People's Democracy
(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India
15, 2009
Barcelona Climate
Countdown to Nothing
last international meeting of all country-parties to the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) before the fateful Copenhagen
due in December took place in Barcelona,
over the
past week. The Barcelona Meet followed the Bangkok Meeting last month
and both
these global gatherings involving over 10,000 governmental delegates,
officials, NGOs, observers, press and others were expected to discuss
details which would then be tied up in Copenhagen. The 15th Conference
Parties (or COP-15 in the parlance) in the Danish capital is slated to
global arrangements and responsibilities of different categories of
notably developed and developing countries. Contrary to much casual
and press reporting, as well as deliberate misrepresentation by some
country interlocutors, the negotiations are for the second commitment
period of
the Climate Treaty --- better known as the Kyoto Protocol --- beyond
2012 when the
first commitment period comes to an end, not for a new or successor
Treaty to
replace the Kyoto Protocol.
the depths of the climate crisis, and the near inevitability of
climate change if drastic action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is
taken soon, one would have expected a sense of urgency and
determination. The
December 2009 deadline was set as far back as COP-13 in Bali,
Indonesia, in
December 2007
when a Bali Action Plan was also drawn up comprising an outline of
required at Copenhagen
and a roadmap for arriving at a global consensus in the form of Treaty
and obligations. Yet every meeting since Bali
and every passing month has taken us further away from the desired
outcomes. And
it is now almost certain that the Copenhagen Conference will produce
only empty
if not high-sounding rhetoric, statements of pious intentions, vague
and a decision to take decisions through further negotiations later.
And even
all these will mask a deeper, fundamental change in the currently
agreed global
UNFCCC-Kyoto architecture.
following the international negotiations closely, including this
columnist, had
been predicting this trend and likely outcome in Copenhagen which was
increasingly evident from the positions being taken by the US
faithfully followed
by its close allies. Ignoring minor differences in tone and detail, the
reason for the collapse has been the adamant refusal of the developed
to accept the deep binding emission cuts demanded by the science and
in the Bali Action Plan, as well as their persistent efforts to re-do
the very
foundation of the Climate Treaty and transfer a substantial burden of
responsibility onto the shoulders of developing countries.
Bangkok meeting saw what was till then a
sub-text coming out in the open. Australia,
whose new Labour government gained kudos for reversing the earlier
Bush-ally government�s rejectionist position on Kyoto,
reverted to its traditional role as a US surrogate in the climate
negotiations. Australia formally put forward the suggestion that a new unified framework be adopted in which all
countries will have responsibilities,
replacing the existing twin-track Kyoto framework of common but
responsibilities which puts the onus of reducing emissions squarely on
developed countries while developing countries would undertake
actions linked to fund and technology transfer from the former. Japan and EU countries joined the
chorus led by
the US.
The spin put on this was that such a formulation would enable the US to come on board since the main US objection behind its refusal to join
Climate Treaty was the duality in obligations built into the Kyoto framework.
has been huge and instantaneous outcry from developing countries,
explicit formal statements from the G77 plus China
grouping condemning this conspiracy by the developed countries, as well
as from
experts, commentators and numerous popular movements against these
moves to
undo the Kyoto
framework. These efforts, which have persisted since Bangkok
and through the Barcelona meet, now
represent a concerted push to change the terms of negotiations in Copenhagen. It
is a brazen
attempt to re-do the fundamental architecture of the UNFCCC and Kyoto
which was founded on a recognition of the historical responsibility of
developed countries for the climate crisis and which had been
constructed through tortuous negotiations over almost two decades since
1991 Rio Summit.
at Bangkok as well as in Barcelona, the developed countries have also
made only
lukewarm pledges of low emission reduction commitments ranging from the
non-reduction commitment of 3 per cent reduction by the US, to 20 per
reduction offered by the EU with a proposal to increase this to 30 per
cent if
large developing countries also make corresponding reductions, and 25
per cent
offered by Japan. The effective emission reductions would be
substantially less
even than this, because of offsets and carbon trading in lieu of actual
reduction of emissions. UNFCCC executive secretary Yvo de Boer politely
characterised this as �low ambition� compared to the commitments of 40
per cent
reduction compared to 1990 levels required by the science.
is in fact much more than that. The stage has effectively been set for
certain kind of outcome at Copenhagen
scripted by the developed countries. The Barcelona
meet was a total damp squib which made absolutely no progress beyond Bangkok and
thereby more
or less cemented the trend set there. At Bangkok, delegates and
observers were
somewhat shocked and dazed at the low level of commitments by developed
and the huge chasm between developed and developing countries caused by
former questioning the very Kyoto framework, all of which implied that
Copenhagen conference would not be able to resolve these differences
and come
to an agreement. At Barcelona,
this reality had sunk in.
briefings by UNFCCC officials and chairpersons of formal working groups
at the
conclusion of the Barcelona
meet clearly brought out the massive gaps between the measures called
for by
the science and the various offers on the table. The Barcelona meet
could not even agree on a
�shared vision� of long-term goals for emission reduction!
prospects were also noted as being bleak since the very concept of a
compact and binding targets was questioned by the US and
leading developed countries.
The US
preferred to have countries making their own commitments through
legislations and to have various bilateral or multilateral arrangements
technology transfer. Obama�s climate policy is not looking very
different from
that of Bush!
indications now are that Copenhagen
will not yield the desired re-worked global treaty but will conclude
with a
broad �political statement� of intention on the basis of which further
negotiations would be carried out subsequently. To cover up for this
failure, and to put a spin of the world�s leaders doing their best, it
is now
being proposed that Heads of State or government should attend the
sounds good, but will only put a stamp of approval on an unacceptable
compromise. If an agreement within the Kyoto
framework has not been possible now, there is no reason why it be
later. A vaguely worded �political statement� will only give the
countries a cover to interpret the statement in their favour later and
that so-and-so was in fact what was intended! No doubt the statement
would be
full of grandiose homilies about saving humanity and the planet, about
temperature rise within manageable limits, about low-carbon development
pathways. But hidden amidst all this will be some pithy and pious
phrase about
how tackling this crisis is the responsibility of all nations and
everybody on
this planet, and this will later be used to dismantle the Kyoto
and supplant it with a new one in which developing countries would
�share the
burden� and historical responsibilities would be forgotten --- after
all, it is
the future that should concern us all rather than the past, right?
developments should not have caused as much of a surprise as they seem
to be
doing. As readers of these columns would know, the emerging direction
has been
apparent since the L�Aquila G8+G5 Summit and �Major Economies Forum�
and in
fact in G8+G5 Summits going back to Heiligendamm in mid-2007.
Statements here contained
long-term global goals of temperature reduction, global targets to
emissions and vaguely-worded sentiments about financing and
technologies, all
pointing to a blurring of distinctions between developed and developing
countries, non-recognition of historical responsibility and providing
an escape
route to developed countries from binding targets and commitments to
funds and technology as part of �polluter pays� responsibilities.
does India
stand in all this? In recent months, a cloud of confusion has been cast
the Indian stance, not least by seemingly contradictory positions at
highest levels of the Indian government. Formally, India
maintains that it sticks to the Kyoto
of common but differentiated responsibility, that India
will not undertake binding
emission reduction commitments for which it would be internationally
accountable. But the official negotiators have been strangely silent or
least highly subdued in the face of the volte face by the developed
in Bangkok and Barcelona. At the same time, the
Minister for
Environment has been loudly proclaiming, to the apparent consternation
of at
least some sections within the government and the negotiating team,
that India
is shifting its position, that it is prepared to take unilateral
measures to
reduce emissions even without corresponding fund or technology
transfers from
developed countries, and that it wants to de-link its domestic actions
from the
international negotiations.
stance has been given a nationalist even progressive spin by declaring
that India
would take unilateral actions because it is in its own interest to do
so due to
impacts in India, that India would conduct its own studies on climate
and not rely on Western studies, that India would not be accountable to
foreign or international body but only to its own parliament, only to
which it
would be accountable and before which the government would soon bring a
has attracted much furious debate with some hailing the new Indian
while others attack it for abandoning traditionally held postures. What
however passed notice is that this new position eminently converges
with that
of the US.
The US
too has already passed its own (Waxman-Markey) legislation which will
any international treaty obligations, and is now pushing other
countries to
similarly adopt domestic targets which it is advocating as an
alternative to
global arrangements. The US
too has steadfastly maintained that it will not be accountable to any
international body, but only to its domestic legislature, and hence has
joined the Kyoto Protocol. And the US too has cast huge doubts
on the
IPCC reports saying it will prefer to go by its own studies which were
arduously doctored under president Bush. Recent governmental reports
doubts on previous IPCC findings regarding shrinking Himalayan glaciers
are a
case in point. At issue is not whether the glaciers are shrinking or at
rate: this could be debated by scientists through peer-reviewed
which, incidentally, this government report is not. Problem is that the
by attacking the earlier IPCC findings, is actually casting doubt on
the very
science of climate change, and thus on any targets set based on it! The
also conveniently ignores the fact that the IPCC report was based on
provided, among others, by Indian scientists and that the same IPCC
report was
also endorsed by the Indian government along with other world
governments. Taken
together, it is difficult to accept these positions, with their
positions, can be ascribed to just a few individuals in government, and
must believe that they represent the thinking of the government as a
India�s new position will be happily welcomed by
the US and with
mutual endorsement both countries
could push for adoption of similar stances by others in Copenhagen! The
minister for Environment in
his various public pronouncements and in his letters to the prime
minister and
to MPs has also argued that India
should be content with a �political declaration� in Copenhagen and work out details
later. It is
noteworthy that, notwithstanding all the controversy about some of the
remarks, none of these above positions have been contradicted by any
section in
the government! India
is on
a very slippery slope and sliding inexorably towards joining hands with
the US and other
developed countries to water down
the Copenhagen