46 November 15, 2009 |
Committee Formed
for 13th CITU Conference
THE Punjab state unit of the
Centre of Indian Trade
Unions (CITU) organised, on October 31, a general body meeting in
Bhakna Bhawan,
Sector 29 D,
State CITU�s working committee
members, state
representatives of CITU affiliated unions, those of Punjab Subordinate
Federation, Govternment Teachers Union, Para Medical Union, Field and
Workshop Union,
Technical Services Union, BSNL Employees Union, Bank Employees
Federation of
India and LIC Employees Union, among others, attended the general body
In addition to the trade union leaders, state level leaders of Punjab
Sabha, Punjab Khet Mazdoor Union, Students Federation of India,
Youth Federation of India and Janwadi Istri Sabha also participated,
apart from
a number of prominent personalities in
CITU president Dr M K Pandhe,
its general secretary
Mohammed Amin and CPI(M) state secretary Charan Singh Virdi were also
in the meeting and addressed the audience.
Others who addressed the meeting
included Dr Joginder
Singh Puar, former vice chancellor of the Punjabi University in
Patiala, Gobind
Thukral (prominent journalist), Joginder Singh (advocate), Amarjit
Singh (former
solicitor general of India), Professor Manjit Singh (president, Punjab
University Teachers Association), Dr Jaspal Singh and Hari Mohan
(editor and general
manager, respectively, of Punjabi daily Deshsewak).
While addressing the general
body meeting, Dr M K
Pandhe said the CITU�s 13th all-India conference would prove to be a
milestone in
the working class movement in
Mohammed Amin, MP, said the
Punjabis have played a
very important role in the freedom struggle and thousand of Punjabis
their lives; a large number spent long terms in jails and underwent
miseries. He further stated that the ongoing global economic crisis is
systemic feature of the capitalist path of development. To face it and
the working people from its adverse impacts, he told, the coming CITU
would work out a strategy to roll back the imperialist pressure and
interference in all walks of life in India. The conference will declare
the CITU�s
future programme of action to save India from imperialist economic
slavery and
to safeguard the interest of India�s working masses.
CITU�s all-India secretary
Swadesh Dev Roye said the
organisation�s membership had grown by ten lakhs in the last three
years. This
was a great achievement in the backdrop of falling trade union
membership all
over the world and in view of the considerable difficulties in
members in a trade union. He expressed the hope that the comrades in
would take up the challenge and convert it into an opportunity to show
potential of the trade union movement in Punjab and India.
Punjab CITU general secretary
Raghunath Singh said the
state unit of the organisation as obliged to have the honour of
organising the all-India
conference of the CITU and this has motivated the CITU members in the
state. He
further stated that every member of the CITU would work day and night
to make
this conference a success, to make it a unique and historic conference.
He expressed
hope that this conference would strengthen and give a fillip to the
trade union
movement all over India in general and particularly in Punjab.
Vijay Mishra proposed the names
of reception committee
office bearers, advisors and members and the general body meeting
approved it. A 15-memeber subcommittee was also constituted for
conduct of the conference. Thanking the participants and other renowned
who had attended the meeting, Mishra expressed gratitude Dr M K Pandhe
and Mohd
Amin for giving an opportunity to the Punjab CITU to host the all-India
of the CITU. Recalling that Punjab is the land of late Lala Lajpat Rai
who was
the founder president of the AITUC, the first central trade union
in India, he assured that they too would make the coming conference a
The 201-member reception
committee has Dr J S Puar as
chairman, Vijay Mishra as president, Raghunath Singh as general
secretary, and Charan
Singh Virdi, Amarjit Singh and Dr Jaspal Singh as vice chairmen.
During the meeting itself, a
donation of more than
1,75,000 rupees was collected in cash, for the conference expenses.
Participants promised on the spot donations of over 10 lakh rupees.
The Punjab state unit of the
CITU has decided to run a
programme of maximum mass contact in the state.