28 July 12, 2009 |
2009-10: Whom Does It Serve?
P Chandrasekhar
THERE are few
who seem to believe that their
expectations have been met by the budget for 2009-10 presented by
Finance minister
Pranab Mukherjee. This is partly because for most sections of the
population it
takes away with one hand what it seeks to give with the other. For example, a marginal increase in the
exemption limit and the abolition of the surcharge on income tax for
income tax payers is accompanied by increases in indirect taxation that
bound to impinge adversely on this section. The abolition of the Fringe
Benefits tax and a further extension of the tax holiday for
units, which must please corporations, is accompanied by a hike in the
Alternate tax that would hurt a significant number of them. And the
promise of
inclusiveness for the poor has not been accompanied by outlays that
match that
This lack of
coherence implies that first responses to
the budget are bound to be mixed and muted. But this is not the only
reason why
this budget disappoints. Its principal failure is that though the
Finance minister
gifts himself significant resources from non-tax sources, such as about
Rs 35,000
crore from the sale of 3G spectrum and massive borrowing reflected in a
6.8 per
cent fiscal deficit to GDP ratio for 2009-10, he has not done much to
spur investment or deliver benefits for the poor and deprived.
Consider the
claim made by the minister that he
intends reversing the recent economic downturn and restoring the
buoyancy the
economy has displayed in recent years. Though
the increase in
total expenditure in 2009-10 relative to the revised figures for
amounts to 2 per cent of GDP, much of this increase is the consequence
previously committed expenditures. Prominent among these are the
salary bill resulting from the implementation of the Sixth Pay
recommendations and the increase in interest payments resulting from
the larger
borrowing in recent years. Little of it is due to new initiatives of
current government and much of it is non-plan expenditure rather than
expenditures with long run effects. Thus, the budgetary support for the
plan relative to 2008-09 is projected to increase by just around one
half of
one percent of GDP. That much for the Finance minister�s claim that his
seeks to stimulate growth and induce buoyancy. In fact, his speech is
disingenuous when it claims that the difference between the actual
deficits of 2007-08 and 2008-09, amounting to 3.5 per cent of GDP,
the purposively delivered fiscal stimulus to combat the downturn. Much
of this
was due to a pre-committed set of expenditures which have since been
by the need to deal with the recession.
is not to imply that the Finance minister
does not have a �vision� as to how growth will occur. Query him about
insubstantial increase in expenditure on rural development in its
various forms
and he would refer to his promise to increase the flow of credit to
(from the banks and not the budget) from Rs 2,87,000 crore in 2008-09
to Rs
3,25,000 crore in 2009-10. Ask him about the adequacy of the support
to crucial infrastructure sectors in terms of additional public
investment and
he would point to the fact that the India Infrastructure Financing
Limited (IIFCL) would provide banks refinance to the tune of 60 per
cent of
their exposure to infrastructure projects in the private-public
(PPP) mode. In sum, expenditure to stimulate growth does not come fully
the government but substantially from an ostensibly independent banking
offering credit to the private sector.
problem of inadequate financing is not
limited only to growth. It also affects the promise of being inclusive
benefiting the common man. Consider, for example the Finance minister�s
that allocations for a flagship programme like the National Rural
Guarantee programme have been hiked by 144 per cent. That is true when
compare the budget estimates for 2009-10 with the budget estimates for
But, the fact of the matter is that since the NREGA is a demand driven
programme, the allocation for it in the 2008-09 budget was just
notional, with
the promise that more would be provided in response to demand. Even
with the
still limited implementation of the NREGA, actual allocations in
2008-09 were
much higher than budgeted for and rose to Rs 36,750 crore. Compared to
this the
budgetary allocation for 2009-10 at Rs 39,100 crore is just Rs 2,350
crore or
6.4 per cent higher. Assuming that implementation improves and states
get their
act together, this figure would be far short of what is needed.
are many other examples of such inadequacy.
The Rural Health Mission has been allocated only Rs 1730 (or around 1.2
cent) more than what was spent last year, although the evidence shows
India is a country where private expenditure dominates total health
expenditures and leads to indebtedness in rural areas. Despite the fact
the Supreme Court had ordered a few years back that the Integrated
Development Scheme should be universalised, the increase in allocation
for this
still sparsely delivered scheme is only Rs 361 crore or 1.1 per cent
more than
earlier. While the Right to Education has been recognised, the increase
budgetary allocation for elementary education is less than Rs 200
crore. Above
all, while the UPA has made much of its proposed Food Security Act
(which will
reduce allocations of rice or wheat to the poorest from 35 kg to 25 kg
month), the subsidy on food is expected to increase by just Rs 8862
crore, even
though the minimum support price and, therefore, the required subsidy
per kg
has gone up substantially.
all this together and it appears that this
budget is not merely incoherent and self-contradictory, but also
inadequate to
meet its own objective of higher growth with a human face. This,
however, is
not to say that this budget lacks direction altogether. One thrust in
budget is to sustain concessions offered to private capital in the name
of the
recession. As has been noted by many, a significant part of the
stimulus aimed at combating the downturn triggered by the global
crisis was the sanction of large excise duty reductions that were
expected to
sustain demand. These cuts were seen as temporary. But this budget,
proclaiming that the worst of the downturn is over, has chosen to stick
these reductions.
than this, the budget pushes ahead with or
promises to undertake further economic reforms that would please
capitalists. One direction such reform has taken is a range of tax
concessions that
have been provided to investments made by the New Pension Scheme (NPS)
Trust in
private equity. Besides dividend tax concessions, these investments
have also
been exempted from the Securities Transaction tax. This would only
the diversion of savings in pension funds to the stock market in the
hope of
higher returns. This would benefit stock market operators, but would
increase the vulnerability of the life savings of middle class citizens
deposited in the NPS. This implicit sanction for speculation of the
kind that
triggered the ongoing financial crisis has been strengthened by the
of the Commodities Transaction tax, despite the evidence that
transactions in
commodities markets have grown at a pace where they point to
speculative trends
that clearly need reigning in.
an important direction of renewed reform
is the new drive for privatisation, which had been advocated in the
Survey released a few days back. While promising to sustain public
control over
public sector assets the Finance minister has made the case in the
budget for
creeping privatisation. To quote him: �The public sector undertakings
are the
wealth of the nation, and part of this wealth should rest in the hands
of the
people. While retaining at least 51 per cent government equity in our
enterprises, I propose to encourage people�s participation in our
programme.� The privatisation agenda is now being promoted in the name
�people�s participation�. The idea ostensibly is to obtain resources
for the
budget through sale of public equity to the public at large. In itself,
this is
not merely shortsighted but, given the growing profitability of the
sector, irrational.
the Finance minister does know that
the truly common man does not invest in equity. The �people� he speaks
of here
are members of the small elite who directly or indirectly participate
trading in the stock market. The idea is to sell public assets to them,
so that
they can sell it on to higher bidders, leading inevitably to influence
if not
control by big private capital. It is these interests that the budget
But judging by the first response of the stock market even they are not
impressed. And that possibly is because the Finance ministry, by
converting Economic Survey 2008-09 into a pamphlet
advocating accelerated reform of a kind that sounds irrational given
lessons of the recent crisis, created expectations of �reform� and
liberalisation that it could not itself meet. This time around this
could not
be blamed on an intransigent Left that was unwilling to accept the
reality of