People's Democracy
(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India
24, 2009
The Book That Was Gifted To Obama
R Arun Kumar
AMERICA is no longer 'just the United States'.
It is Cuba, it is Venezuela, Bolivia,
Ecuador, Nicaragua, Brazil,
Argentina, Chile, El Salvador and much more.
longer can rulers of the empire cross them over on a map and order
destruction. The empire is not only rebuked but experiments in building
alternative world are on. It is this that had turned the world's
attention on Latin America (not just
its wealth), watching its every
step, listening its words, reading its books and discussing its ideas.
If Chavez shows a book in the UN
and asks the audience
to read it, the book shoots to the top of the best selling list. If he
another to the president of the US,
the feat is repeated. Why? The world is parched for an alternative. It
trying to understand the ruin of its resources, environment and culture
on by that monster 'capital' dripping
blood from its every pore. It is trying to wriggle out of its iron
grasp. It
desperately wants change. Eduardo Galeano's, 'Open Veins of Latin
America: Five
Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent' is one such book that tries to
an answer to this quest. And it is this book that Chavez had gifted to
during the summit of Organisation of the Americas
held this April in Trinidad
and Tobago.
This book, banned by the
military dictatorships of Argentina,
and Chile
thirty four years ago, is presented to the president of the very same
which had created those dictatorships. Gifting this book, Chavez had
pointed to the newly elected president of US, who had promised
'change', the
real change that people are yearning for. It was reported that Obama,
author of
two best selling books, is also an avid reader and is interested in
works that
'address complex problems without any easy solutions'. This book thus
suit his reading tastes.
Eduardo Galeano's book discusses
complex problems of
the entire continent raking up facts after facts to show the five
hundred years
of plunder. It is a passionate book written as a 'search for keys in
the past
history' to explain the present to the people and help them change the
inequities. It is an expose of the colonial loot, plunder and rape of Latin America written in a simple narrative
style for the
easy comprehension of the common people. Galeano puts his journalistic
story telling talents to good use and succeeds in keeping the reader
away from
boredom. 'Boredom' he says, 'often serves to sanctify the established
confirming that knowledge is a privilege of the elite'.
Latin America has changed since the book was
Since these thirty odd years, many changes that were inconceivable at
that time
took place. Many governments are standing up to the hegemony of the United States
and are rejecting the neoliberal prescriptions of imperialism. There
were days
when they felt that it was their tragedy to be so 'far from god and so
near to
the United States', but not now anymore.
Cuba, is a glaring example. At the
time the
book was written, Cuba
had slowly started its walk in the path
of socialist construction. Today it stands tall, withstanding fifty
years of
consistent pressure from the US, its overt and covert attacks,
terrorist plots,
the most inhuman and unjust economic blockade and above all the
collapse of the
Soviet bloc. More than that, it is not alone as the very summit in
which Chavez
had presented the book had shown. Many countries - not bothered about
what the US might
say or do - are claiming that they are
friends of Cuba.
In a role reversal, it is the US
that is alone, something that would have been written off as a wild
thirty years back. As a Brazilian diplomat has commented, �In the past,
door for talks with the United States on any issue
had to remain open. We
had no choice. Now we can close it if we want�. The role played by
books like
the Open Veins cannot be underestimated in this remarkable
Along with the socio-political
transformation achieved
during this period, remarkable economic progress too was made. It is
true that
most of the Latin American countries are still major exporters of raw
and are dependent on the import of industrial goods. Imperialism, in
its scheme
of 'division of labour', Galeano points out, had assigned Latin America
role of supplying raw materials to its industries and importing
products from them.
�Gold was the magic word which
drove the Spaniards
across the Atlantic Ocean to America; gold was the first thing the
white man
enquired about the moment he set foot on a newly discovered shore�
Engels. Galeano lucidly traces this lust for the natural wealth of Latin America - gold, silver, iron, tin, copper,
oil - and how it had fed the industrial revolution. �The treasures
outside Europe by undisguised
enslavement and murder, floated back to the mother country and were
turned into capital� wrote Marx. Galeano shows how true this is from
examples of Aztec, Mexican plateau, Andean plateau and Amazon basin.
history of loot of Latin America
colonialism is no different from that of our own country. One
difference in Latin America is the usage of slaves brought from Africa to extract these treasures and service
the empire.
These tales of exploitation of 'human capital' retold by Galeano should
in fact
remind Obama of his Kenyan discoveries, mentioned in his 'Dreams From
As there existed similarities in
the history of loot
between our country and Latin America,
did also exist similarities in the history of rebellions. Many of the
Indians in that continent rebelled against the conquerors just as in
country. From the description of Galeano, we can trace the similarities
- in
their bravery - facing guns and canons with their traditional weapons,
instilling confidence in the warriors through their rituals and
invocation of
gods. This spirit of militant defiance to the colonial powers runs
various generations of the Latin Americans starting from the Aztec
warriors to
the present day Zapatistas.
The defeat of colonialism in Latin America and its independence did not bring
rewards to all those
who had fought for it. The ruling classes there - the landlords and
as Galeano points out had compromised with imperialism. He states that
decision to eagerly open the doors for 'free trade' had led to the
of local manufacture'. The 'agrarian question' was not resolved and
thus even
to this day we find the system of latifundio continuing. This, again
rings some
similarities with the situation in our country.
Galeano also traces the
subsequent changes that had
taken place in the methods of exploitation. Controlling and sabotaging
price of raw materials is one such method which was affectively used to
subjugate Latin America. The prices
of sugar,
coffee, cotton, cacao (used in chocolates), bananas, various other
fruits and
minerals were used to make or break regimes. The prices never benefited the common people. This method
is not
obsolete as imperialism is still using it. It is hoping that the
drastic fall
in the oil prices in these crisis times would lead to a collapse of the
'Bolivarian socialist model' in Venezuela.
Chavez and Venezuela
are confident that they can wade out of the present crisis without any
problems, irrespective of the price of oil.
Their confidence also emanates
from their belief in
the changes that they are ushering in the character of the State. In
order to
empower the poor and also simultaneously increase their purchasing
power they
had initiated land reforms. Agrarian reform, points out Galeano, 'was a
from the beginning'.
Today in the eastern provinces
of Bolivia,
families manage 25 million hectares of land while 5 million hectares is
by 2 million poor peasants. In Venezuela,
5 per cent population owned around 80 per cent of the land in 2001, the
when land reforms were introduced. It is to eliminate such inequities
that they
have consciously included land reforms as one of the important points
in the
constitutions re-written immediately after securing power. The present
defiance of the oligarchy to the administration of Morales basically
stems from
this fact. Even in Venezuela,
the struggle between Chavez and those opposed to land reforms is being
everyday, both within his own party and against the land owning
Hundreds are losing their lives in this struggle even to this day.
Steps for nationalisation and
the strengthening of key
industries were initiated. Galeano indeed mentions some of the earlier
of nationalisation of key sectors like oil and efforts to strengthen
production. Imperialism as it is doing today, did not allow those
earlier efforts
to fructify and resorted to coups, regime changes and even
that of Allende. Though Obama might have denied the role of US in the
bid to assassinate Morales, the threat is real because of all the
that Galeano points.
'If the economic hit men fail,
the job falls to the
military' states John Perkins. The history of Latin
America is replete with many such anecdotes. The role of
USAID and the military directly in 'regime change' is well documented.
explains in detail how the US
has used 'debt as an instrument of blackmail' through its cohorts - IMF
World Bank. He also shows how this was used to perennially tie these
to serve US interests. Galeano correctly writes, for the US 'nation
more than a hurdle to leap-for sovereignty can be inconvenient-or a
fruit to devour'. The rise of Left in the region has seriously crippled
influence of the US.
This should not lead us to the conclusion that the US has
completely given up its hope
in the region, once famously regarded as its 'backyard'.
Within few years of the crisis
in 1929, sixteen
countries there had witnessed the collapse of governments and the
emergence of
dictatorships. This time around, Latin America
is 'a better-built boat', as stated by Augusto de la Torre, chief
economist of
the World Bank for the region. 'Better built' because unlike earlier
days where
they were exclusively dependent on the US, they have now
their trading options. China
is emerging as a major trading partner of many countries in Latin
America along
with Russia.
China has recently
billions in Venezuela,
Brazil, Cuba
and Ecuador, and
agreed to a
$10bn currency swap arrangement with Argentina. Recently, China also overtook the US as
number one recipient of Brazilian exports. The developing South-South
cooperation, involving South Africa
and India
and the regional coordination amongst themselves too is contributing to
newly found assertion. No wonder that while the FTAA (Free Trade
Agreement of
the Americas) has
got only
three countries in it (US, Canada
and Mexico),
ALBA (Latin American Bolivarian Alternative) has got many
and is growing in strength.
These developments vindicate the
optimism expressed by
Galeano in the conclusion, 'in the history of humankind every act of
destruction meets its response, sooner or later, in an act of
creation'. It is
in this act of creation that most of the people of Latin
America are today involved in. How stable this creation
would be, how
strong will it hold, depends on the involvement of people in the
running of the
state. It depends on how well people are mobilised in the missions,
committees in the management of industries and in struggles - as
Morales has
done during his hunger strike. To quote from the book once again, 'if
future came on a platter, it would not be of this world'. It is this
world that
we have set ourselves to change. Yes we can.
Will Obama listen, as he had