30 July 26, 200 |
Depart Mr Jekyll, Enter Mr Hyde
Prabir Purkayastha
AFTER the Nuclear Suppliers
Group (NSG) meeting last
September, the government of India had mounted a high voltage campaign
how it
had secured a �clean and unconditional� waiver. Prime minister Manmohan
had hailed the NSG's waiver as enabling �full civil nuclear
cooperation� with
India, and said, �It marks the end of
India's decades long isolation from the nuclear mainstream and of
denial regime." What the government had hid from the people is that the
NSG at that time was also considering a ban on all fuel Enrichment and
Reprocessing (ENR) technologies for countries that did not have the
fuel cycle
or had not signed the NPT. The US and some other countries wanted this
ban to
cover all countries that currently do not possess the full fuel cycle,
but it
ran into some resistance from countries such as Brazil and Canada.
there was unanimity inside NSG on banning transfer of such technologies
non-signatories to NPT. The recent G8 ban on transfer of ENR
technologies to
non-NPT signatories is nothing but this consensus within NSG � non bracketed text of the NSG resolution �
and this is what G8 countries have now adopted.
Why did the Indian government
hide what it knew was on
the NSG anvil? Was it to pretend before the people that the technology
regime was ending and India henceforth would get access to all
including that for the fuel cycle? Since the PM had stated in
parliament that
the 123 agreement guaranteed �full civil nuclear cooperation�, anything
of a clean and unconditional waiver would have been politically
therefore the charade. First, the NSG gives a �clean� waiver and in
turn, India
accepts that it will abide by any future decision of the NSG. Then the
imposes a ban on all ENR technologies to countries such as India, on
India would make some noise but not go further.
However, the present G8 ban is
even worse: it singles
out only India for the ban. Since Israel,
Pakistan and North Korea, the three other nuclear states that
have not
signed the NPT do not have an NSG waiver, the only country on which the
G8 ban
is applicable is India. So we are back to the 123 agreement, the Hyde
Act and
the NSG waiver being limited to reactors and nuclear fuel. The
technology denial
regime, reiterated a number of times by Kakodkar, the AEC chairman, as
thwarting India's progress in nuclear and other fields, remains very
much in
place. The India-US nuclear deal, as was stated by the Left all along,
was a
deal for nuclear reactors and allowing India access to nuclear fuel.
A number of commentators had at
the time of the
nuclear negotiations had claimed that India had the option of not
buying US
reactors and could work out more favourable terms with Russia and
thereby beating the Hyde Act provisions of technology denial. The
recent G8 ban
on ENR technology makes clear that this route was really never open.
The Hyde
Act had made clear that the US administration would need to see that
nuclear industry in the US did not have a handicap due to the Hyde Act
provisions and must secure a commitment from other countries before the
waiver that they would all act in concert. This is what has appeared
now as the
G8 ban.
Despite the G8 ban being
orchestrated by the US, India
is bending over backwards to offer its companies two sites for locating
plants. This is the gift that India has made publicly during Hilary
visit. Presumably, the 10,000 MW reactor sales that India has promised
the US
government is still on course, despite the ENR ban. Further, the India
government is now working on limiting liability of the private
running nuclear plants or supplying nuclear equipment. In simple terms,
means that if there is a Bhopal type disaster, the private companies
would not pay damages � the burden of damages, relief and
rehabilitation would
all be carried by the government. The US suppliers of nuclear reactors
complete protection if their equipment fail and cause a Chernobyl or
Bhopal type
disaster. What they want is that the risk of nuclear plants be carried
by the Indian tax payers while they enjoy the benefits. New age
where the people pay for all the risks and capital enjoys the entire
The question is what are the
implications of the G8
ENR ban? Or is it of little consequence to our nuclear program?
The answer to this question
would depend on what kind
of nuclear program we are looking for. The US and other nuclear powers
been arguing that India should not develop any nuclear fuel facilities,
not try and reprocess the spent fuel and not take the fast breeder
route. In essence, they want a nuclear power sector in India which
would be
entirely dependent on the suppliers. They would then control the
pipeline that
supplies India with nuclear fuel and thereby ensure that India toes the
line. In such a scenario, the denial of ENR technologies would have
impact � India would have already accepted the US yoke.
The problem comes up if India
wants to protect its
energy security and continue with its three phase program -- fast
reactors for the second phase and thorium in the third phase. In this
India would have to put its breeder reactors under IAEA safeguards,
while at
the time, it would be denied any technology for breeder reactors.
reactors would be regarded as part of the fuel cycle and therefore any
technology for such plants would come under the recent G8 ban.
In case India abandons the fast
breeder and the
thorium route, and goes in for Light Water Reactors and enriched fuel,
it faces
a different problem. It would have to import enriched fuel. Unlike
Heavy Water
Pressurised Reactors that use natural uranium, the Light Water Reactors
enriched uranium. If India wants to reduce its dependence on imported
fuel, it
has to either enrich fuel itself or reprocess the spent fuel. Since
India has
limited sources of natural uranium, reprocessing would be important to
dependence on imported fuel. This immediately brings up the same
problem as
with breeder reactors, such reprocessing plants would be under complete
safeguards and yet would be denied technology.
This state � to have fully
safeguarded facilities and
yet be denied technology -- means that every bit of equipment that goes
into it
would need to be indigenously produced. The IAEA safeguards can not
only check
for whether we are beating the ban through grey market but could also
further and check plants that produce such equipment and whether they
are in
turn using �banned� equipment. This is indeed the worst of both worlds.
India is soon to negotiate the
consent for
reprocessing with the US. This consent, according to the Atomic Energy
Commission, is crucial to India's future nuclear program. The US
carried out
similar negotiations with the Japanese for its reprocessing facility.
What the
US imposed on the Japanese is very expensive monitoring equipment. In
case, the issue is not only its cost. What it could easily impose on
India is
monitoring equipment, which India cannot buy and will find
expensive to produce -- India would be between the proverbial rock and
a very
hard place.
The question then arises: why
should India buy nuclear
plants from countries that are a party to a continuing technology
regime? If � as the government claims � these countries have broken the
and gone back on their pledge in the NSG for a clean waiver, why should
we then
still buy their reactors? These reactors would not only be
expensive, they would come with fuel supplies tied to the parent
countries. At
any point of time, they could turn off the tap and our fuel supply
would come
to a standstill. This is what happened in Tarapur. Why are we then
our fuel security for buying reactors at huge costs,
that too at 2-4 times the prices of Indian
The other question that we need
to address is that if
we buy reactors at such high costs, will we have money left to continue
our indigenous development including the breeder-thorium route? Or are
hiding that we intend to give up this route any way and fall back on
the easier
one of importing reactors? Even if it is a far more expensive option
and means loss
of energy security for the future?
We had indicated earlier that as
a consequence of the
India US nuclear deal, it is clear that India is going to slow up the
Breeder and thorium route. We cannot put in the kind of investments in
nuclear reactors and also continue investing in FBR technology. This
is abandoning its earlier goal of technology self reliance and energy
by stealth.
The technology denial regime is
not limited to just
explicit items required for ENR. It covers also various dual use
Therefore, the ban on ENR technologies would affect not only nuclear
but also
other sectors. The government needs to
come clean on the implications of the G8 ban instead of hiding behind
statement that it goes by the NSG waiver statement. India going by the
NSG waiver is of no use, if the countries that have ENR technologies do
abide by this waiver any more. It is either hiding its head in the sand
continuing to deceive the people knowing full well what the ban
implies. What
is clear is what the Left had said all along � this deal is flawed from
beginning. In making the US its interlocutor to the NSG, it has
accepted that
the US will shape the nature of its future nuclear energy program.
Instead, India should have
looked for a nuclear fuel
deal and engaged with the broader NSG community. It would perhaps have
longer but at the end of this process, India would have had a deal
which would
have respected its goal of self reliance and energy security. If all
India is
getting out of this deal is nuclear fuel and reactors, then this
agreement is a
bad one. It ties India down in various ways and has already extracted a
price in terms of foreign policy, foregoing
the cheaper energy option of imports of gas and LNG from Iran. In the
long run,
a broader engagement with a number of member states of the NSG would
have been
much better for India than a deal secured with US �mentoring� India
through the
NSG process and thereby imposing its conditions on us.
For many of the nuclear
disarmament proponents in the
West, the path to disarmament has been through nuclear non
proliferation. Unfortunately, it was the
unwillingness of
the nuclear weapon states to move meaningfully towards disarmament that
endangered the NPT compact. The US strategic doctrine that envisages
use of
nuclear weapons even against non-nuclear weapons states, its aggressive
of regime change, its war and occupation of Iraq has changed the
landscape completely and it is time that the disarmament movement in
the West
comes to terms with this.
If we are serious about
disarmament, we cannot think
now only of how to strengthen the NPT regime by creating barriers to
technologies. We have to look for multilateral fuel facilities which
jointly owned by the international community, cast iron guarantees for
supplies before asking countries to give up self reliance in fuel
The world will not accept a new NPT like compact, where only a few
have complete control of all nuclear fuel, and others will be only meek