People's Democracy
(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India
05, 2009
Military Coup in Honduras
THE military
coup which has temporarily ousted the Honduran president, Manuel
Zelaya, has
earned the opprobrium of almost the entire international community.
it was the ALBA countries led by Cuba
and Venezuela
that took up the cudgels on behalf of the Honduran president. ALBA
Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas
is a regional grouping that seeks to chart an independent path for
America and the Caribbean. Honduras
recently become a member of ALBA. When he signed on to ALBA, president
had stated that �we need no one�s permission to sign this commitment.
Today we
are taking a step towards becoming a government of the center-left, and
anyone dislikes this, well just remove the word �center� and keep the
The Venezuelan president, Hugo
Chavez pointed out the
eerie parallels between the coup in Honduras
and the abortive attempt in Venezuela
in April 2002 which had the backing of the CIA. Chavez was briefly
before he was reinstated following massive street protests. Chavez has
for international investigations into possible American involvement in
military coup in Honduras.
�It�s a brutal coup d�etat, one of many that happened over ten years in
Latin America. Behind these soldiers
are the Honduran
bourgeois, the rich who converted the Honduras into a banana
into a political and military base for American imperialism�, said the
Venezuelan Head of State. Thousands of people poured on to the streets
of the
capital, Tegucigalpa,
to show their solidarity with the deposed president.
The coup took place just hours
before the Honduran
people were about to cast their votes for a non-binding referendum on
proposed constitutional
changes. The exercise was meant to be an opinion poll to determine
whether a
majority of the Hondurans were for or against the drafting of a new
constitution. The Honduran president had been talking about the need
changing the constitution that was drawn up in 1982 when the country
was under
a military dominated government. At the
time, Honduras was
a key
ally of Washington in the �dirty war�
it was
prosecuting in Central America. John
Negroponte was Washington�s
ambassador to the
country and busy bankrolling right wing death squads in El Salvador, Nicaragua
and Guatemala.
Students, workers, peasants and indigenous groups had marched to demand
the legislature and the army back the referendum on the constitution.
It is unlikely that the Honduran
army would have dared
to stage a coup without getting some sort of a green signal from Washington. The
military is almost completely financed and trained by the Americans.
The major
American military base in the country is less than 100 kilometers from
capital. This year the US
provided $50 million as aid to the country. The Obama administration
announced a further increase for the coming year.
Zelaya, who till becoming
president in 2005, had not
differentiated himself from the right wing policies of his
predecessors. He was
elected on the ticket of the Liberal Party. The party, like the main
party, ----the National Party, represents the class interests of the
minority. The elite, which has been running the country for a long time
Washington�s backing, was infuriated when Zelaya started introducing a
of progressive reforms. Earlier in the year, he increased the minimum
wages of
workers from $170 to $280 a month. The factory owners had responded by
firing a
large number of workers. As it is, the unemployment rate in Honduras
among the highest in the region. The poverty rate hovers around 70 per
Via Campesina, an umbrella international group which coordinates the
of peasant organisations world wide characterised the Zelaya government
as one
which protected the rights of workers and peasants
Zelaya had also proposed that
the president should be
allowed to contest for a second four year term in office. The current
constitution allows for only one four year term in office. The right
dominated organs of the state and the oligarch controlled media had
tried their
best through other means, constitutional as well as non-constitutional,
thwart the non-official referendum that was due to be held in June end.
allegation was that Zelaya was taking a leaf out of the script followed
Chavez, Evo Morales and Rafael Correa. Zelaya had repeatedly said that
he was
not interested in running again but wanted his successors to have that
The presidents of Venezuela,
Bolivia and Ecuador
successfully got new progressive constitutions approved by their
Zelaya had also infuriated Washington
by his decision to make Honduras
a full fledged member of ALBA and his criticism of the US
initiated Central
American Free Trade Area (CAFTA) for the region. In recent months, he
was also
very critical of Washington�s
policies on drug trafficking. �The legitimate struggle against drug
should not be used as an excuse to carry out interventionist activities
other countries�, Zelaya wrote in a letter to the newly elected
Barack Obama. Before Zelaya came on the scene, Honduras
was viewed as a
�quintessential banana republic�. Things
changed dramatically in the last couple of years. Today, Washington
can no longer take Honduras
for granted.
The countdown to the crisis
began in earnest when the
country�s Supreme Court ruled the sacking of the army chief, Gen Romeo
by the president, as illegal. The army had refused to move ballot boxes
papers necessary for the holding of the referendum. After that, the
Court had gone ahead and ruled that the holding of the non-binding
itself was illegal. But president Zelaya stuck to his guns and decided
to go
ahead with the democratic exercise to ascertain the peoples view.
Gen Velasquez, along with his
fellow coup plotter, the
Air Force Chief, Gen Luis Javier Prince Suazo, are products of the
infamous School
of the Americas (SOA)---a military training facility the US
had set up in the forties. It was established to train military
serving in the armies of pro-American governments in the region. Ten
who trained there had gone on to be among the most notorious dictators
in Latin America. Hundreds of
officers trained here have
been accused of torture and other serious human rights violations when
regimes were in power in countries like Argentina,
Chile, Brazil, Uruguay,
El Salvador
and other Latin American countries. The SOA, according to a 1996 US
Intelligence Oversight Board Report condoned �executions of guerrillas,
extortion, physical abuse, coercion, and false imprisonment�.
Honduras, a nation of 7 million, is
among the
poorest countries in the region. Its economy is mainly dependent on
of Honduran workers settled in the US. US aid
also plays a key role in
sustaining the Honduran economy. Interestingly, though the US president, Barack Obama and his
secretary of
State, Hillary Clinton, have belatedly termed the military coup as
there has been no official communiqu� from the US
government to that effect. An
official communiqu� would have automatically meant the suspension of US aid
to the
country. The US State department released a statement that there was no
plan to
suspend aid and other forms of assistance to the country.
President Obama�s remarks that
it would be a �terrible
precedent� for Latin America to move backwards into an era of military
seems to have had no impact on the coup makers in Tegucigalpa.
President Obama
seems to bending over backwards to improve America�s
image in the region. Any
overt support for the military coup would only further damage Washington�s
standing in the region.
In a way, the US
has very little option but to fall in line with the rest of the
community on the situation in Honduras.
The Organisation of American States (OAS) was quick to condemn the
ouster of the Honduran president. The OAS secretary general, Jose
Insulza has declared that Zelaya�s reinstatement as president was a
precondition for the successful resolution of the crisis. The UN secretary general, Ban ki-Moon while
criticising the putschists called for the re-installation of the
elected government. Just a couple of days after the military takeover,
Zelaya spoke to the UN general assembly about the prevailing situation
in his
country. In response the UN general assembly unanimously demanded that
the president
be restored immediately back to his office. The UN general assembly
passed a
resolution that called for the �immediate and unconditional� return of
Zelaya to the presidency.
The OAS has given an ultimatum
to the putschists to
abdicate or face sanctions and expulsion from the group. There are
coming in from Honduras
of the civil unrest spreading. Some Latin American news outlets have
that sections of the army have raised the banner of revolt against the
cabal of
officers who led the coup against a democratically elected president.