, the
The Obama
regime has
maintained continuity with the preceding Bush regime in the basic
thrust of US’s
relations with
Well in
advance of the
Obama visit, a meeting of the “US-India Agriculture Dialogue Steering
Committee” took place. US under secretary of state for economic, energy
business affairs Robert D Hormats, US Department of Agriculture’s under
secretary for farm and foreign agricultural services Jim Miller, deputy
coordinator for development, Office of the Coordinator of Global Hunger
Food Security and US Department of State’s ambassador William Garvelink
the meeting along with an Indian delegation led by foreign secretary
Rao. The committee reportedly met to identify areas of cooperation for
groups on “strategic cooperation” in agriculture and food security,
processing, farm-to-market linkages and agricultural extension, crop
and weather
forecasting. The present set of negotiations are only aimed at
the India-US MOU for cooperation in agriculture and food security which
signed, shrouded in secrecy well in advance of the Obama visit. It is
only to
take forward the vision that brought into existence the KIA.
five-year-old KIA had
come to an end on March 31, 2010, but is all set to get a three-year
as the agriculture ministry took up the issue with the
Of late, Dr
Manmohan Singh
and Obama have been harping on an “Ever-Green Revolution.” It is not
that the US-India Business Council (USIBC) talks of “growing
agriculture” and
the “noble objective” of an “Ever-Green Revolution” in its document titled Partners
in Prosperity: Business Leading the Way, published on the eve of
visit. This carries forward the KIA’s stated objectives and sets the
tone for “strategic
cooperation in agriculture” in the coming years. This document also
stresses on
the need to encourage US companies to “showcase in
access to Indian agriculture provided by the Knowledge Initiative in
Agriculture has been systematically strengthened by the subversion of
agricultural research in
One clear
intention of the
Obama visit is to expand the stranglehold of US agribusinesses in our
countryside. Already the states ruled by the Congress as well as the
BJP and
their allies are going full steam ahead by superimposing over the
extension services (which they so meticulously dismantled over the last
decades) a network of extension services to be provided by predatory
The farm gates in the state of Rajasthan have already been opened up to
Monsanto, DuPont, Bayer, PEPSICO, Cargill, SAB Miller, Lupin and some
companies. An MOU has been signed with Reuters for “sending advisories
farmers” on mobile phones. This is something Obama referred to in
glowing terms
before emphasising that Indian agriculture was ‘growing’ and that the
time is
ripe for the “Ever-Green Revolution.” Monsanto has a major maize
project called
Project Golden Rays in Rajasthan and the Project Sunshine in Gujarat
where the states
buy the hybrids from the company and distribute them to farmers, the
expenditure incurred being financed by the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas
Yojana. The
Congress as well as the BJP and their allies converge on this policy of
the red carpet to these agribusinesses. What the Obama visit envisaged
is to
spread their web across the country and retain control of Indian
and the nature of technology transfer in agriculture.
the name of
reducing post-harvest losses, there is talk of improving India’s
‘farm-to-market global supply chain’ which hints at business sector
intervention in food processing and storage other than retailing per se. This is another sector which the
big American companies are eyeing and the Indian government has also
talking the same language for quite some time. What one
cannot miss in this context
is that Mike Duke, CEO of the world's largest retailer WalMart Stores
Inc, had
come to India well in advance of Obama’s visit, drumming up support
Indian policy makers for the opening up of the multi-brand retail
sector for
FDI. WalMart has been pressing for removing the restrictions upon
companies investing in multi-brand retailing. For the purpose, Duke met
the commerce
minister Anand Sharma and Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek
retail accounts
for only 6 per cent of the 450 billion dollars retail sector in India
and at present
the access to foreign firms in the sector is restricted. Most top
retailers of
the world see a lucrative market in India and have been asking us to
ease the restrictions
on foreign ownership in retail operations so that they could sell their
agricultural and dairy products among other things. The above mentioned
document also asked for opening up of
retail sector to ‘organised players.’ It claimed: “Study after study
has shown,
doing so would bring efficiency, infrastructure, technology, and
knowhow to
Indian farmers, food processors, food service providers, and other
suppliers.” The
USIBC also noted the “massive market opportunity” in Indian cities for
retail operations.
The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) articulated
concerns when in a discussion paper it stated emphatically that “The
agriculture sector needs well functioning markets to drive growth,
and economic prosperity in rural areas.” Opening up retail trade for
FDI remains
a top priority issue for the global retail giants. Millions of Indians
on this sector as their small shops provide the main source of
livelihood for
them, catering to the demands of more than one billion people. Their
livelihoods will be put into jeopardy by any such move.
document specifically
stated that the Joint Agriculture Dialogue should be
backed with both “resources and solid deliverables,” and suggested the
of tariff and non-tariff barriers which are ''affecting trade in fresh
and vegetables, poultry, pistachios, dairy products, and horticultural
products. We also seek reduced customs duties on items such as
equipment, restaurant equipment, and related goods.” US MNCs and US
Council have been insisting on lifting trade barriers. The easing of controls on
dairy products, for instance, will seriously compromise the livelihood
of an
estimated 90 million people, a majority of whom are women. Women
are estimated as comprising 75 million of the employees in dairy sector
and they will be out of
job as they cannot compete with the heavily subsidised American dairy
sector. Dairy sector
is also of crucial importance to the small and marginal
farmers as well as the landless poor, and a significant source of
income for
millions of families. The very existence of the vibrant network of
milk federations and women’s groups will be under threat. This sector
is already
witnessing a crisis with the increasing costs of cattle-feed and
fodder, and imports
of cheaper skimmed milk powder and butter oil despite a glut in
production. The flooding of Indian markets with cheap dairy products
from the
US will further push the millions of farmers and agricultural labourers
indebtedness and perpetual poverty, forcing them to give up agriculture
agriculture ministry has said it has put on hold the imports of dairy
products on the ground that these products may be made from the milk of
the cattle
fed with feed containing blood meal, internal organs of animals or a
diet containing beef. It said, “India would have to be sensitive to
sentiments.” Ironically, thus, the decision was not on the ground that
it will
compromise the livelihoods of millions of our farmers. In the same
breath, the agriculture
minister stated that India has an “open mind” on the matter but the
products will be subject to protocol and verification. Thus, if
studies prove that it does not affect the milk, he gave enough
indication that
their import will be allowed. The
directions of the negotiations are
clearly in favour of taking forward the neo-liberal agenda of free
trade. In
the context of huge subsidies to American agriculture, such moves will
help the
US products swamp the Indian market. This will mean a surge in profits
for US
MNCs --- an increase in trade surplus for the US agriculture and perils
for our
peasantry. The US wants to revitalise its wilting economy on the
strength of
the Indian market, at the expense of Indian farmers and consumers.
The stress on the rather
innocuous looking crop and weather forecasting, water utilisation, and
blackout of the substantive issues of negotiations, is a clever move by
the governments. Only time will tell how these moves provide
information to the benefit of American food exporters and traders. The
minister has recently gone on record that the talks with US Department
Agriculture were inconclusive but would continue. He, however, said
discussed the “general issues” like mango export and the high
phytosanitary fee
making it unviable for India. The USDA is basically interested in
export of
barley and pet food, especially for dogs. The minister also added that
barley import
may benefit beer makers like United Breweries. Are the people of India
so naïve
as to believe that barley, mango, beer and dog food was what occupied
the major
share of time in the discussions between him and the USDA? If we don’t
miss the
wood for the trees, the direction of negotiations clearly points to the
takeover of Indian agriculture by MNCs and Indian business houses.