45 November 08, 2009 |
(Left: Ares V; Right: Ares I) Courtesy NASA
first new US rocket or launch vehicle since the Space Shuttle, and
indeed in
terms of launch technology the first new rocket from any country in the
thirty years, was launched in a test flight from Cape Canaveral last
week on
October 31. The Ares I-X prototype is part of the next generation human
launch architecture designed to replace the ageing Space Shuttles that
are due
to retire next year. The new architecture, named Constellation and
designed for
travel beyond near-earth space, is slated to comprise two new rockets,
Ares-I to launch astronauts and a heavy-lift Ares-V to carry cargo and
different payloads. The idea is that Ares-I would place the Orion crew
capsule (successor
to the aircraft-like Shuttle) in low-earth orbit, while the larger
Ares-V would
ferry the Altair landing craft to dock with Orion and fire rocket
engines to take
the crew capsule and lander on to the moon or even beyond, for instance
to Mars.
The Ares I-X prototype lifted off from
the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida on 28 October and spent just two
minutes in
powered flight and six minutes in all from lift-off till it had
jettisoned the
mock but accurate replica crew capsule and upper portions in space and
the reusable
booster engine had splashed down in the ocean about 200 kilometres
away. The
test launch had been postponed for a few days due to bad weather --- a
continuing irony that shows the limitations even of ever-advancing
technologies --- but, despite a partial parachute failure resulting in
booster having a hard landing in the sea and getting quite badly
dented, was
eventually declared a success.
Considering that the entire design exercise
of the new rocket, the first new development in rocketry for several
decades, was
initiated just three years ago in 2006, one cannot fault that
description. Yet,
several questions loom over not just the new Ares I rocket itself or
supposedly next generation Constellation architecture, but over the
entire programme
of human space exploration by the
The Ares
is the Greek god of war, a pseudonym for Mars, which NASA considered an
appropriate name for the new rocket, symbolic of NASA�s
future plans since the rocket was designed
specifically for longer-duration space travel, for instance to the red
planet. The
numerical designations of �I� and �V� are tributes to past rockets that
NASA blaze a trail in human space exploration, the Saturn I and Saturn
rockets that respectively took US astronauts first to low-earth orbits
and then
to the Moon.
The Ares-I�s booster engine with solid
fuel is directly derived from the Shuttle�s booster rocket. However,
given the
configuration of the Ares I, it was decided not to use the Space
Shuttle Main
Engine for the subsequent expendable liquid-fuel stages but a J2-X
engine modified
from the J2 engines that had powered the Apollo series Saturn rockets.
decision to build upon the basic Shuttle and Apollo technologies was
and sought to economise on both production and launch facilities costs,
while also
reducing development time especially with regard to safety which is of
paramount concern in designing human flight machines. The Ares� solid
engine has more payload-carrying power and acceleration than the
engine. Ares I can place more than 25 tonnes in low-earth orbit
compared with
the Shuttle�s , and is the most powerful rocket engine in use today.
The main
new feature of the liquid oxygen-hydrogen fuelled J2X engines is that,
the Shuttle�s engines which required to be started on the ground at
itself, they are designed to be started in mid-air or near-vacuum,
that the crew capsule would encounter in low-earth orbits from where it
to be powered onwards, say to the moon as in the Apollo series.
The Ares I is thus a pencil-like vehicle
with the liquid-fuel engines and upper stages sitting on top of the
booster, while the Orion crew capsule, emergency escape mechanism and
launch abort system sitting atop in that order. It stands 327 feet
tall, almost
twice the height of the Shuttle but short of the Saturn V�s 363 feet.
description �skinny� is almost invariably used in write-ups about the
The launch abort system, sitting atop the
capsule, is another important innovation. This system is specifically
to try and save the crew in the eventuality of having to abort the
launch at
any one of three stages viz. on the pad or upto 25,000 feet, at
up to around 150,000 feet and during final ascent up to around 300,000
The system is a fully and independently equipped pod with its own
ejector and
directional motors designed to instantaneously separate the crew
capsule from
the rocket below, take the capsule away from the rocket which is
presumed to be
burning or otherwise malfunctioning and then deploy parachutes to
enable a soft
landing. The most dangerous time for space crews is during launch when
power and intense heat is being generated below them and, if anything
wrong at that stage including even a shut-down of all systems causing
rocket to come crashing back to the land, the probability of the crew
their lives has been put by NASA at 100 per cent. The abort system has
tasked to reduce these odds to reasonable but not great odds of 1 in
Incidentally, the legendary German rocket scientist Wehrner von Braun,
of the V-1 and V-2 rockets that wreaked destruction on England during
World War
II and who led NASA�s design team that built the Saturn rockets,
believed that
solid booster rocket engines were simply too powerful and unsafe for
No future for
Ares I?
even as Ares I was on the launch pad just days before lift-off, an
authoritative and influential report was released, raising questions
about its
future. The Augustine Committee, named after its chairman Norman
retired aerospace engineer and chief executive at renowned military and
aerospace major Lockheed Martin, had been set up under the previous
administration to go into the proposed return of the
For NASA of course, which had not
built a new spacecraft in over thirty years and which some critics said
lost the necessary capabilities, the Ares I project has been of
significance. NASA saw the Ares I-X as a �pathfinder� vehicle, a chance
NASA to re-acquire design-development expertise and, in the words of a
leader, �remind ourselves of what it takes to build a vehicle.�
The Augustine panel, however, saw
things differently. "With time and sufficient funds, NASA could
build and fly the Ares I successfully� the question is, should it?" The
panel noted that NASA�s budget had been drastically and continually
cut, even
after the announcement of the �return to the moon� programme, and found
serious mismatch between goals and available funding. The committee
found itself having to question the goals themselves, and also having
recommend several technology options that could operate within the
available. Only one of the seven options underscored by the panel
included Ares
The Augustine panel felt that, while
the craft itself was good, the cost, development time and its role
within the
Constellation programme were open to question.
In essence, the committee leaned to the view that, rather than
using a
leap-frog approach using Ares I till near-earth orbit and then going on
to the
Moon or Mars with the heavy lift Ares V, it would make more sense to
use a
single craft such as Ares V with a �lite� or cargo version being used
missions that ended at the Space Station or with placing payloads in
orbits. The panel also favoured looking more closely at other vehicle
including Shuttle variants. An expert opined that the favourable
of so many options itself spelt doom for Ares I.
Some members of the panel and other experts
involved with its work however felt this was not the end of the day for
Ares I.
One senior panelist, who had worked with von Braun on almost every
rocket made
in the
Goals and means of
space exploration
therein lies the rub. What should be the goals of space exploration?
And what
means should best be adopted to achieve them? The Augustine Committee
raised many relevant issues, for the
The Report clearly felt that destination-specifics such as
the Moon, Mars etc were putting the cart before the horse. �Planning
for a
human spaceflight program should begin with a choice about its goals,
than a choice of possible destinations. Destinations should derive from
and alternative architectures may be weighed against those goals. There
is now
a strong consensus [in the
The panel felt that the present
Most importantly perhaps, the Augustine Committee report,
noting that other nations too have space programmes cumulatively
comparable to
that of the US, states that while human spaceflight objectives should
align with key [US] national objectives, �significant accomplishments
follow [from] actively engaging international partners in a manner
adapted to
today�s multi-polar world [to] strengthen geopolitical relationships,
global financial and technical resources, and enhance the exploration
enterprise.� After all, the report emphasises, the broader goal of
programmes and especially human spaceflight is the goal �to inspire the
generation of scientists and engineers, to shape human perceptions of
our place
in the universe�, [and ultimately] to chart a path for human expansion
into the
solar system.� A far cry indeed from chauvinistic goals and show-piece
that characterized the