34 August 22, 2010 |
Centralisation and
of Education
A NATIONWIDE struggle around the central
slogan “Stop Centralisation, Privatisation and Commercialisation; Save
Strengthen Public Education” will be launched soon. As part of this
struggle, a
massive rally will be held on December 2, 2010 in ....... involving all
stakeholders like students, teachers, non teaching employees, and
officers of
schools, colleges & universities, youth, parents, people’s science
etc in order to force the central government to change its
anti-people policies in the field of education.
This was decided at a National Convention
on Education organised jointly by students, teachers, university
employees, youth
and popular science movements of the country in
The convention focused on defeating the
anti-education policies of the UPA-II government and voiced the just
among which included the spending of at least 6 per cent of GDP on
covering education up to XII class under the Right to Education Act,
commercialisation of education, no to foreign and private universities
centralisation of education, bringing private educational institutions
social control and ensuring social justice.
Ritabrata Banerjee, general secretary of
SFI, introduced the draft resolution of the convention on behalf of the
organising committee which noted that the assault on education has
reached such
a level that the very existence of the public funded education is in
danger. It
further stated, “All the policies of the UPA-II government are aimed at
commercialisation, centralisation, and privatisation of the education
sector in
the country.” The resolution made a detailed critique of the present
scenario of the country and formulated a
14-point Demand Charter.
The convention was greeted by Sitaram
Yechury, former president of SFI and MP. While presenting a vision for
a new
Sudarshan Roy Chowdhary, minister for
higher education in the government of
D Raja, MP, in his speech warned the
government that the “hopes and aspirations of the people must be taken
account while formulating policies. The indications however are not
disappointing but dangerous.” Abani Roy, MP, Dr Barun Mukherjee MP, and Soumen Chattopadhyay also addressed the
Professor Prabhat Patnaik, in his analytical
speech, exposed the present state of affairs of the education sector of
country. He outlined the political agenda of the reforms initiated by
government. Focusing on the necessity of maintaining the intellectual
reliance of the country, he said, “Education as a whole is not serving
the true
interest of the country. Are we giving education or are we merely
skills? Can technical brilliance alone lead to professional or social
commitment? The answer is in the negative. The private universities and
educational institutions flourish at the expense of the vast masses of
He exposed the basic reasons and class politics behind the reforms in
the field
of education.
The leaders of all the seventeen member
organisations of the organising committee of the convention also spoke
on the
occasion. The seventeen organisations of the committee are: Students
of India (SFI), All India Students Federation (AISF), All India
Students Block
(AISB), Progressive Students Union (PSU), Democratic Youth Federation
of India
(DYFI), All India Youth Federation (AIYF), Revolutionary Youth Front
(RYF), All India Youth League (AIYL),
School Teachers’ Federation of India (STFI), All India Federation of
College Teachers Organisation (AIFUCTO), Democratic Teachers’ Front
(DTF), All
India University Employees Confederation (AIUEC), All India Peoples
Network (AIPSN), Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samiti (BGVS) and All India
Association (AIPA).
Charter of Demands
Below is the fourteen point Demand Charter
which was part of the resolution of the convention:
1. Allocate 6 per cent GDP for Education as
committed in the NCMP of the UPA-I Government.
2. Include pre-primary to senior secondary
education under the purview of the Right to Education. Central
should bear all the expenditure for implementing the Right to
Increase the number of schools along with strong social monitoring
involving local stake holders.
3. Recruit quality teachers on a permanent
basis. Remove the freeze on appointments and cuts in teaching and non
4. Oppose handing over of public
educational institutions’ infrastructure and management to the private
in the name of Private Public Partnership.
5. Reject fee hike. Fully subsidise
students from economically backward and disadvantaged backgrounds.
6. Enact a central legislation to bring all
private self financing institutions under strict social control.
7. Implement constitutionally mandated
SC/ST/OBC reservations in all educational institutions.
8. Fight all attempts to undermine the
democratic control of the parliament, state assemblies and statutory
of Universities and Colleges (including through instruments like
NCHER). Fight
against centralisation of education.
9. Oppose FDI in education.
10. Scrap the FEI Bill and suitably amend
the other recently introduced Bills.
11. Scrap private universities and deemed
university status to private institutions.
12. Use information technology for Distance
Education to provide universal life long quality education. Do not
commercialise distance education.
13. Undertake Assessment for improvement,
not Accreditation or Funding. Evolve a democratic and transparent
mechanism for
14. Uphold democratic rights in the sphere
of education. Hold elections for Students’ Unions, Teaching and
Associations. Provide elected representation in all decision making