Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 30 July 29, 2007 |
Massive Rally Of Unorganised Sector Workers
THOUSANDS of unorganised sector workers – rehripatri, street hawkers, security workers, railway vendors, loaders, drivers, conductors, rickshaw pullers, anganwadi workers – joined the protest demonstration at Jantar Mantar on July 25, 2007 observing the all India Demands Day. Large number of employees from organised sector such as banks, LIC, BHEL, BEL joined the demonstration supporting them.
The march was organised by CITU Delhi state committee. The CITU has been demanding two separate and comprehensive Acts covering all aspects of the conditions of work and social security for the agricultural workers and the unorganised sector workers, coverage of all basic labour laws to be extended to the workers in these sectors, correct formulation of statutory minimum wages, equal remuneration for women workers, social security from government funds and enrolment of workers on the basis of a nominal registration and renewal fee.
Tapan Sen, secretary, CITU and MP addressed the gathering and said that the government, even though committed in its National Common Minimum Programme to formulate a ‘comprehensive protective legislation’ for the agricultural workers and the unorganised sector workers, was now busy preparing a bill to hoodwink the poor unorganised and agricultural workers into believing that it has fulfilled its commitments, and it has nothing to offer to these workers who contribute over 65 percent to the country’s GDP.
The bill, which has been prepared by the government, does not guarantee the unorganised sector workers either improved working conditions or any social security benefits. Ganguly, CITU secretary alerted the workers to beware of the deceitful tactics of the present and past governments who launched several schemes in the name of benefitting the unorganised workers but in practise none of theme existed. He exhorted the unorganised workers to make successful the 8th August strike so that government can fulfill the demands of the workers. He also asked the workers in organised sector to organise visible solidarity programmes.
Sudhir Kumar, CITU Delhi president, asked the unorganized sector workers to launch continuous agitational programmes till their demands are met and asked the workers to go on strike on 8th August 2007.He also asked the workers from organised sector to join the preparatory campaign, in support of the unorganised sector workers. Mohan Lal, general secretary, CITU Delhi also explained the deceitful tactics of the incumbent government and exhorted the workers to join the struggle to realise their demands. (INN)