People's Democracy
(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India
01, 2009
Life & Death
Situation Grips
Naresh �Nadeem�
SO far in
the continuing month alone, Pakistan
has suffered as many as ten terrorist
attacks of serious nature, including one on the army�s high-security
headquarters (GHQ) in the garrison town of Rawalpindi. Taking place on October
10, this
attack could be quelled only after 22 hours of a pitched battle that
left 20
persons, including a brigadier and a lieutenant colonel, dead. This was
course not the first attack on Rawalpindi GHQ, but it has raised its
own share
of doubts.
Earlier in
the same week, on October 5, a suicide bomber attacked a UN office in Islamabad,
killing five.
On October
9, the Taliban struck in the city of Peshawar, killing 49.
Most of the victims of this ghastly attack were children.
Just one
day after those attacking the GHQ were
overpowered, militants attacked an army convoy on October 12 in the
Swat valley.
Here they
killed 40 persons and injured several dozens.
Three days
later, on October 15, the Taliban struck against
law enforcement agencies at three places in
The attacks were
almost synchronised.
A day
later, on October 16, militants attacked an
office of the Pakistan
police�s Crime Investigation Department in Peshawar, killing 12 persons on the
On October
19, two suicide bombers perpetrated an
attack in the International Islamic University at Islamabad, killing two women and
about 40. It was the first militant attack against an educational
Educational institutions across the country were closed for one week to
Two days
later, on October 21, militants ambushed another
army convoy killing a brigadier and a soldier. The former was once a
director of the general military operations and had also headed the UN
peacekeeping mission in Sudan.
Then, on
October 23, they perpetrated three attacks
--- outside a restaurant on the outskirts of Peshawar, against a marriage party in
tribal region and, and at the air force base in Kamra. Only about 50 km
the national capital, Kamra houses the biggest maintenance and research
base of
the air force. But what is still more serious is that the militants
aimed to attack the combat jets equipped to carry nuclear warheads.
Quoting the
Attock police chief Fakhra Sultan Raza, Associated Press reported that
attacker first tried to go inside the base and that he exploded himself
the officials tried to search his body. Though as many as three attacks
earlier taken place against the nuclear facilities in Pakistan,
Kamra attack has raised serious doubts about the safety of the
nuclear arsenal.
On October
27, militants struck in Meena Bazar in Peshawar, taking more
than 90 lives.
remarkable point in this regard is that the attack
on GHQ was preceded by an audacious Taliban attack on the US military base in Kamdesh town in Afghanistan. Here,
over 300 Taliban took part in the operation under the cover of fog, and
the battle
continued for over 24 hours. The attack left eight Americans dead and
wounded while attackers vanished into the mountains, with at least 25
policemen as hostages. This US
base is located near the Pak-Afghan border and it is suspected that the
whom the Pakistan Army had driven out of the Swat valley, carried out
attack. Eminent commentators, e g Tarek
are of the opinion that if only the army had extended its fight beyond
the Taliban could be caught in a pincer, but the government eased the
for some unknown reason, allowing the Taliban to move across the border.
Tarek Fatah adds: �As if this
message to the US
and Afghanistan was
enough, the Taliban attacked the Indian Embassy in Kabul, which the Indians say had the
of the Pakistan ISI. The claim has been vigorously denied by Pakistan�s ambassador to the US, but few observers doubt the hidden
hand of Pakistan's
rogue generals in this attack.� One notes that this was the second
attack on
Indian mission in Kabul.
This, many
in Pakistan
too believe, is precisely
the crux of the problem. The questions being widely asked after October
10 are:
How could the militants enter the most heavily guarded army
installation in Pakistan,
take many senior military officers hostage, and conduct against the
army a
22-hour running gun battle? Did they receive assistance from insiders?
Do they have
links with rogue elements in the ISI that has become a state within the
grappling with such questions, one cannot but
recall how a deadly rocket came crashing down upon the same GHQ in 2004
the then president and army chief, General Pervez Musharraf, was on a
there. At that time, only a few of the army-ISI top brass knew about
the visit
and its timing.
In this
regard, Hassan Abbas, writing in Foreign Affairs on
October 12, says:
�Before attempting to analyse the attack further, let's look at the
facts that
have come to light so far. The Crime Investigation Department of Punjab
--- a
civilian law enforcement body --- recently shared its assessment with
government departments, maintaining that "terrorists belonging to the
Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan
(TTP), in collaboration with Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) and
(JeM), were planning to attack GHQ in Rawalpindi."
It even warned that terrorists clad in military uniforms were planning
attack GHQ while riding in military vehicles. Pakistan's leading
newspaper group
--- the Jang group of publishers ---
both in its English and Urdu publications, disclosed this on October 5.
information was partly based on interrogations of suspects involved in
attack on Sri Lankan cricket team in March this year. Poor coordination
civilian law enforcement and the military is obvious.�
But the
more pertinent question to ask is whether this
non-attention to an important intelligence input was simple
carelessness or had
a deliberate intent built into it.
all these attacks coincided with the
Army�s preparations for a major offensive against the Taliban in South Waziristan. Here, as we know, not only a
bulk of
the TTP but also a number of Uzbek, Chechen and Al Qaeda militants with
many of
their leaders are concentrated. By the time of writing these lines,
such an
offensive was indeed going on though one cannot be sure whether it will
continue to the end or stop midway as in Swat.
It was also
learnt that the army chief, General
Pervez Kayani, was trying to negotiate with the Mehsud tribe�s elders
while the
army was concentrating its firepower against Hakimullah Mehsud�s
followers who
are virtually ruling the area. However, what was not clear was whether
the move
aimed to isolate the militants from the wider public or involved an
element of
appeasement. One notes that about five years back, General Musharraf
had tried
to purchase peace in the same area by paying crores of rupees to the
only to get disappointed in the end.
whether it is the attack on Police Training
School in Lahore or the deadly RDX attack on Marriott Hotel in
barely a km away from Aiwan-e-Sadr (the President�s House), or the
attack on
Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore, the point to note is that militants
find it
easy enough to attack at will any target they choose.
A second
point to note is that different Taliban
groups are now trying to coordinate their activities, perhaps in a bid
unitedly rebuff any government offensive. The
TTP was
itself formed in December 2007 by the coming together of 14 different
from Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and North West Frontier
Province (NWFP) under the leadership of Baitullah Mehsud who was later
in an American drone offensive.
instead of concentrating fire against the US/NATO forces in Afghanistan, the TTP unleashed an
wave of terror attacks inside Pakistan.
Its aim was to incapacitate the Pakistani state and attack other
forces as a means to fulfilling its grand designs. According to an
estimate, the TTP has so far killed over
1,300 soldiers, apart from over 500 police officials in the NWFP alone
dozens in other provinces. Besides killing many leading politicians
Benazir Bhutto, the TTP has killed more than 200 tribal chiefs in FATA
innumerable civilians in hundreds of suicide attacks, bomb blasts and
hits. Importantly, in the very month the TTP was formed, former prime
Benazir Bhutto was killed in a suicide attack cum firing when she was
addressing an election rally in Rawalpindi.
At that time, Musharraf had publicly accused Baitullah Mehsud of
the attack.
to Dr Sarfaraz Khan (director, Area Study
Centre on Central Asia, China, Russia and Afghanistan, University of
the TTP not only has political objectives but also has territory under
control. Already in Waziristan, in his own lifetime, Baitullah had
a so-called �Islamic Emirate of Waziristan,� and his group and
successors are
now seeking to impose their conception of an Islamic caliphate, a
medieval and
ruralised kind of institution on entire Pakistan.�
Since its
formation, Dr Khan says, the TTP has
continually increased its strength at home, horizontally and
vertically, by
bringing more areas and militants under its wings. It has also
established crude
and ruthless governance structures including so-called Islamic courts
prisons in areas under their control --- North Waziristan, South Waziristan, Orakzai, Bajaur, Khyber tribal
parts of FATA, and in
Swat (NWFP) up till May this year.
the TTP�s �Islamic� state is undeniably a
euphemism for an ultra-conservative Wahabi state with no human
liberties. A
Taliban stalwart like Maulana Sufi Muhammad dubbed the country�s
parliamentary legislative
bodies and English-law based judicial system as �a system of infidels�
must be thrown away.
to what Dr Ashraf
Ali, a keen observer of militant movements, told the Global
Politicians, another important development is that terrorist
and militant outfits from other parts of Pakistan are now joining
hands with
the TTP. While their common Pushtoon origin binds the Pakistani and
Taliban together, �In recent months� the TTP has been joined in
numbers by Kashmir and Punjab based
groups, originally formed by the ISI to fight the proxy war in Indian
This has increased the scope and scale of Pakistani Taliban movement;�
the influx of Punjabis and Kashmiris into a predominantly Pushtoon
movement has
given it a multi-ethnic colour. Apart from domestic consequences, the rampaging Taliban movement in Pakistan
has deeply perturbed the neighbouring countries because separatist
groups in
these countries --- like Kashmiris (India),
Jundallah (Iran),
Turkistan Islamic Movement (China)
and Afghan Taliban --- have deep links with the TTP. The latter are
guided by Al Qaeda in return for shelter for its leaders in South Waziristan.
In view of
this Taliban
resurgence in the country and their growing attacks with impunity,
saner people
have urged the Pakistani establishment that the time for a serious
introspection on its part has come. After the Marriott Hotel attack in
eminent short story writer Ms Zahida Hina wrote in her column in Roznama Express (Urdu) that Pakistan was
burning in �apni lagaai aag�
(self-lit fire). She only forgot to qualify it by adding that it was a
dictator who lit this fire and it is the people of Pakistan whom this fire is
consuming. However, what she wanted to say is perfectly understandable
and a
large number of people in Pakistan,
and other parts of the world share her opinion.
The chain
of events ran
like this. After the Saur Revolution in Afghanistan,
the Ziaul-Haque dictatorship raised the slogan of �Islam in danger,�
and this swept
away a large number of people in Pakistan, though the slogan
camouflaged the Yankee geo-strategic interest in the region. The
situation soon
deteriorated to the extent that various groups of Afghan mujahideen,
engaged in
opium smuggling and other illegal activities, fought running gun
battles among
themselves in the streets of Karachi and there was nobody to restrain
them as
the dictatorship needed their services elsewhere --- in its (un)holy
against the �infidels� in Afghanistan. It was not long before the Zia
began to utilise this proxy war strategy against India,
first in Punjab and then in Kashmir.
Yankees, with full ease, overlooked this Zia game against India
as well.
are unanimous
that sectarian violence in Pakistan
owes its genesis to this very milieu. The Zia dictatorship�s emphasis
Jama�at-e-Islami kind of Islam began to threaten not only the
Ahmediyas and other minorities but also the Shias, particularly the
important thing to
note is that non-military governments in the last twenty odd years, led
Benazir Bhutto or Nawaz Sharif, did not display any appreciable degree
foresight. Even though both had suffered at the army�s hands, they
tried not
the least bit to dismantle the Zia regime�s legacy and, instead, kept
among themselves. If anything, each of them was more concerned about
how to win
the army�s goodwill, and appeased the army�s top brass in every
possible manner.
This only enhanced the army�s clout and transformed it into a corporate
with exceptionally big stakes. That is why any move to bring the army
and ISI
under civilian control faces serious resistance. In the last week of
July 2008,
the government issued a notification to bring the ISI under the
ministry�s control and had to withdraw it within 24 hours.
In sum,
already caught in a political deadlock and
economic stringency, Pakistan
finds itself in a life and death situation where each single step may
have a
far-reaching impact. Certainly, the army is not expected to give up its
privileged position; cf the noise over supposed threat to its stake
from the
Kerry-Lugar amendment. But the question is: Can the Zardari-Gilani
afford to repeat the same omissions and commissions that cost its
quite heavily?
As for India,
its stake in a stable democratic regime in Pakistan
was never as great as it
is today. Sadly, however, after taking a welcome stand at Sharm
Al-Sheikh, it
seems Dr Manmohan Singh has gone back upon his word and the refrain now
is that
must first root out extremism for a revival of the composite dialogue
Such conditions have always impeded an Indo-Pak thaw in the past while
improvement in relations has been there in the past six years was
mainly because
of unconditional talks.
October 28,