50 December 13, 2009 |
Workers Party of
Holds Eighth Congress
Gautam Das
THE Workers Party of Bangladesh
(WPB) held its eighth
congress at Dhaka, the national capital, from November 14 to 18, with a
vow to
fight against the imperialist forces, to strengthen the progressive and
political forces, to establish a non-communal and democratic
Bangladesh, and to
work for unity of the Left forces in the country.
The party congress began with a
well-attended public
rally on November 14 afternoon, in the open ground of Dhaka Mahanagar
Manch. Thousands of jute mill, textile and garment workers,
workers and peasants, employees, teachers and intellectuals attended
the rally,
carrying red flags and banners.
Addressing the open session, WPB
president Rashid Khan
Menon cautioned the party workers and his countrymen against the evil
design of
the imperialist forces, particularly US imperialists, who are trying to
establish their bases in the subcontinent in order to further
facilitate their loot
of the wealth of these countries. He also warned that the defeated
fundamentalists and their allies are out to destabilise the democratic
political system and hatching one conspiracy after another. Menon
narrated how
the previous army-backed caretaker government had, during its two-year
tried to control the political parties by imposing some so-called
�reforms.� He
accused the erstwhile BNP-Jama�at-e-Islami government of making
Bangladesh a
safe haven for the extremists and terrorists from all neighbouring
He asserted that the Workers Party had adopted a correct tactical
approach for
mobilising the Left, secular and democratic political forces on the
possible basis, in order to defeat the anti-liberation forces.
Menon said the people had voted
the Awami League led
alliance to power, with the mandate to implement the 23-point programme
of the
14-parties combine. He deplored that the prices of essential
commodities are
rising again, no steps have been taken for strengthening the public
distribution system, and closed mills and factories are yet to be
opened. He
made it clear that the Workers Party would be rallying the public
opinion against
such steps of the government as may go against the interests of the
class and other toiling people.
Menon also urged upon the Sheikh
Hasina government to expeditiously
arrange the trial of war criminals of 1971 as well as in the cases
relating to
bomb and grenade attacks and the seizure of 10 truckloads of arms and
explosives illegally brought for the secessionist organisations of
North East
At the rally, outgoing general
secretary of the party,
Bimal Biswas, also said that the party would protest against any step
of the government
that would go against the national interest. He asked the government to
the closed mills and factories immediately. Another demand was that the
government must refrain from signing any offshore gas block deals with
the multinational
Fraternal delegates from abroad
also addressed the
open session. Leader of the CPI(M) delegation and the party�s Polit
Bureau member,
Dr M K Pandhe, briefly talked about the present world capitalist crisis
emphatically said that socialism is the only alternative. He also
mentioned how
the working class and other working people are developing their
struggle in
different areas of the world. He expressed the hope that the Left
parties in Bangladesh would stand united and strengthen the movement
Le Hong Lien (leader of the
Vietnamese delegation and
vice chairman of the Communist Party of Vietnam�s Central Control
Commission), Sigh
Hol Chol (ambassador of the Democratic People�s Republic of Korea to
Maria Teresa Pantoza (Central Executive Committee member of the
Communist Party
of Spain), and political attach� of the Chinese embassy in Dhaka also
the open session.
Leaders of the Communist Party
of Bangladesh, ruling
Awami League, Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal (JSD), Gana Forum, and chairman
of the
Hill Development Council, were present in the open session, apart from
a number
of prominent intellectuals.
Bimal Biswas, the outgoing
general secretary of the
party, introduced the draft political resolution in the delegates
session. It
dealt with major international and national events since the seventh
WPB congress.
These included the rise of religious fundamentalists, communal and
extremist forces during the BNP-Jama�at-e-Islami rule, imposition of
emergency, the struggle for restoration of democracy, national
elections held last December and the Workers Party�s electoral tactical
line. The
draft political resolution also talked of the Bangladesh Rifles revolt
installation of the present government, and its ramifications. It
the need to unite the Left, secular and democratic forces in order to
the extremist forces; otherwise the situation may turn to something
the present situation in Pakistan. The draft political resolution also
upon the government to restore the secular constitution of the country,
in 1972. It laid stress upon close relations with the communist parties
South Asian countries in order to unitedly fight against imperialism,
communalism, extremism and terrorism.
The delegates debated the draft
political resolution
for two days. Most of the delegates dwelt on the electoral tactical
adopted during the last parliamentary elections, with a majority of
them opining
that the two WPB members elected to the Jatiya Samsad (national
parliament) were
successfully intervening in the parliament on all important issues
the national interests, the working class and other sections of the
people. Now
it is the duty of the party to raise such important issues outside the
parliament also. A combination of the struggle inside the parliament
outside will help the party to enlarge its political base, they
The political resolution was
adopted unanimously with
some amendments.
The party congress also debated
for two days the
political-organisational report of the Central Committee. Out of 64
in the country, the party has its organisational set-up in 56 districts
conferences were held in 52 districts. The political-organisational
underlined the successes and failures of the party, and urged upon the
cadres to build up strong party organisation by uniting the party
ideologically and organisationally. This is necessary to successfully
mass and class struggles so that the party may gain popular support
from the
working class and other sections of the people.
The party congress adopted a
resolution on international
solidarity, introduced by Mozammel Haque Tara, a member of the Central
CPI(M) Polit Bureau member M K
Pandhe, Vietnamese
delegation leader Le Hong Lien, the Communist Party of Nepal (UML)�s
Bureau member Urmila, All India Forward Bloc�s Central Secretariat
member and West
Bengal minister Naren Dey, and Maria Pentoza from the Communist Party
of Spain
spoke in support of the resolution. M K Pandhe congratulated the eighth
of the Workers Party of Bangladesh and expressed the hope that the
CPI(M) and
the Workers Party would more closely work in the years to come.
On the sideline of the party
congress, an
international seminar was held on November 15 on the theme of �The
Recession and the Working Class,� in the National Press Club
auditorium. CPI(M)
Polit Bureau Member and CITU president Dr M K Pandhe was the main
Addressing the seminar, Dr
Pandhe said in the bourgeois
system, capitalists produce commodities but the people cannot buy them
as they
have little purchasing power. This creates recession and a crisis in
capitalist system. In the last 15 years or so, speculative finance
capital has created
havoc. So far, the capitalists had been demanding a dismantling of all
the public
sector undertakings. But the USA and some of the countries in Europe
could save
some of their private financial institutions, including the AIG, only
massive financial support from the government. Dr Pandhe mentioned how
Indian government stepped into the trap laid by the IMF and World Bank,
and how
it led to a foreign exchange crisis in India in 1990-91. The Indian
had to airlift 93 tonnes of gold to the Swiss Bank to save the economy.
Pandhe said the present world recession has created severe hardships
for the
life of the working class and other poorer sections. In Europe,
attempts are being
made to destroy the organised working class movement. He said all the
central trade
union organisations in India, including those belonging to the ruling
class parties,
are participating in united actions of the working class against the
severe price
rise, joblessness and on other demands of the working class. Dr Pandhe
forward an action plan regarding how the trade unions of all the SAARC
countries could unitedly conduct struggles against the recession, price
job-cuts etc.
Veteran trade union leader and
Bangladesh Shramik
Federation president Abul Bashar presided over the seminar. Many trade
union leaders
of Bangladesh participated in the discussion and supported the
proposals put
forward by Dr Pandhe.
The eighth congress of the
Workers Party of Bangladesh
concluded after electing a 66-member new Central Committee and a new
Bureau. Rashid Khan Menon was re-elected president of the party. On
grounds, Bimal Biswas requested the new Central Committee to relieve
him from
the general secretary�s responsibilities. Anisur Rahaman Mallik was
then elected
the new general secretary.
M K Pandhey, Central Committee
member Mridul De and
Tripura state secretariat member Gautam Das represented the CPI(M) in
Workers Party Congress.