45 November 08, 2009 |
against Price Rise,
Food Security
& Drought Relief
the call
given by the Central Committees, both, the Communist party of
draft was
placed by Onkar Shad, state secretariat member of the CPI(M). The draft highlighted the precarious condition
as far as the availability of food items is concerned.
Apart from the squeeze from the central
government in the ration quota to the state that has been reduced by
over 50
per cent from 16,144 metric tonnes to 7,118 metric tonnes, the BJP
in the state has added further misery to the situation. There are over
ration shops for a population of near 70 lakhs. The total families in
the state
are 15,90,927 of which 3,16,900 are BPL; 1,97,100 antyodaya and
10,77,927 of
the above poverty line. The previous
government just before its exit had announced a food subsidy of Rs 100
Through this, the people even of the APL category used to get 20
kilogram of wheat
flour per family per month and 15 kilos of rice along with 3 kilogram
pulses, 2 litres of edible oil with 1 kilo salt at a fairly subsidised
This acted like a buffer to the price rise. But after assuming power, the BJP has hit this scheme as well. They have
reduced the food items from 35 kilograms per family quota to 25, since
last three
to five months at many places this ration is not being disbursed. This,
the BJP
is also doing to appease their support base who comprise of middle
traders who
were hit by this scheme.
The other issue that has hit the
people of the state
worst, is one of the severest drought that has effected the peasantry.
It is
estimated according to government estimates that more than 70 per cent
rabi, 80
per cent kharif crop that includes maize and paddy in certain areas and
60 per cent horticulture produce of the
state has been lost. The hardest hit has
been the apple crop that constitutes the chief product of the state.
The production
of apple fell from 2.5 crore boxes to
just 80 lakhs this year. The total loss
calculated by the government agencies because of drought is Rs 1000
crore. The
other major loss has been the fodder which used to be imported from
neighbouring states. As of now, no
relief has been provided to the farmers either by the state or the
In all, eight demands were
highlighted in the
convention, which included checking the price rise, strengthening the
distribution system, ban of futures trading of food items, providing 20
of wheat flour, 15 kilos of rice, 2 kilo edible oil, 3 pulses i.e 3
700 grams sugar per person and 1 kilogram salt to the family, immediate
to the farmers from drought, besides providing cheap fodder.
Others who spoke on the occasion
included, Vasudev
Vasu, Deewana Mal and Mukesh Kumar from CPI and Kushal Bhardwaj, Kapoor
Supahya, Sudesh Kumari and
The resolution of tasks was
placed by Rakesh Singha,
state secretary of CPI(M). A call to hold massive campaign from
November to January
2010 was given. During this campaign leaflets, nukkad
meetings, massive wall writing and two mass mobilisations
will be held at Mandi and Shimla. The Shimla rally will take place on
December and in Mandi on 11 January 2010.