23 June 7, 2009 |
Abounds on the
Issue of Minorities
The issue of development of
the Muslim minorities has been one of the important issues on which
forces in West Bengal have been running a constant disinformation
against the CPI(M) and the Left Front government, more so since the
panchayat polls in the state. It is being propagated for some time that
a good
section of the Muslims in the state has deserted the Left and the
CPI(M). But
is it the truth? That the Muslims of the state have some misgivings
about the
Left is undeniable. But the way it has been exaggerated is equally
If it had been so, the Left would not have won the Murshidabad zilla
despite the large-scale use of money power and muscle power against it.
would have the number of votes significantly gone up in Maldah, despite
organisational weaknesses of several kinds. In the local bodies� polls,
Left fared much better in Coochbehar, Burdwan and Birbhum also, while
performance could definitely have been much better if only there had
been no
division of votes among the Front partners. The fact is that a
section of the minorities has been with the Left for a long time, and
has been
taking part in the grassroots level struggles along with the Left
parties. They
have also been active in running the local bodies in the state. That is
why the
opposition parties are fighting a war of nerves to scare the minorities
from the Left Front, and the ongoind disinformation campaign is a part
of this
war. Below we discuss some of the issues involved in this
IN terms of the percentage of
Muslim minority in
population, West Bengal ranks third among the Indian states, after
Jammu &
Kashmir and
Taking the country as a whole,
about 25 per cent
people live in urban areas while the corresponding share is 35 per cent
the Muslims. The situation in west
The leftist parties and the Left
Front government of
the state have been fighting for the rights and welfare of the Muslim
minorities for decades together. At the same time, they have been
all-out attempts to bring them to the struggles of the toiling people,
strengthening secularism in the country. Over the last three decades,
the Left Front
government has chalked out several schemes for the minorities, and
these are
still in operation. These included an Action
Plan for the minorities as well as the Roadmap
for Minority Development: A District-wise Approach. The Department
Minority Development and Madrassa Education has been further
strengthened. A
publication brought out by this department gives graphic details, along
all the relevant data, regarding the work done by the Left Front
government in
this regard.
Nowadays, a disinformation
campaign against the Left
Front and the CPI(M) is in full swing and the issues involved include
following: (1) the Sachar committee report; (2) reservation for the
Muslims in
jobs; (3) takeover of Muslims� lands for industrialisation; (4) the
irreligiosity of the communists, etc. But, needless to say, the need
today is
of a discussion on these issue on the basis of facts and figures, so
that no
section of the population is swayed by ungrounded propaganda.
One must note that, to a good
extent, religion still
determines the social conduct of the Muslim masses and that the ulema and moulvis still have the
monopoly of interpretation of the sacred
Islamic texts.
On the basis of an observation
in the Sachar committee
report, propaganda is on that Muslims are quite backward in
One must also bear in mind that
the backwardness of
the Muslims in
The Left Front does not claim
that it has brought the
Muslims of West Bengal out of their backwardness, but it has indeed
taken up
several positive steps for their development and is still working along
lines. This has been going on since much before the Sachar report came
out. One
example is the spread of madrassa
education and the modernisation of its textbooks, and this is something
acclaimed all over the country. The state had had only 236 madrassas
before 1977 and the state government annually spent only
five lakh rupees for them. But now their number has gone
up to 506, with the state government
spending Rs 233 crore per annum for their upkeep and development.
It is also notable that the
CPI(M) did not reject the
Sachar committee report. On the country, in view of the situation it
underlined, it tried to persuade the central government to
implement the committee�s recommendations. However, the party did point
some of the misgivings which the report had about the record of the
Left Front
government of
Detailing the situation of the
Muslim community in an
all-India perspective, the Sachar report highlighted the issues like
security, identity and equality. But those running a disinformation
against the Left, are deliberately seeking to relegate to the
background such
issues as the identity and security of the community.
The fact, however, is that the
Muslims of West Bengal
are much ahead of their counterparts in other states in the matter of
identity, safety and social security. The Left and democratic movements
as well
as the secular masses of the state have played a seminal role in
creating this situation. And the eminently secular outlook of the Left
government has also played a significant role in preserving and
this situation.
Now the question is: Have the
Muslims of West Bengal
progressed in the last three decades or moved backward? Instead of
judging this
issue on the basis of the Sachar report, one would better look at the
situation in one�s own village, region or ward, and the reality would
come out
at once. One must compare the situation of the Bengal Muslims before
1977 with
that in 2009, in the matter of education, economic status,
development etc, in the matter of jobs, business, ownership of
motorcycles and pucca houses etc.
This would reveal that the Muslims of West Bengal have almost as much
progressed in various areas as the other communities have, and that
they are as
deprived in jobs as several other communities are in the matter of jobs
etc. The
conclusion is obvious: it is not so that the Muslims have lagged behind
while others have moved ahead.
The Sachar committee has not
dealt with the question
of reservation for Muslims, in any precise manner. Its report talks of
diversity of opinion in this regard and makes some definite proposals.
On the basis of occupation and
social status, the
Sachar committee divides the Muslim community into three parts ---
Ajlaaf and Ashraaf --- and talks of the necessity of special provisions
for the
Arzaal, i e the Muslim dalits. There was, for long, the provision of
reservation for Muslims in parts of what are Kerala and Karnataka
today, but
the constitution of independent
One must also bear in mind that
reservation is not the
panacea for the myriad problems facing a community. If that were so,
the plight
of the scheduled castes and tribes would not have been as pathetic as
it is
today --- even after six decades of reservation.
A dangerous piece of
disinformation against the CPI(M)
and the Left is that Muslim majority areas were carefully identified
acquisition of land for industrialisation, and that only the plots of
belonging to the Muslims were taken over. Is it possible, in the first
place? Can
one identify that this is a Hindu field and that one is a Muslim field?
fact, the main consideration in this regard geographical. Once an area
identified for setting up a factory, a government tries to acquire the
land from the whole area, without making a distinction on the basis of
caste or
religion. Did the Muslims lose more land than others when the
Secret propaganda is going on in
some of the mosques
and some Muslim wards that communists are atheists and therefore kafirs (infidels). It is true that
communists subscribe to the philosophy of dialectical materialism and
they are
proud of it. But they never acted against any particular religion or
adherents. In fact, their belief is that religion is one�s personal
affair, and
that everybody has a right to believe in the religion of her or his
choice. But
religion and fundamentalism are two different things, and communists do
religious fundamentalism, dogmatism and fanaticism.
But what are doing those who are
crying hoarse against
the communists? They are seeking to misuse and abuse religion for their
political goals. This is no religiosity but a trade in religion. Are
not these
fellows kafirs in a very real sense?
As a part of our rebuttal of all
the anti-communist
disinformation campaign, we have to quite emphatically assert that not
divisive and misleading slogan of Muslim unity but the unity of the
secular and
democratic forces the biggest safeguard for the interests of Muslims in
whole country and in