48 November 29, 2009 |
Below we reproduce the article
written by Late
Comrade Harkishan Singh Surjeet on the occasion of 10th
of the Babri Masjid demolition, that was published in the Special
Number of People�s
Democracy, on December
08, 2002.
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HE tenth anniversary of Babri Masjid
demolition, a
momentous event in the history of independent
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HE importance of the day cannot be
from the viewpoint of mass mobilisation against the communal danger.
The people
will have to be clearly told that the dispute is not just a
dispute. If only it had been simply that, it could have been solved
long back.
The thing to realise is that the temple-mosque dispute is just a
pretext for
the communal forces who are out to impress upon us that the Muslims,
and the
minorities in general, have no right to live in this country. That is
why these
forces do not want any amicable settlement of the Ayodhya dispute and,
the possibility for a settlement arises, they do something to scuttle
it. Nay,
every now and then these forces keep threatening to raise the issue of
a mosque
The struggle to bring to book those who led
Babri demolition squad, and to get the mosque rebuilt on the spot,
importance in this very context. In sum, this is a struggle to
tell the saffron brigade that the secular, patriotic masses are very
much alive
to the dangers facing the country and will foil every attempt of the
brigade to
threaten our secular polity, our composite culture, our existence as a
civilised nation.
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N regard to the Babri Masjid-Ramjanmabhoomi
the fact is that there is no proof for the saffron brigade�s claim that
mosque was built in the year 1528, i e more than four and a half
centuries ago,
by demolishing a temple. Writing his works in Akbar�s reign, even
Tulsidas did
not mention any such thing. Guru Nanak, who died in 1539, was highly
of Babur, but he too did not say that a temple was demolished to
construct the
mosque. Historians have quoted these and many other facts to demolish
the myth
of temple demolition that is propagated by the brigade. A Report
To The Nation issued in 1990 by four eminent historians, viz
Professors R S Sharma, D N Jha, Athar Ali and Surajbhan, has
debunked the claims made by the saffron brigade in this regard.
The said report also gives us
evidence to show that, as per their policy of divide and rule, the
rulers of
In sum, the saffron brigade�s claim about
demolition lacks any basis in history. Its much-touted grievance in
this regard
is purely hypothetical.
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T is also a fact that even if there was a
about the character of the site, it remained dormant till the country
freedom. But the communal forces got particularly unnerved when it
became clear
that, contrary to the newly created
True there was a flaw in the conception of
secularism our rulers upheld; in practice they did not keep religion
separate from politics. Yet, there is no gainsaying that
But this was enough to make the communal
nervous and they did everything to turn the tide of events. The
assassination of Mahatma Gandhi in the immediate aftermath of
independence was
but a move to remove from the scene this most towering figure of our
struggle --- simply because he was a staunch defender of secularism.
In this situation, in less than two years of
Mahatma�s assassination, idols were surreptitiously placed in the Babri
in one wintry night of December 1949. But the then chief minister of
UP, Govind
Ballabh Pant, did nothing to restore the status quo ante. However, the
site was
locked after the prime minister Nehru wrote him a strong letter about
incident. The idols remained untouched. At that time, the communal
failed to rouse the people for an agitation against this locking.
This situation continued for the next 36-odd
till the Faizabad district administration removed the locks of the site
February 1986, at the behest of the powers-that-be. It was thus that
dispute, after remaining dormant for decades, got a new lease of life.
Only a
little while ago the BJP had suffered the worst rout in its history; it
swept by the sympathy wave generated by Mrs Indira Gandhi�s
assassination and
could win just two Lok Sabha seats in the early 1985 polls. The party
saw in
this unlocking a golden opportunity to recover the lost ground, and the
moved one of its pawns, the VHP, on the political chessboard. The VHP�s
Ekatma Yatra from
The unfortunate stand taken by the ruling
party in the Shahbano case and the subsequent bill passed in parliament
regarding the alimony for divorced Muslim women only added grist to the
mill, appearing to confirm the
brigade�s charge of �Muslim
The ruling party made yet another mistake of
the VHP permission to perform shilanyas
at some distance from the disputed site. This was done some time before
the Lok
Sabha polls took place in November 1989.
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HE 1989 polls led to a rout of the Congress party and the V P Singh-led Janata Dal (JD) emerged as the biggest group in Lok Sabha. The BJP did try to join the government along with JD, but the Left parties� intervention foiled the move. The Left asked the JD to form a government and implement its own poll manifesto. As a result, and under the pressure of pro-JD sentiments in the country, the BJP had no option but to extend support from outside. It was thus that the JD-led National Front formed a government, with V P Singh as prime minister. Evidently, this was too much for the BJP whose game to capture power had been foiled.
However, as soon as the government announced
intention to implement the Mandal commission recommendation to give 27
per cent
reservation to the OBCs, the BJP and the opposition Congress party
began vying
with one another in rousing anti-Mandal sentiments. In this period many
in north
Now the BJP withdrew its support from the
Front government while a section of the JD defected from it. These
the Congress and the BJP now objectively collaborated with one another
defeat the confidence motion moved by V P Singh government; only the
Left stood
by it. The government had to resign. In its place the Congress propped
up a
government of the defectors; that lasted only for five-odd months till
Congress ditched it midway.
The mid-term polls then brought the Congress
back to
power, with P V Narasimha Rao in the lead. In the meantime, the Mulayam
government of UP also fell and the BJP came to power in the state. It
already in control of state governments in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan
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HIS was the background in which the saffron
intensified its drive to polarise the country on communal lines; the
Palampur conclave had already given up the pretense of aloofness from
Ayodhya dispute. The sad facts that the BJP�s strength in Lok Sabha had
gone up
in 1989 and again in 1991 and the party was able to form a government
in UP,
made it believe that it could sweep the country by a strident communal
campaign. The VHP served a warning on the Rao government that it was
going to
start its so-called kar seva at the
disputed site from December 6.
This was a cause of serious concern for all
patriotic people, more so because the RSS-controlled state governments
openly misusing the official machinery to mobilise the karsevaks
and take them to Ayodhya.
This was the background when the National
Integration Council met in the third week of November 1992. All
parties attended the meet; only the BJP boycotted it though it well
knew its
importance. On behalf of the opposition I moved a resolution at the NIC
and it was unanimously accepted. The meeting authorised the prime
minister to
take whatever steps he thought to be necessary to protect the mosque
from any
damage. In the midst of dissatisfaction over the official resolution,
even the
then home minister S V Chavan extended support to the resolution I
But this was precisely what the prime
failed to do. I was in
The rest is history. We all know how the
mosque demolition took place, how the government remained a mute
spectator to
the event and how the crime was followed by a wave of anti-Muslim riots
In this context, it is notable that the
brigade once again resorted to mean tricks to keep the people in dark.
At the
time of shilanyas in 1989, the VHP
had assured the central government in writing that the whole affair
would be
peaceful, that peace and communal harmony would be maintained and that
it would
not try to �change the nature of the property in question.� But we also
how the VHP breached its promise; in fact, but for the strong steps
taken by
the Mulayam government the mosque could have suffered incalculable
damage. The
trick was repeated by the UP�s BJP government in 1992 when the chief
assured the Supreme Court and the prime minister that no harm to the
would be allowed. This was nothing but the height of perfidy. But no
astonishing was to see how naively the central government behaved and
took the
brigade�s assurance at its face value.
Incidentally, the brigade performed its
act on the death anniversary of Dr B R Ambedkar, the architect of
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T is this criminal act that will be
remembered on
December 6. For, as Balzac said, �Those who forget history are
condemned to
repeat it.� The brigade is already trying to vitiate the atmosphere; in
fact it
never gave up its game during the last one decade. Though they said
would be their main poll plank in
Meanwhile, the UP�s BSP-BJP government played
dirty game to let Advani and other culprits of the Babri demolition off
hook. For some reason unknown, the Liberhan commission too is taking an
exceptionally long time to finish its work and bring the role of
conspirators to light. But will all this save the BJP from facing the
day of
It is true that sometimes people may be
misled but, as they say, you cannot dupe everybody every time. Our
people are
instinctively secular and will never allow the communal forces to play
national unity and harmony. It is they who showed the BJP the door in
and Himachal when assembly polls were held there in 1993 after the
demolition; in Rajasthan too, the BJP could come to power only by dirty
It is our people who have routed the BJP and allies in 21 out of 26
polls in
the last four odd years. They have also begun to voice their discontent
the anti-people LPG policies the BJP-led regime is following. And,
apart from
other ways, they will show their anger in the ten states that are to go
assembly polls in 2003.
But all this popular discontent needs to be positively channelised, and it is here that the Left and democratic forces have to step in, in the most vigorous way possible, so as to save the country�s present and future. The coming days are crucial in this regard.