42 October 18, 2009 |
Struggles to Save ICDS; Improve
Conditions of Employees
workers and helpers from all over Punjab holding a rally
THE sixth conference of the All
India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers (AIFAWH) concluded in
Chandigarh on 12 October 2009 with a firm resolve to step up the
struggles to
�Save ICDS� and improve the conditions of the anganwadi employees. It
has also called
upon the anganwadi employees all over the country to join the trade
union struggles
opposing the anti people policies of the UPA government without which
it would
neither be possible to save ICDS nor to improve their conditions.
585 delegates from 23 states
participated in the conference held on 9- 12 October. The venue of the
conference was named as Ahilya Rangnekar Nagar (Bhakna Bhawan). After
AIFAWH flag was hoisted by Neelima Maitra, president of the
organisation, the
delegates most of them dressed in the traditional attires of their
states marched
in a procession from Kisan Bhawan to Sector 25 where a massive rally
was held. More
than 15,000 anganwadi employees from all over
The delegates� session started
in the evening of 9 October. Amarjeet Singh, former additional
general and chairman of the reception committee welcomed the delegates
to the
state of Bhagat Singh and Jalianwala Bagh reminding the role of all
those who
laid down their lives in the struggle to liberate the country from
imperialists. He expressed confidence that the sixth conference of
AIFAWH being
held in Bhakna Bhawan, constructed in memory of Baba Sohan Singh Bhakna
inspire the delegates to fight against imperialist dictated policies
and for
justice and equal opportunities for all.
Kanai Banerjee, secretary of
CITU inaugurated the conference. He congratulated the AIFAWH for the
progress since the last conference and its initiative to save ICDS. He
said that
the anganwadi employees were playing a crucial role in the development
children, the future human resources of the country, but the government
totally neglecting their genuine demands. A large number of anganwadi
as well as the beneficiaries belonged to socially oppressed sections
and faced
problems like caste discrimination. The agricultural workers, poor
peasants etc
among whom the anganwadi employees work are facing many problems due to
policies pursued by the government. It was necessary to help these
sections to
get organised. He urged the delegates to address the social issues of
anganwadi employees along with their economic demands and expressed the
confidence that the decisions taken in the conference would help AIFAWH
advancing the movement of anganwadi employees.
In her presidential address,
Neelima Maitra referred to the global economic crisis and said that the
employers were trying to increase the attacks on workers in the name of
recession. She said such crises were part of the capitalist system. She
pointed out that resistance to the policies of globalisation,
privatisation and
liberalisation was increasing all over the world and in several Latin
countries, governments that were close to US imperialism were being
and pro Left governments were being elected. But the UPA government in
country is not ready to change track from the neo liberal policies and
trying to hand over the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) to
SHGs, corporates, NGOs etc, as per the dictates of the World Bank. She
upon the delegates to take note of the broader context of the
international and
national situation while discussing their problems and formulating
general secretary of AIFAWH placed
the report on behalf of the working committee. The report was highly
of the pro rich bias of the UPA government, which was leading to
widening of
the gap between the rich and the poor. The country�s position in the
Development Index has been continuously coming down and is now at 134
among 182
countries. India has become the Hunger Capital of the world. But the
government is not making adequate financial allocations to programmes
ICDS, NRHM etc to effectively address the situation. It is
misinterpreting the
results of the parliament elections where the Left suffered a set back,
as a
licence to push forward with its policies of privatisation,
liberalisation and
globalisation. The report briefly analysed the post election situation
in the
country and warned that dissatisfaction and disillusion against the
was bound to occur soon due to the policies pursued by the UPA
government. It
was necessary to channel this into intense struggles to reverse the
It also condemned the serious attacks on the Left parties particularly
CPI(M) in West Bengal. The Left was being attacked ideologically and
- it was pointed out - because it was the only force that opposed
strategic tie
up with US imperialism mortgaging our interests, and implementation of
policies that were against the interests of the common people in the
The report asserted that the
ICDS and the conditions of the anganwadi employees were governed by the
policies of the government and stressed to create this awareness among
anganwadi employees. It also highlighted the poor infrastructure, the
lack of
basic necessities like toilets, drinking water and space for the
children in
the anganwadi centres. These along with irregular supply of nutritious
food, gross
interference by panchayats and local politicians and others are leading
deterioration of the functioning of the anganwadi centres.
In stead of taking effective
measures to improve the infrastructure and ensure regular supply of
quality, locally acceptable food in the required quantities, the
government is
resorting to make changes prescribed by the World Bank, that lead to
deterioration in the conditions.
The conditions of anganwadi
workers and helpers continue to be miserable. The government has now
decided to
increase their working hours from 4 � to 6 hours per day; but they are
being paid minimum wages; they do not have any social security
benefits. The prime
minister has failed to fulfil his assurance to provide �parting gift�
to the
anganwadi employees being forcefully retired at 58 � 60 years. Now the
government has shifted the burden of taking a decision on retirement
providing retirement benefits to the state governments.
The general secretary�s report
reviewed the implementation of the direction of the last conference to
intensify struggles and strengthen the organisation; to link up
struggles with
education and organisation and to focus on the development of
capable and committed cadres. The report pointed out that raising
demands, effective preparations, efforts to approach the anganwadi
outside the purview of the unions and taking up the struggle forms in
large number of anganwadi employees were ready to participate helped in
the huge
mobilisations in all these struggles. The ten day mass relay hunger
strike in
Delhi, the march to parliament and courting of arrest, the mass
deputation to
the prime minister after collecting around 2 crore signatures etc
created great
enthusiasm among the anganwadi employees, particularly in the Hindi
states. The conscious efforts to strengthen the organisations in the
speaking states by organising separate meetings, central trade union
etc, have helped in increasing the activities in these states. While
membership of AIFAWH increased by more than 68 per cent over that at
the time
of the last conference, in the Hindi speaking states, it has increased
by over
125 per cent. The report emphasised the need to further intensify these
in view of the fact that around 62 per cent of the total anganwadi
employees in
the country exist in the Hindi speaking states.
37 delegates from all the
states participated in the discussions and endorsed the report
presented by the
general secretary and strengthened it with their experiences, after
which it
was unanimously adopted. The treasurer�s report and accounts placed by
Sindhu was also adopted unanimously by the conference.
The conference organised
discussions in four commissions on four important topics � �ICDS � How
to Make
Results Meet Expectations�, �Changes in ICDS � Restructuring or
�Social Security for Anganwadi Employees� and �Democratic Functioning�.
than 100 anganwadi employees participated in these discussions. The
observations of the commissions were placed in the conference.
The conference demanded that
adequate financial allocations should be made for universalisation of
2010 to cover all eligible children, open full fledged anganwadi
centres and
not mini anganwadi centres and to convert all the mini anganwadi
centres into
full fledged anganwadi centres, include provision of supplementary
under ICDS as a statutory right under the Food Security Act, construct
buildings with all facilities including
toilets, drinking water, space for playing and resting for the
adequate supply of toys, medicines etc for all anganwadi centres. It
has also
demanded that the pre school component of the ICDS should be
strengthened by
providing proper training and retraining for the anganwadi centres and
converting the anganwadi centres into day care cum cr�ches and
provision of two
meals to the children attending the centres.
While recognising the need to
make changes to improve the functioning, the conference demanded the
that all concerned including the organisations of the anganwadi
employees, the
organisations representing the beneficiaries like the All India
Women�s Association, All India Agricultural Union, All India Kisan
Sabha and
CITU should be consulted and their recommendations taken into
before making any changes, and not that of CARE or USAID.
The conference unanimously
adopted several resolutions including those on price rise and food
security for
all, universalisation of ICDS, against the attacks on the Left in West
Bengal, on
unorganised workers, against the attacks on workers� rights, on
legislation for agricultural workers, in support of the demands of
ASHAs and
mid day meal workers etc.
A well attended seminar was
held on 10 October on �ICDS and Human Development�. Neelima Maitra
over the seminar in which the eminent economist and deputy chairman of
Planning Board, Prabhat Patnaik was the main speaker. Brinda Karat, MP
not participate due to her engagements in the election campaign in
and Tapan Sen, MP and secretary of CITU, due to a grave personal
�Marching Ahead�, a book
published by AIFAWH on the major struggles led by it and its affiliated
along with the achievements and related GOs, to be utilised as a tool
organising for the activists, was released by Mohammed Amin, general
of CITU on 11 October. The first copy was handed over to M K Pandhe,
of CITU, who concluded the session. Pandhe said that because of the
discontent against the policies being pursued by the UPA government,
growing unemployment, job losses, attacks on the trade union rights
etc, all
the central trade unions including INTUC and BMS came together to fight
these policies. He urged the anganwadi employees to participate in
numbers in the all India protest day on 28 October 2009.
The conference adopted a 29
point charter of demands which will be the basis for the future
campaigns and
struggles. It has also unanimously adopted the future tasks that
included tasks
relating to the movement and
organisational tasks. It has decided to conduct a wide campaign to
the charter of demands through project level general bodies in the
month of
November and to organise massive rallies in all the state capitals on
the same
day in April 2010, the exact date will be decided by the new working
It has also decided to concentrate on improving the functioning of the
committees; to pay special attention to the problems of the anganwadi
concentrate on cadre development and make serious efforts to recruit at
one full timer for the union at the state level; develop stronger ties
with the
beneficiaries and involve them in the struggle to save ICDS; increase
participation in the joint trade union struggles and campaigns; and to
the membership to Seven lakhs by the time of the next conference.
A 21 member team of office
with Neelima Maitra as president, Hemalata as general secretary and
Sharma as treasurer was elected unanimously by the conference.
The conference was greeted by
Asha Lata, secretary of AIDWA, Rachpal Singh from AIKS and Raghunath
Singh from
the Punjab state committee of CITU. On behalf of all the delegates, A R
thanked the Anganwadi Mulajam Union, Punjab and the Punjab state
committee of
CITU for making excellent arrangements for the accommodation and food
of the
delegates and the smooth conduct of the conference.