40 October 04, 2009 |
Agri-Businesses Threaten Indian Agriculture
THROUGH a statement issued from
The statement pointed out that
even as the Indian government is making a shrill campaign about a
�Second Green
Revolution,� it is becoming increasingly clear that, under the garb of
Indo-US Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture (KIA), the real intention
is to
usher in an unbridled monopoly for the predatory agri-businesses like
which also is on the KIA Board. The statement noted that ever since the
seeds policy announced in 1988, multinational corporations (MNCs)
entered the Indian
seeds market in a big way and have, by a policy of mergers and
taken over a bulk of the Indian private seeds companies. The giant
have gradually established control over the local seeds companies
buyouts, joint ventures and licensing arrangements, and established
monopoly over the huge seeds market. The present policy allows 100 per
cent FDI
in the seeds industry and the institutionalisation of the MNCs�
monopoly over
the seeds sector as well as the agro-chemical sector, thereby placing
Indian farmers directly at their mercy.
The AIKS statement further said
the supply of seeds,
which was being taken care of earlier by the ingenuity of the Indian
farmers as
well as the public sector seeds corporations and indigenous companies,
has now
slipped into the control of global players like Monsanto. The enormous payments as royalty has ensured
that a continuous flow of profits accrue to these MNCs. Seeds
are no
longer in the public domain as they are now the �intellectual property�
these MNCs. The withdrawal of state regulation has aided the creation
of seed
monopolies and the governmental policies are abetting the gradual
of the public sector seeds corporations. The Kisan Sabha noted that
only six
companies --- Monsanto, Du Pont, Mitsui, Syngenta, Aventis and Dow ---
now control
98 per cent of the world seeds market; in
Though the debate on the
question of genetically
modified (GM) crops has not yet been clinched, recently the European
cracked down stringently and sent back the GM crops coming from the
The AIKS statement noted that
the department of
industrial policy and promotion (DIPP) under the ministry of commerce
prepared a draft note, stating that all the foreign direct investments
would be
approved through automatic route without any restrictions as royalty
and subject only to the Foreign Exchange Management Act (Current
Transactions) Rules of 2000. The present stipulation is that there has
to be
compulsory approval if the technology transfer exceeds two million US
dollars and
the royalty payable exceeds five per cent on the domestic sales or
eight per
cent of the export sales, both pertaining to value addition. These caps
were fixed
so that Indian farmers were not burdened by high seed costs. But at a
time when
the powers of the MRTPC have been diluted, it is all the more essential
retain the existing safeguards.
The AIKS has demanded that the
government of India and
the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks take
immediate steps
to rein in the MNCs that are following restrictive trade practices and
infringing upon the MRTP provisions. There must be a cap on the rate of
payment, to ensure that seeds are available at affordable prices. An
Regulatory Authority must be set up to ensure that farmers are
protected. In
addition to these measures, the ministry of agriculture must take
measures to promote participatory plant breeding through an interface
the farming and the scientific community with attractive incentives,
provide remunerative
prices for the seeds developed through this mechanism, and also ensure
certification to counter the seed monopolies and ensure