23 June 06, 2010 |
Struggle of Peasants & Workers in Kinnaur
Dr Onkar Shad
THE Himachal
Kisan Sabha
is fighting against the anti-peasant attitude of the Himachal Power
Ltd (HPCL), a Himachal government undertaking which is constructing the
243 MW
Kashang hydro power project in Kinnaur District and its contractor
Construction company (HCC) in Pangi panchayat. HPCL & HCC are doing
construction of this project using force and ignoring the genuine
demands of
the peasants and workers.
The HCC is a
company. It had killed three CITU leaders in Chamera project and one
comrade in
Nathpa Jhakri project. Both the companies are using some local
contractors and
panchayati raj institution members to suppress the peasantry. The land
compensation has not been given, but the work is going on with high
speed. The
peasants had to go to court against the rupees three lakh and twenty
per bigha, which the company had given. Now, an out of court settlement
been reached and rupees twenty lakh and eighty thousand per bigha will
be given
to the farmers.
Company is putting
muck on the land which is not acquired by the company. For per blast 50
kg gelatine
is being used. Due to this there are cracks in houses and on land.
Because of blasting,
dust and chemical gasses are causing a lot of pollution in the
atmosphere, which
is damaging the fruit and vegetable crops like apple, chilgoza etc. As
result, the productivity has gone down. Respiratory diseases among
human beings
and animals have increased. The HCC company is not providing employment
to the local
people. It is violating the law of state government which ensures 70
per cent
employment in projects and industries for local and Himachali
unemployed people.
Due to its anti-people policies, the resentment against these companies
is increasing.
The Kinnaur
Kisan Sabha
intervened in this situation and organised the affected people. The
secretary, Sanjeev Negi was invited by the affected peasants and a
meeting was
convened. He called upon the peasants to fight collectively to achieve
demands. Earlier, a sangharsh samiti was
formed, but the leaders of this samiti were not fighting for the
interests of
the affected farmers. They were using the sangharsh samiti to serve
their own
interests. In the general body meeting on May 9, affected peasants were
and workers were also invited. This meeting was very successful. The
of project affected sabha and project workers were formed.
The project
affected sabha
committee gave a demand charter to HPCL
on May 11 at the district head quarter, Recong Peo. About 200 men and
participated in the rally and the demand charter was submitted. The
manager did not want to receive the demand charter. He locked himself
in one of
the office rooms. But the farmers went inside the building and reached
him. The
rally was led by Sanjeev Negi, Kinnaur district secretary and Bihari
Shimla district president of Kisan Sabha. The CITU district president
Thakur, Kinnaur district president, Milap and secretary, Mohan Lal were
present. A seven days notice was given to resolve the demands of the
If these are not resolved, the work in the projects will be closed from
May 18.
The ward wise meetings of Pangi Panchayat were also planned. And in the
adjacent panchayat of Purvani, a meeting was also fixed. These meetings
attended along with local leaders by the state secretary of Kisan Sabha
Onkar Shad. The HCC and HPCL managements decided to sabotage these
Local panchayat’s pardhan and the office bearers of sangarsh samiti
were utilised
by the HCC and HPCL management. But were not successful in this attempt
on May
18. The construction work was closed by the farmers in all the sites.
About 300
men and women marched to the project sites in spite of heavy rain. The
march was
led by Dr Onkar shad, Bihari Sewagi, Sanjeev Negi, Milap and Ranjeet
Since then the project workers are enrolling themselves in the union.
The HCL company
tried to start the work but failed .The workers supported the peasants’
demands. The joint rally of workers and peasants was held in Recong
Peo. About seven
hundred workers and peasants participated in the rally. The demand
charter of
the workers’ was given to labour officer to implement the labour laws
which the
HCC company and its contractors are violating. The rally was addressed
Rakesh Singha. Dr Onkar Shad, Bihari Sewagi, Sanjeev negi and Man Chand
president of the project affected Sabha. All the speakers supported the
struggle of the peasants.
The local MLA
Tejwant Negi
and the elected panchayat’s representatives tried their best to start
the work
and break the worker- peasant unity.But they could not break the unity
and now
the HPCL management has agreed to negotiate with the project affected
sabha and
Kisan Sabha leaders. The negotiation is going on. The HCC company does
not want
to recognise the CITU union. But the peasants are with workers. Due to
peasants’ support, the workers morale is very high. On May 24, about
workers and peasants gheraoed the HCC office. The management sought
four days
time to settle the demands of the peasants.
This struggle
has given a
catalytic effect in the whole tribal district. In other hydel projects,
peasants are organising themselves and helping the workers to fight the
of contractors. The companies are using the local contractors against
workers to create obstacles in forming unions. They are also attacking
workers. But due to the peasants’ support, now the workers are
themselves under the banner of CITU. The peasants are also getting
organised. The
worker-peasant unity is becoming a powerful weapon against the common
of workers and peasants. These enemies are the contractors and local
hired by the company. The unity of peasants- workers will be able to
their demands.