44 November 01, 2009 |
The Great Spectrum Robbery: Raja Must Quit
THE telecom spectrum scam is now
back in the
news with CBI raiding the Department of Telecom (DoT), reportedly at
request of the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC). The CVC had earlier
to the Department of Telecom on this issue and had made clear that it
was not
satisfied at the explanation given by DoT. Why the minister concerned,
who has
self-admittedly been the key figure in this entire exercise, should be
the investigations of the CBI is the key question. Is it merely an
exercise to
find some lowly scapegoats and thereby divert attention from the real
If the minister continues to be
in charge, he
will obviously try and thwart the investigations. Even the prime
minister has
already given a clean chit to the minister, making CBI investigations
even more
To recapitulate the spectrum
swindle, the
Soon after this sale, the
parties who had
secured the licenses sold it at about 6-7 times the price they had paid
doing any development at all. The difference between what the companies
paid -- a total of Rs 9,000 crore --
and what the
market price of these licenses were -- anything between Rs 60,000 to
crore -- is the scam, making it by far the biggest scam ever in this
Who were the companies that
benefited from
this award of licenses? There were nine corporate entities who secured
licenses, which benefited from this under-valuation of the license fees
Unitech Builders, Venugopal Dhoot�s Videocon, Swan Telecom, Loop
Telecom (reportedly
owned by Ruias), S Tel, an unknown company owned by a shadowy entity
Investments (Mauritius) Ltd and older players such as Shyam Telelink,,
Cellular, Spice and Tatas. Only a few of these were telecom companies
or had
any real interest in telecom.
The deals struck soon after
between UAE�s
telecom operator Etisalat and Swan Telecom, and that between Unitech
Talenor (of
A Raja, the minister concerned,
provided two defences to the charge that his actions led to a huge loss
to the
exchequer. One is the argument that he had no alternative as
was some kind of internal law that all telecom ministers had to obey
and all
his predecessors had also followed. He has not referred to any document
policy which suggests that all new licenses had to be given only on a
first-come-first-served basis. As we will show below, both the TRAI and
officials in the Department of Telecom had in fact suggested a bidding
procedure for award of licenses. The second argument that Raja has
advanced is
that the license fee of Rs 1,651 crore was somehow written in stone by
contention that TRAI has since denied.
us look at this absurd first-come-first-served argument. The minister
referred to National Telecom Policy (NTP) 99 and the TRAI
recommendations of
2003 to justify his first-come-first-served principle. The simple fact
is that
after NTP 99, there was an auction in 2001 for the 4th GSM license and
therefore referring to NTP 99 for justifying this principle does not
water. In fact, the DoT had referred this matter to TRAI and TRAI had
recommended in June 23, 2000 that a multi-stage bidding process be
with auctioning for the license fee, which is what was finally
followed. Secondly, the 2003 TRAI
recommendations regarding
first-come-first-served principle that Raja talks about, referred to
parties who had secured licenses and were awaiting spectrum and not to
of new licenses. What the minister is deliberately obfuscating here is
that in
The then TRAI chairman Nripen
Mishra had had
rebutted the minister�s claim that TRAI had recommended
with 2001 pieces and clarified their recommendations had asked that new
entrants be brought in through a multi stage bidding process. The TRAI�s recommendations in �Review of License
Terms and Conditions and Number of Access Providers� dated August 28,
2008, in
para 2.73, had made clear:
The allocation of spectrum is
after the
payment of entry fee and the grant of license. The entry fee as it
exists today
is in fact price discovered through a market based mechanism applicable
for the
grant to the 4th cellular operator. In today�s dynamism and
growth of the telecom sector, the entry fee determined then is not the
realistic price for obtaining a license.
On both counts then, Raja�s
defence that he
was merely following what TRAI had told him or earlier ministers had
done bears
no credibility.
But this is not all. There was a
note prepared in 2007 by the secretary telecom, DS Mathur, which had
three options regarding award of licenses. It had considered
first-come-first-served with 2001 license fee, and two different ways
auctioning the licenses/spectrum. The note also made clear that the
first-come-first-served basis with an old license fee was not the best
way of
giving out licenses and made no reference to this so-called iron rule
of giving
licenses on a first-come-first-served basis that Raja keeps talking
about. It
is interesting to note that as long as DS Mathur was the secretary, no
were issued and only after his retirement in December 2007, were the
licenses issued.
The claim that he has broken the
cartel has also another problem. If his defence is that he was only
existing policy and TRAI recommendations, he cannot take credit for his
� according to him, he had no other choice. So he is either responsible
taking a decision to break the telecom cartel, and therefore also
responsible for the loss to the exchequer or he is responsible for
following existing procedures. He cannot have it both ways.
The other element of the scam is
license terms and conditions. If there was indeed a genuine desire to
license fees low and thereby benefit the ultimate customer, there
should have
been strict clauses locking-in share-holding and sale of licenses. Not
only was
this not done, the Merger and Acquisition Guidelines issued by DoT on
22 April,
2008 superseding its earlier guidelines, deliberately omitted all
mention of acquisitions
and only talked of mergers. The ministry seems to have gone out of its
way to
facilitate the immediate selling of these licenses for speculative
gains. Without
any lock-in measures, the gross undervaluation of the spectrum could
only lead
to windfall profits for the new licensees.
The first-come-first-served
policy for
award of licenses was further compounded by entirely arbitrary
operation of
even this principle. The cut off dates for submission of applications
announced with only a 72 hour notice; an entirely new date for capping
applicants were chosen without any basis; and the awards of licenses
were made
in a free-for-all melee, in which the parties depositing the cheques
were given preference. The media reports then talked of CEOs of
companies, who
were in the know of this capricious principle, coming to Sanchar Bhavan
bouncers to elbow out other competitors and jumping the queue. Never
have we seen such an unedifying spectacle in the award of licenses in
telecom sector. The entire exercise was one of playing favourites and
awarding licenses in an open and transparent manner.
Even after the scam had come to
light, the
UPA government had made no move to stop this open loot of the public
The CPI(M) had demanded a set of immediate measures by which licenses
given at
such low prices should be locked-in for a specified period. It had also
that windfall tax should be levied on all such sale of licenses. On
both these
counts, the UPA government then took the position that this was a
issue and the government had no role to play, never mind the fact that
were the ones who had issued licenses at such ridiculously low prices.
It is time that the minister concerned and the government take note that their defence on the spectrum issue has no takers. Raja must go if this government is even half-way serious of addressing the issue of probity in public life.