50 December 13, 2009 |
Subhas Ray
THE first day of the second week
of winter session saw
opposition parties in both houses protesting against the decision to
send a central
team to assess the law and order situation in
In Lok Sabha, Basudeb Acharia,
CPI(M), asked the home
minister: Under what provision of the constitution was a central team
sent to
The home minister, P
Chidambaram, defused the tension
by assuring that this was not in any spirit of confrontation but in
order to
discuss the matter with the state government and to assist it in
law and order there.
Rajya Sabha held a short
duration discussion on
December 2, on internal security. Rising to speak on the subject,
Yechury referred to terrorism, adding that the CPI(M) is of the
unequivocal opinion
that we must have zero tolerance towards it. We have to combat
terrorism and fundamentalism
of all hues. But while fighting this menace, we also have to tackle
factors that give rise to terrorism. The prime minister said Maoist
violence is
the single largest menace to
Yechury further said a charge
has been labelled that
the �Maoists� and the CPI(M) are cousins and that we have woken up to
violence belatedly. The word �Naxalite� came from a village called
Naxalbari in
How the Maoists have come to
CPI(M) members in both houses
raised the issue of Bhopal
gas tragedy on its twenty-fifth anniversary. In Rajya Sabha, Sitaram
conveyed the CPI(M)�s homage to those who died and sympathies for those
who are
suffering. What to talk of meting out punishments to those guilty of
negligence, the government has not paid full compensation to the
victims even
after 25 years.
Yechury said there are three
other important issues to
take note of. First, toxic wastes are still lying around the Carbide
plant. They
are being discharged into the solar evaporation pond and contaminating
the soil
and ground water in approximately five sq km area around the plant.
Both the central
and the state governments displayed total neglect to the needs of the
people and environmental cleansing. The second issue is of workplace
The disaster exposed the criminal neglect of workplace safety on part
of the management.
We need to learn lessons from Bhopal disaster and strengthen workplace
safety everywhere,
to protect workers from fatalities, injuries and physical disablement.
In the
last one year, he said, 127 workers lost life in 11 workplace related
but not a single person was punished for violation of the safety laws.
Now the
government is to bring a legislation to amend the labour laws, which
will only
increase the workers� vulnerability.
Thirdly, the government is
considering finalising the nuclear
liability bill which seeks to cap the compensation to be paid in case
of a nuclear
accident. But the likely compensation cap at 450 million dollars or
around Rs
2,000 crore is exceedingly low vis-�-vis the likely losses in a nuclear
accident. When the compensation paid by the Union Carbide after the
disaster was distributed among the six lakh victims, it came to only
500 dollars
or less than Rs 23,000 per head, Yechury reminded.
In Lok Sabha, Dr Anup Kumar
Saha, CPI(M), reminded
that this disaster involving the leakage of methyl isocynate (MIC), the
deadliest chemical, claimed over 3,000 lives at once and an estimated
people indirectly, due to complications. But the government of India
compromised with the killer US multinational by accepting a pittance of
450 million dollars. The government has failed to bring the culprits,
the Union
Carbide, to book. The desperate hope of the crippled survivors for
and medical treatment remained unfulfilled. The victims of the world�s
industrial disaster have received only about one-fifth of the
compensation due to
them under the 1989 agreement. The Carbide factory continued to poison
the nearby
water sources, causing further damage to the survivors� health. The
demanded time-bound completion of rehabilitation work, adequate
compensation to
the victims, stringent punishment to killer Carbide and enactment of
legislations to prevent such incidents in future.
In Rajya Sabha, the CPI(M)�s
Tapan Sen moved a calling
attention motion on the disinvestment of profit making central public
enterprises. He said when the finance minister of today was the leader
of opposition
in 2001, he had said, �If the objective of the government is to bridge
resource crunch by disposing of capital assets in order to meet
expenditure, it would simply not be permissible under any amount of
prudence.� But he has done a somersault precisely on the same �fiscal
issue. Why was it so, Sen asked the minister.
It was said that the social
sector expenditure and
capital expenditure of public sector units would be met with the
proceeds. But, Sen accused, the disinvestment process is designed to
pave the
way for privatisation of the country�s blue chip PSUs. Earlier, the UPA
government under Left pressure had to desist from any disinvestment of
PSUs. Now, with the changed situation, the UPA has gone back upon its
Rejecting the argument of
people�s ownership of PSUs through
the purchase of PSU shares, Sen said the PSUs are under the control of
the parliament
which is elected by people. He asked: Can there be a more effective and
mechanism of ensuring the people�s ownership other than parliamentary
control? Referring
to the shareholding profile of the already disinvested public sector
units, he
said a very miniscule part of their shares has gone to the public. In
BHEL, of
32.8 per cent shares disinvested, the public holds only 1.9 per cent.
the pubic holding is 1.9 out of the 14.18 per cent disinvested. In BEL
and GAIL,
public holding is 2.4 and 1.6 per cent respectively. Most of the
disinvested shares
have actually gone to big corporate entities, FIIs, financial
NRIs and other companies. All this was done in the name of resource
crunch but
yet the government forewent tax revenue to the tune of Rs 4.5 lakh
crore while unpaid
tax arrears came to Rs 1.98 lakh crore last year.
On the Central University
(Amendment) Bill 2009, P K
Biju of the CPI(M) said the government must lay down stringent measures
avoid further delay in creation of 12 central universities promised by
previous UPA government. As there will be an expansion of the
professional and
technical education through the private finance initiative (PFI), we
need a strong
regulatory framework to rein in the predatory private interests. The
thing is the private public partnership (PPP). The government needs to
with the government controlled non-profit making autonomous bodies for
establishment of new institutions. The member said the licence given
setting up foreign universities in India would adversely affect the
common man�s
prospects to secure education. The government needs to desist from
of higher education and come forward to strengthen our public education
he said.
Lok Sabha held a short duration
discussion on natural
calamities in the country. Participating in the debate, P Karunakaran
of the CPI(M)
said we are increasingly facing the vagaries of nature, which cause
damages to farmers. Floods and drought have become virtually permanent,
to huge losses to production, property, human and cattle life every
year. But
the government is unable to contain them; rather their intensity is
This situation leads to hoarding and black-marketing. Yet the centre
has not
evolved a permanent disaster management mechanism. It needs to take
measures in this regard.
As far as relief is concerned,
the centre sends a team
to the states for spot study. But sometimes the team may not see the
situation prevailing there. This is one of the main reasons for delay
in giving
relief. While the Calamities Relief Fund is not a special fund, the
main issue
is of the National Calamities Relief Fund. Many items are not included
in it. For
example, it does not include sea erosion, from which Kerala with a long
seashore suffers. In Wayanad district, some places disappeared due to
landslides. But the latter are not included in NCRF. Last year, Kerala
experienced a severe flood and a central team visited to assess the
damage but
no special fund was given. This was unfortunate. The people of Kerala
protested but the centre released Rs 61 crore only. The member
concluded with
an appeal that the government must take into account how climate change
crops and the life of farmers.
CPI(M) members in both houses
strongly protested the sudden
increase in coal prices by Coal India Limited. The CPI(M)�s Shyamal
in Rajya Sabha and Bansha Gopal Chowdhury and Saidul Haque in Lok Sabha
said the
CIL has raised the basic price of coal by 15 per cent --- from Rs 2,000
to 2,300
per tonne. The coal required for power generating units has been
and placed for auction. The minimum price fixed for the auction of
coal has been increased twice, thus affecting power generation in
Orissa, Jharkhand and West Bengal severely. DVC and NTPC (Farakka) have
their electricity charge by 73 and 95 paise per unit respectively.
Other power
generating units are also out to increase their tariffs. Thus the rise
in coal prices
has a cascading effect. In the midst of sharp rises in the prices of
commodities, this sudden rise in coal prices has further worsened the
people�s life.
So the CPI(M) members demanded immediate withdrawal of this hike.
P Karunakaran expressed concern
over the pathetic
condition of Indian labour in Gulf countries due to the global economic
meltdown and the crisis in Dubai in particular. He said most of these
and workers, taken there through the recruitment agents in India, stay
shanty labour camps. There is no security for them. Unfortunately, we
have no
special legislation to monitor the recruitment agencies, though India
gets from
the Keralite workers Rs 24,000 crore annually. (Half of it goes to the
state of
Kerala whose economy much depends on these contributions.) Hence, the
said, we have to take some measures with regard to these workers�
wages, safety,
job security, flight convenience etc.