43 October 24, 2010 |
Empower the Youth
R Arun
THE entire country
is one in saluting the youth who did us proud in the Commonwealth
A National Youth
Readership Survey (NYRS-2009) undertaken at the behest of the National
Trust by the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) has
out interesting facts on the prevailing trends among youth. According
to the
Survey, 72.8 per cent of the youth, 33.3 crore, are literate. Among
around a fifth are doing unpaid housework and just over one in ten have
regular salaried job or are wage earners. 73 per cent of the literate
youth in
the country are from the Scheduled Castes (22.7 percent), Scheduled
Tribes (9.8
percent) and Other Backward Classes (40.3 percent).
Data shows that 76
per cent of the literate youth have not gone to college. This is
according to another study, every year 93 lakh students want to go to
but only 30 lakh seats are available. For admission into the premier
educational institutions in our country, the gap between what is needed
what is available becomes even more huge. For IIT admission, there are
aspirants at each mark point in the entrance examination! All these
statistics show
that many are forced to give up their educational aspirations mid-way.
Thus, we
find only 10 per cent of the youth from the concerned age-group in
education, which is well below the world and Asian average.
Another important
fact established by these studies is that most of the successful youth
either from middle class or higher middle class families. The policies
privatisation and commercialisation of education are increasingly
education into a privilege rather than a right. It is money that
decides to
what extent one can study, more than talent. If education is made
accessible to
all, it would open the gates of huge reservoir of talents that can be
successfully used for nation building.
Similar is the case
with employment. Crores of our youth are unemployed or without any
assured employment. Unemployment among those between 15-24 years in
rural areas
was 12-15 per cent in 2004-05 according to the ministry of labour.
Without a
secure employment to eke out their livelihood, youth are naturally
and worried about their future. The growth rate of the labour force is
than the growth rate of population and the growth rate of employment
has not
been in proportion to GDP growth. Lack of dynamism in the private
and service sectors, coupled with the shrinking government sector has
constrained the growth of employment opportunities. Instead of
addressing this
issue, the government is adopting a 'hands-off approach', arguing that
in a
liberalised world, it is for the market to provide opportunities and
for an
individual to grab them. The hollowness of this neo-liberal view is
once again
exposed by the current global economic crisis. Even in
The escalation of
unemployment, especially among the educated youth, renders waste
social and material investments made in education. It deprives the
country from
putting to positive use their productive
time and energy. Secondly, these youth would become susceptible to
vices. Reports indicate that alcoholism among youth has increased by
100 per cent
in the past 10 years.
Right from the first Five Year Plan, the government has
been repeatedly stating its intentions of giving primacy to the youth.
But the
reality is, the government has failed to live true to its grandiose
and has never even reviewed the reasons for its failure. Moreover, with
current government’s insistence on implementing the neo-liberal
policies, these
goals would never be reached. Instead of addressing and changing this
the government is trying to mask it and 'educate' the people to ignore
The NCAER Survey
also states that 77 per cent of the youth are interested in music and
films and
television engages most of their time, followed by radio.
Interestingly, the
internet is accessed by only 3.7 per cent of the youth. The mainstream
has a tremendous impact and influence on the youth today. It brazenly
consumerism and individualism in such a manner that the primary
becomes to 'get-rich-quick' at any cost. This is confirmed by a survey
done by
the Coca Cola. Not surprisingly, reality shows, which shower 'instant
money' on
the winners, grab the most TRP ratings. Youth are influenced to dream
this 'illusionary world' than bother too much about their present
reality. Besides,
they run a sustained campaign against politicians and political process
create a sense of apathy and cynicism towards both. Along with these,
as Terry
Eagleton states, “Watching television for long stretches confirms
in passive, isolated, privatised roles and consumes a good deal of time
could be put to productive political uses”.
The Survey states
that only 30 per cent of the youth expressed their interest in
politics, even
while 72 per cent expressed their interest in current affairs. This
shows that
while the youth of the country are concerned about the issues and
problems of
the country, they are not so much inclined to be part of the political
While the former is heartening, the later is not. This entire situation
a dangerous and volatile cocktail – a combination of discontent
generated due
to the failure in realising their dreams as they lack opportunities and
cynical attitude towards politics and political process. This is the
condition' on which all sorts of divisive forces thrive. Look at
The religious fundamentalists also would exploit this
situation. They would try to take advantage of the fact that a large
number of
youth, 59 per cent, expressed their interest in religion. In order to
these kinds of divisive forces from taking advantage of the situation,
steps should be initiated to tap the latent energies of the youth for
constructive purposes. Youth have to be properly empowered through
employment and, of course, given a say in the decision making process.
inherent cultural and artistic talents of the youth should be
nurtured and properly groomed. They should be made aware of the rich,
secular culture of our country and its history of tolerance.
If the government
provides necessary support for everyone to pursue education according
to their
talent and interest we could reap benefits from our numerical strength.
This is
as much true for employment. The recently concluded Commonwealth Games
are a
small example to show how even little opportunities made available to
budding talents would go a long way in bringing laurels to the country.
Poonia, a discus throw gold medallist in these games said the medals
she and
her colleagues have won shows, “what we can do – if we get the
The 'if' is indeed a capital 'IF'. To replace the indecisive 'if' with
confident 'yes', it needs a sustained struggle. This is intrinsically
with the struggle to burst the ideological 'mask of illusion' weaved by
ruling classes.
As Gramsci states, the consciousness of the oppressed
is usually a contradictory amalgam of values imbibed from their rulers,
notions which spring more directly from their practical experience.
These two
are dialectically opposite and give rise to friction. Explaining the
for their practical experience and real conditions, we should help the
in questioning the neo-liberal values and lead the fight for their
rights. This is the only way to realise the true potential of our
youth. It
will also ensure the country's march into the future with its head held
and unity intact.