People's Democracy
(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India
25, 2009
Climate Change or Creating the
Climate for an About Turn?
THE minister of environment and
Jairam Ramesh has circulated a discussion note on climate change which
is a
significant departure from India�s
basic positions on this issue and aligning it with that advocated by
the US.
A careful
reading of his discussion note makes clear that this is not �some
in India�s stance�
as he has
argued in his press statement on this issue within India�s
national consensus but an about turn. If the Indian government takes
position, it will not only be a complete betrayal of the people of this
but indeed of the entire developing world.
The argument that India should be with the G20 and not
G77 has
nothing to do with climate change negotiations � India
emits only 1.2 tons carbon dioxide per capita as against the figures of
the US
21 and 10
tons for the EU. India
is not on the same side as the club of the rich and any attempts to
side with
the rich countries will not signify any independent position but a
to their continuing grab of the global carbon space. Even if India
cuts all
its emissions in the future, it will make no difference � its emissions
less than 5 per cent of total global emissions with 17 per cent of the
population. Contrast this with the US -- 22
per cent of all global emissions with
about 4 per cent of the world's population.
past record of the rich countries has shown that without concerted
pressure, they will refuse to take binding cuts and continue to
endanger the
globe. Yes, the emerging countries have some role in the solution to
the global
climate crisis even though they have not created the problem. But
breaking the
unity of the developing countries before Copenhagen
will rank with India's
about-turn accepting that Intellectual Property be introduced into the
negotiations of 1989. The consequence has been the imposition of TRIPS
and the
iniquitous WTO order with its enormous adverse impact on the global
poor. The
climate change negotiations is not just about the environment but about
and the developing countries right to development. This is what is at
Let us look at what Jairam
Ramesh suggests.
His major points are that India
should take a per capita plus approach and give up per
convergence principle. It is important here to understand the
between the continued emission of countries � the flow of emissions --
and the
historically accumulated emissions of countries or the existing stock
emissions. As CO2 decays very slowly, it is the stock of
emitted by the rich industrialised countries that today constitutes the
problem of the developing countries for their development. If we want
to limit
the rise of temperature to 2 degrees C with a 50 per cent probability,
then out
of the total 640 Gigatonnes (GtC) of the carbon budget available from
1800 till
2050, already 330 GtC been emitted and
the rest 310 GtC will also be spent within the next 20-25 years at the
rate of emissions. Out of this, the Annex 1 countries
or the rich industrialised countries have
already grabbed more than 77 per
cent of the current stock of
greenhouse gases, with a share of population that is
less than 15
per cent of the world. The rest,
including India and
have more than 85 per cent of the
global population and have contributed only 23 per
cent to the existing stock of GHG gases. If we accept a per capita plus
not a even a per capita convergence approach, it means not only
forgetting that the rich countries have already hogged most of the
budget, but also allowing them to grab the major part of what is left
as well:
allowing them a much higher carbon space from the future
share of the
developing countries.
If we want to take a more
figure, reducing the risk of a 2 deg C change to be within 75 per cent
probability, our carbon budget for the future is only 190 GtC instead
of 310
GtC taken above and we will run out of this very quickly indeed. The
issue of
future carbon space would become even more critical then.
What is the implication of
asking everybody
to reduce and not taking a per capita convergence approach? It simply
that while the rich countries continue on a high carbon path to meet
luxury consumption, we will have to immediately go in for a low carbon
path to meet even our subsistence needs. If they do not vacate some
space by drastically reducing their emissions, every developing country
have to pay a very heavy price to save the globe.
Just to put some numbers. A coal
plant can be put up for Rs 5 crore per MW and will produce electricity
with a
80 per cent plant load factor. Using a low carbon --solar route -- the
cost will be around Rs 20-25 crore per MW. But that is not all. Since
the PLF
is about 25 per cent for solar plants, we will have to install about
3-4 times
as much � the capital cost for producing the same amount of electricity
about 12-15 times that using the coal route or a high carbon route! So
a low carbon per capita plus approach that allows the rich countries to
continue with higher emissions will impose huge costs on the developing
countries. That is why the fight for every bit of carbon space in the
Though the minister has now
clarified that
India�s per capita plus approach should be achieved through domestic
legislation, arguing for accepting the Australian proposal of putting
domestic undertakings in a schedule is nothing but bringing binding
on both the developed and the developing countries. It is moving away
from the
Annexe 1 and Non-Annex 1 countries distinction and would effectively
dilute the
Kyoto and Bali
consensus. It is obvious that this is a move to placate the US, the only hold out amongst the rich
from Kyoto.
cannot abandon positions agreed after decades of global negotiations
merely to
please the US.
The argument in this context given in Jairam Ramesh�s discussions note
that India should
sign a climate change agreement
with the US during
the prime
minister�s November visit and before Copenhagen
will be a completely wrong message to
the global community. The world will see this for what it is � India�s shift from a leader of the
movement and the G77 to a subordinate ally of the US.
Based on per capita
entitlements, the rich
countries owe the developing countries a huge carbon debt. This is not
just a
notional figure, but the actual additional burden that they will have
shoulder because of a lack of carbon space and the rich countries
hogging most of it. The demand that the rich countries make financial
technology transfers to developing countries is only a small reparation
this huge carbon debt. Unfortunately, Jairam�s discussion note�s
argument for a
more �nuanced position� on this may only end up by allowing the rich
to renege on this debt.
We have no quarrel with the
argument that India
should work out a comprehensive climate mitigation plan and enact
legislation for this. The minister's advocacy of domestic action
linking it to the global negotiations would have some merit if all his
suggestions were not in line with what the rich countries have been
from India
� cut your emissions and take binding commitments. The one domestic
that India
can and should take does not figure in his list. This is enacting
legislation that any technology, which helps climate change mitigation
can be
compulsorily licensed similar to the provision for life saving drugs.
would make India
(and the developing countries) transition to a low carbon path easier
and would
remove the double burden that the developing countries are being asked
to pay.
On one hand, we have to adopt high cost technologies for reducing
emissions, on
the other we have to pay monopoly prices to global MNC's to buy such
The problem with India's
climate change negotiations
is on par with its other negotiations � keep people in the dark and
make major
moves without transparency. Major decisions have been taken which
constitute a departure from the national consensus. The prime minister
Heiligendamm had agreed that India's per capita emissions will never be
than that of the industrialised countries. This means that we will
adjust our
future flows only to their future flows and without any reference to
already very large stock in the atmosphere. In Aquila, again, India in the G20 discussions agreed that it
will remove all fossil fuel subsidies. Kerosene subsidy, the issue in
is for a section of the population that produces hardly any emission.
All this
have been done without any national discussion. The minister's letter
should not be seen in isolation but as a part of a continuing strategy
India is following in its foreign policy � a steady drift towards the
The US has offered no
concessions as yet in
the global negotiations. They are arguing that the world must tear up
all its
previous agreements and simply accept what the US wants to do. In this
there is no global compact called Kyoto, no common but differentiated
responsibility and no historical emissions. They have the lions' share
current stock of emissions and must continue to retain this share as
the world
cuts down future global emissions. Bringing the US into global
negotiations on
these terms would be nothing but an abject surrender to the US.
The minister's note also implies
that since
climate change will affect India more, we should take unilateral
action. The
experience of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty shows that one sided
generate no pressure on the rich and the powerful. Unless the world
stands up
and says that the US and the club of the rich cut their emissions
the world cannot be saved. Unilateral action by India with its low
level of
emissions without linking it to binding emission cuts for developed
would in no way solve the problem. Even a Nick Stern has talked of
India and
developing countries putting conditionalities on the developed world
forcing them to change their ways. A Jeffry Sachs talks about the need
to lift
all Intellectual Property Rights for climate mitigation technologies.
It is
indeed strange Indian ministers and officials speak in a completely
India�s climate policy must be
founded on
the development needs of the majority of its population and the needs
India�s future development. The minister's proposals in their current
form are
only a thinly veiled proposal to barter India�s energy and
developmental future
for a seat at the high table curtsy the US. This we must reject.