46 November 14, 2010 |
Say No to NATO!
Yes to Peace!
R Arun Kumar
THE NATO is going to organise its summit in Lisbon on
November 19-20 to plan its future 'strategic vision'. The Portuguese
Party along with 100 more organisations has planned massive
demonstrations against
the summit on November 20. Thousands, including people from countries
the world, braving all the severe restrictions imposed by the
government, have planned to go to
In May this year, there was a meeting of 'experts' led
by former
Imperialism wants to come out of this crisis by
imposing further burdens on the people and prising open the markets of
third world countries. The expansion of NATO is a vital component of
imperialist “Project for the New American Century”, aimed at
American global hegemony. In order to facilitate NATO’s global role,
alliance has embarked upon the task of building up a multi-tiered
system of
partnership with important regional states that share 'values' and
priorities. Underlying the US objectives behind NATO expansion is its
desire to
re-establish its trans-Atlantic leadership role and secure the backing
of its
allies in pursuit of its global strategy.
gain control over all the major energy producing areas
and routes NATO has forged partnership agreements with several
‘pro-West’ Arab
regimes at a bilateral level and within the framework of the Gulf
Council. Through NATO, the US is trying to gain control over all the
energy producing areas and routes that transfer energy resources.
Singapore and
Taiwan are heavily militarised with a view to control the Straits of
Taiwan and
A naval network is being created by the NATO to
function as a 'global naval force' under the command of the
The transformation of NATO into a transatlantic
organisation with 'global missions, global reach and global partners'
is most
evident in
The US president Barack Obama, terming this war in
Afghanistan as a 'just war', reasons that in a world where 'threats'
becoming more 'complex', “America cannot act alone” and “that's why
continues to be indispensable” and appealed to all the NATO countries
to go
along with the US troop increase. The US, which had nursed the Taliban
and the
Al-Qaeda in the first place, is today once again depending on the local
warlords for its operations in Pashtun areas. Militias controlled by
warlords have been providing protection for NATO convoys and forward US
General McChrystal, who led the NATO operations earlier, had himself
acknowledged that American and NATO ties with warlords were one of the
for the alienation of the populace from the occupation forces.
NATO provides a US-led framework of collective
security, which enables
These moves to expand NATO are not without opposition.
There is significant opposition to US-led imperial designs. People in
Lenin dealing with
'The Question of Peace' states, “The yearning for peace is one of the
important symptoms revealing the beginnings of disappointment
in the
bourgeois lie about a war of 'liberation', the 'defence of the
fatherland', and
similar falsehoods that the class of capitalists beguiles the mob
with”. People
of the world today, are not only seeing through the lies of
imperialism, but
are also comprehending the cruelty of imperialism.
The global economic
crisis, following on the heels of the food crisis in 2006-08, has
deprived an
additional 100 million people of access to adequate food. Today, 1.02
people do not have enough to eat in this world and this is more than
combined population of US, Canada and the European Union. They are
hungry not
because the world does not produce enough for all, but because these
people are
unable to purchase necessary food grains due to falling incomes and
price rise.
Hunger can be eliminated if the governments can reduce
their expenditure on defence and spend this money on employment
generation and
social welfare measures. The FAO estimates that it needs only $44
billion a
year to launch the necessary programmes to completely solve global food
(Remember, the increase in the military budget of the US this year
alone is $37
billion!) For the price of one missile, a school full of hungry
children could
eat lunch every day for 5 years. With the money the world spends on
military in
two days, we could prevent the death of 100 million children who die of
starvation and preventable illness. Using 4 per cent of the money that
the US
has spent on bailing out banks, we could end world hunger. But as the
of various governments had shown, they are not ready to redefine their
priorities. It is these double-standards of the bourgeoisie ruling
classes that
the people today are questioning through their participation in the
demonstrations for peace.
Lenin urges, “This
symptom (yearning for peace) should attract the closest attention from
socialists. All efforts must be bent towards utilising the
desire for peace...we must make use of the desire for peace so as to
explain to
the masses that the benefits they expect from peace cannot be obtained
a series of revolutions”.
The objective conditions created by the crisis are
making people ponder over – the reasons for the crisis, growing
the unjustified wars in