43 October 24, 2010 |
Further Burdens on People
the recent
hike in price of petrol by 72 paise per litre, the price of petrol has
been increased by Rs One per litre in a span of three weeks. By
the petrol price, the oil companies have been given a free hand to
increase the
prices, on the plea of higher international crude price. The UPA-II
repeatedly spreads disinformation that the Left-supported United Front
government of 1996-98 took the decision to deregulate the prices of
products by dismantling the Administrative Price Mechanism (APM). What
is left
deliberately unsaid is that the Left had then opposed this move and
under its
pressure the United Front government announced the decision to
dismantle the
APM and simultaneously reduced the tax structure of duties on import of
petroleum products to zero. However, this decision was implemented by
Vajpayee-led NDA government partially by dismantling APM but not
reducing the
taxes on petroleum products. The UPA-II government is carrying forward
legacy. This once again shows that as far as the neo-liberal economic
trajectory is concerned, there is little difference between the
Congress and
the BJP. In the event, it is the aam admi that suffers.
the UPA-II
government came to power in May 2009, international crude price was 70
per barrel and today the international crude oil price is 84
dollar/barrel, an
increase of 12 dollar/barrel which means roughly Rs 3 per litre. But
the petrol
price in
aam admi already hit by the continuous
food inflation is being now subjected to the further inflationary
effects of
high oil pricing. If the market determines the prices of petroleum
products, as
dictated by neoliberal agenda of UPA-II government, the extreme
volatility in
the price of crude oil in international market would be transferred to
domestic market and would affect the common man in different segments
different ways. Today if it is petrol, affecting millions of
two-wheeler users,
tomorrow it will be the turn of diesel and then LPG & Kerosene. The
government has tasted blood in petrol pricing to cover up its own
to the hike in the pricing of petroleum products through
disproportionate and
irrational taxation. As repeatedly noted in these columns in the past,
government imposes high ad valorem taxes on imported crude oil
which is
refined domestically to produce various petroleum products like petrol,
etc. When international prices rise, so do government's revenues
proportionately. While its revenues increase, the government hikes the
in the name of international price rise. Thus, rather than return the
revenues in the form of price reduction for the people, the government
reaps a
bonanza and imposes this burden on the people through higher prices. It is now on course to expand the
area of deregulation further to increase its revenues even more. In the
it also helps the private oil corporates to rake in super profits by
the policy of import parity pricing, despite the fact that the domestic
refining costs are much lower than the international costs.
fallacy spread
by the government that the petroleum sector is subsidised is therefore,
wrong because there is no net subsidy in the sector if a comprehensive
view of
cash flow from and to the sector is taken. Inflow in the form of tax
from the petroleum sector is approximately three times the outflow in
the form
of so called subsidies. The debate on taxation and subsidies on
products in the mainstream media is misleading as it is couched in
words like
‘under-recovery’ which does not imply loss or profit in the traditional
This is so because under-recoveries are calculated on the basis of
parity pricing and not on the basis of actual cost of production.
heavy taxes
imposed on the retail price of petroleum products in India make them
far more
expensive than that in most other countries in the world. If taxes and
imposed on petroleum products are valued in purchasing power parity
retail petroleum product prices in India would be among the highest in
world. Between products, the level of taxation is completely
to end-use of the product. For petrol the level of taxation is
extremely high
whereas for Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF), used in aircrafts, the excise
duty is
less than one-third of the same. This is lower even than diesel, a
product of
mass consumption. This anomaly illustrates the class bias in pricing
products. Low taxes on ATF are nothing more than a subsidy to the
segments of the society.
The deceptive
tactics of the government are clear. While justifying price hike and
deregulation, the prime minister and petroleum minister were shedding
tears on
the poor financial health of public sector Oil Marketing Companies
(OMC). Now
the same government has chosen one of these 'poor' OMCs viz IOC for
disinvesting government shares worth a massive Rs 9000 crore to
cover-up its
revenue deficit. Similarly, the government collects Rs 8,500 crore
approximately as cess from public sector oil producing companies like
ONGC and
Oil India. The government has ignored repeated recommendations of the
parliamentary committee to form a price stabilisation fund with this
cess to
protect the aam admi from the vagaries of volatile
international crude
price rather than using this to bolster government revenues.
game of deception must be exposed. The price and tax anarchy through
deregulation of petroleum pricing must end. Popular public
mobilisations must
be strengthened to force the government to stop treating the oil sector
as a
'milch cow' to bolster its revenues at the expense of the aam admi.