No. 07 February 18, 2007 |
AISGEF Supports Struggle Against Repression
The All India State Government Employees Federation (AISGEF) general secretary Sukomal Sen has issued the following statement on February 11, 2007.
THE countrywide struggle has been launched under the banner of United Forum of Central Bank Unions (UFCBU) consisting of all the eight unions in the bank representing 100 percent of the employees and officers. The first phase of agitation culminated with a complete all India strike on January 22, 2007 despite the threats and intimidation. The management issued charge sheets and show cause notices to 7000 employees for participating in the strike. The management to weaken the employee unity contemplates further vindictive measures. To meet the challenge of such repressive measures, UFCBU has given a call for all India continuous strike from February 22, 2007.
AISGEF while extending support to the struggle of central bank employees, strongly deplores all the vindictive and repressive measures let loose by the central bank management against the employees for their participation in the legitimate trade union action. AISGEF urges immediate intervention by the union finance minister to avoid industrial unrest spreading throughout the entire banking industry. (INN)