36 September 05, 2010 |
Tamilnadu SFI
Conference Calls for
Militant Struggles
S P Rajendran
with a huge student procession and an impressive public meeting, the
22nd state
conference of the Tamilnadu unit of Students’ Federation of India (SFI)
to take forward its resolute fight against the aggressive
commercialisation of
education in the state. The three-day conference took place at
headquarters of Kanniyakumari district, on August 13-15. The district
is a
stronghold of the SFI.
August 13 evening, nearly 5000 boys and girls, holding aloft the white
flag of
the SFI and chanting slogans, came out in an inspiring procession
through the
town. The procession culminated in a public meeting which the education
minister of Kerala and former SFI leader, M A Baby, CITU state general
secretary A Soundararajan, SFI president P K Biju, joint secretary G
Selva and other
state leaders addressed.
Kanakaraj received the SFI flag which had been brought from the V K
Puram memorial
of martyr Comrade Kumar. Central executive committee member Jasmine
hoisted the flag. G Selva received the torch which had been brought
from the
memorial of martyrs Somu and Sembu in
August 14, the delegates session of the conference started with an
address by Professor V K Ramachandran, member of the Planning Board of
Bengal. He criticised the wrong policies of the country’s rulers who
have given
the nation a high rate of illiteracy even after 63 years of
independence. He quoted
the comments of veteran communist leader Comrade P Sundarayya that “if
there is
no fundamental change in society, we will not able to provide minimum
10 years
education for children even after 50 years.” According to the National
Health Survey 2005, the median number of schooling years for men in
conference discussed the work report and organisational report placed
by K Kanagaraj,
state secretary of the SFI, which detailed the continuous struggles by
the organisation
in the state, particularly for the cause of common school education,
for educational
loans and scholarship for the poor students, and other pro-education
causes. It
was evident that it was only due to the powerful struggle of SFI that
the DMK
government has begun the implementation of common school education
from this year. For this cause, one may note, SFI cadres faced cruel
attacks of
the police and the government tried to crush their movement with
the organisation’s strengths in Tamilnadu, the conference noted that it
1,56,917 members in the state, among whom 1,06,351 are school students.
the delegates also analysed the weaknesses and charted out measures to
strengthen the organisation.
conference decided to hold massive demonstrations all over the state on
September 1 to press its demands, including that of proper
implementation of the
common school education programme.
five-member committee headed by state SFI president N Rejees Kumar
over the conference. Reception committee chairman and former MP, A V
welcomed the delegates and others while DYFI state secretary
conference elected a 78 member state committee, with K S Kanakaraj as
and J Rajmohan as secretary. R Stalin, Karikalan, Uchi Makali,
Dhanushan and
Jasmine Vinoja were elected vice presidents and Kumar, Samraj,
Balachanra Bose and Josbin Viji are the joint secretaries.
a part of the conference, a special convention was held on August 15.
general secretary Ritabrata Banerjee and former MUTA president
Professor V Ponraj
delivered special addresses at the convention.
his address, Ritabrata Banerjee warned that the UPA II, which does not
have a Common Minimum Programme, has launched a renewed offensive in
the field
of education. This involves the twin attacks of commercialisation and
of education. The UPA government not only seeks to push for increased
commercialisation and opening up of the education sector to foreign
players; it
also aims at fundamentally changing the structure of education sector
in the
country. To put it in simple terms, the thrust is on fundamentally
curbing the
democratic values in the realm of education policy and make it
subservient to
the whims and fancies of the market bosses, he added.
the UPA II assumed office in May 2009, the minister for human resource
has declared the aggressive neo-liberal agenda of his ministry,
arousing strong
protests from the stakeholders and various state governments. Several
legislations have been introduced in parliament, including the Foreign
Educational Institutions Bill which seeks to invite FDI in education.
The Right
to Education Act has been passed without committing additional funds to
state governments. Some other legislations are in the offing. The UPA
agenda for education sector in going to lead to a) deregulation and
of education b) taking policy issues outside the purview of the
parliament/legislature and elected representatives and c) privatisation
commercialisation of education. All this will have far reaching
consequences, the
speaker pointed out.
most dangerous step in this direction is the proposed NCHER and HER
draft bills
which have been brought by the government. The defining feature of
these bills
are that they would take away all rights of policy and decision making
education from democratically elected bodies like the parliament and
legislatures, and give sweeping powers to a seven member body. Such
steps can
also be seen in the field of school education where attempts are being
made to
undermine the autonomy of state boards by talks of uniform syllabi and
All this is being done in the name of "reforming and rejuvenating"
the education sector in the country and is being presented as a drastic
of the otherwise inefficient education system prevailing in the
country. While
the government is not showing any inclination to increase the resource
allocation for the education sector, it wants to acquire all powers to
implement its own all-size-fit policies. This is yet another
replication of the
neo-liberal paradigm which tries to seek legitimacy for most
undemocratic and
regressive proposals in the name of reforming the delivery mechanism.
put forward the view that the goals of expansion, equity and excellence
education at all levels are mutually complementary and should be
harmoniously pursued
through greater public investment and public control over education. He
demanded that adequate provision should be made by the central
government for
time bound implementation of total literacy and continuing education
programmes. Expenditure on education must be raised to at least six per
cent of
the GDP. Quantum of the central financial support to the states should
enhanced substantially.
pointed out that in a country like ours which is marked by large
diversities, education
cannot be straitjacketed. We require a participatory, democratic
attitude to
improve the sorry state of affairs which prevail today. It is absurd to
that some "enlightened" individuals sitting in Delhi can decide what
policies should be adopted to address the problems of providing quality
education to students in a remote village in the North East or in a big
slum. It is also meaningless to argue that a clique of some
individuals, with
no accountability to the common people, would get rid of the problems
which are
facing our education system today.
is important to understand that the driving motive behind these
measures is not
an expansion of the system. The primary motive is to cater to the needs
of the
market and undermine the progressive content of education in the
country. To
take an example, the HRD minister recently gave a statement stressing
the need
for having identical syllabi for science and commerce streams at the
secondary level across all states. But one might ask: why is there no
felt need
to include humanities or social sciences as well? The answer is clear.
and commerce streams have a direct relation to the needs of the market
The ruling elite in our country needs supply of skilled labour force to
in the world market. That is not the case with social sciences or
liberal arts,
which in fact pose a challenge to the imperialist thinktanks which
would want
to reinterpret our history in a particular manner.
is thus an urgent need to understand the threat these policies pose to
society. The speaker therefore appealed to the student community to
militant struggles and press the government to commit more resources to
education sector and withdraw all plans to further the agenda of its
and commercialisation.
the convention, Ritabrata Banerjee inaugurated a new website of the
SFI, www.sfitamilnadu.org.