36 September 05, 2010 |
Why This Hue
and Cry on Saffron Terror?
Hannan Mollah
Sena and
other components of the Sangh Parivar are today shouting hoarse on the
union home
minister P Chidambaram’s usage of the words “saffron terror.” He used
the term
while addressing the high-level police officials of the country on
and, on this occasion, he warned them of these new outfits engaging in
activities in different parts of the country. Instantly, however, the
BJP and
Shiv Sena members of parliament raised a storm in the parliament and
disrupted the
parliament session for two days, demanding that the minister must
withdraw his words
and apologise.
But, may one
ask: what is
wrong with it? Hindutva terrorists have been active in different parts
of the
country for the last few years. As we know, the Nanded bomb blast
killed two
RSS activists when they were making bombs. The police arrested some RSS
men for
it. And why were they making bombs? Because some organisations like the
Bharat, Sanatan Sansthan etc were active in terrorist activities since
Since these
organisations are related to the RSS controlled Sangh Parivar, which is
called the saffron brigade, there is nothing unnatural if their
activities are
termed as “saffron terror.” It is another thing that the Sangh Parivar
opposing this characterisation on the ground that “saffron” is the
colour of the Hindus and therefore the term amounts to hurting the
sentiments and labelling the Hindus as terrorists. This is rubbish.
would say that the Hindus are terrorists; it is those who claim to
follow the
philosophy of the so-called “Hindutva” who are communal and terrorist.
RSS-controlled BJP always claimed to have the monopoly of representing
the Hindus,
which is a cunning method of gaining legitimacy, and it has indeed
duped many
of the Hindus. But even those who have voted for the BJP are not all
communal. As
we know, votes are cast on political, economic and various other
issues. Those
who voted the BJP to power once, voted twice against it since then. It
is thus
evident that the terms “Hinduism” and Hindutva” have to be sharply and
differentiated. It is only that some of those who engage in terrorist
activities were Hindus by birth, and owe allegiance to the RSS.
saffron is no
monopoly of the BJP. It is a beautiful colour. It is a sacred colour
for the Hindus.
It has found a flag in
Contrary to
the Sangh
Parivar’s argument, no one can blame the Hindus as such. We knew that
terrorists do not belong to any particular religion. No religion can be
with terrorism even though certain groups owing allegiance to a
particular religion
indulge in terrorist activities, and must be firmly dealt with and
Third, the
defenders of
saffron terrorism argue that their terror activities are a reaction to
so-called Muslim terrorism. But who is responsible if some Muslims are
doing terrorism? Not a single terror activity by any Muslim group was
there before
the destruction of Babri Masjid. The demolition of the Babri Masjid and
the horrendous
anti-Muslim riots after that, which killed hundreds of innocent
Muslims, evoked
a reaction from some Muslim groups. The destruction of the mosque was
itself the
biggest terrorist act in our country. Saying so, however, is not to
justify the
terrorist activities of some Muslim groups. These terrorists are not
condemnable but must be dealt with firmly and curbed. But this
certainly does
not make acceptable the RSS argument that “Hindu” terrorism is a
response to “Muslim”
terrorism and is therefore justifiable. Hindutva terrorism is a product
of the RSS
philosophy and its continuous hate campaign against the Muslim. This is
a new
challenge as the majority communalism is now combining with terrorism.
Further, even
though the
colour argument is bogus, the BJP is trying to politicise it for
purposes. Once, when the BJP was blamed that it is saffronising
politics, Murli
Manohar Joshi boasted that they were happy to saffronise Indian
politics. In
fact, they are thus out to exploit the sentiments of a section of the
people. Yet,
they make a hue and cry when the term “saffron terror” is mentioned.
protested when terrorism in
But most
surprising thing is
to see how the Congress is silently distancing itself from the issue of
fighting this menace. In the past, they soft-pedalled the communal
issues on
many occasions, and are afraid to meet the BJP’s hate campaign head-on.
This is
so at a time when they need to rise against this new menace and firmly
fight it
politically, ideologically and administratively. Will they need to be
told that
any brand of terrorism, and hence saffron terrorism too, threatens our
unity, integrity and security, and must be rooted out in national