Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 11 March 12, 2006 |
Helping USA’s Diabolic Agenda - II
is the second part of the text of CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Sitaram Yechury's
speech in Rajya Sabha while participating in the discussion on Iran nuclear
issue and India's stand, held on February 27, 2006.)
are three elements of the US global strategy which India must know. One element
has been pre-emptive strikes or what it calls a right to strike at any country
if the US perceives that it is not pursuing policies that suit the American
interests. The second one is the entire question of regime change. We have just
heard Sushma Swaraj pointing out how 85 million dollars were sought for regime
change policies? The third and the major one is essentially the US hegemony that
is taking place in order to control the entire world. Now, in this situation, I
can only quote what Harold Pinter, who won the 2005 Nobel Prize for literature,
one of the well-respected persons of literature and art and intellect in the
world. This is his acceptance speech of the Nobel Prize. I must congratulate him
for his courage in actually saying this. He says:
officially declared policy is now defined as ‘full spectrum dominance’.
That is not my term, it is theirs. ‘Full spectrum dominance’ means
control of land, sea, air and space and all attendant resources.
United States now occupies 702 military installations throughout the world
in 132 countries…
United States possesses 8,000 active and operational nuclear warheads. Two
thousand are on hair trigger alert, ready to be launched with 15 minutes
if this is the global scenario that is developing, what should be India’s
position? What does the report filed on February 12, 2006 in London’s Sunday Telegraph say? It says, “Strategists at the Pentagon are
drawing up plans for devastating bombing raids backed by submarine-launched
ballistic missile attacks against Iran’s nuclear sites as a ‘last resort to
block Teheran’s efforts to develop an atomic bomb'. A senior Pentagon adviser
said, 'This is more than just the standard military contingency assessment. This
has taken on much greater urgency in recent months'."
USA is preparing to strike Iran. It is preparing to strike Iran like it has
struck Iraq 10 years ago through military strikes. It is preparing to use its
ally in this region, Israel, in order to help its occupation of Iran following
what it did in Iraq. All this is happening not only in terms of global military
hegemonism but also political hegemonism. Why is all this happening? Whether it is the occupation of Iraq; whether it is the
targeting of Venezuela, which is the world’s second largest oil exporter; or
whether it is the targeting of Iran. All this is for control of the world’s
energy resources and it is this control of the world's energy resources that
will affect us immediately and very acutely. If today war breaks out and the
occupation of Iran happens, your oil prices internationally will zoom and
pressure will be on you to increase the prices in the country. Each
one of us will pay the price for the US occupation of Iran. We are paying the
price for the US occupation of Iraq. We will pay the price for the US attack and
occupation of Iran. Why are we subscribing to this strategy? That is the
question. If the strategy is that in return you will get a better civil nuclear
deal, then let me tell you the energy gain you will get through such a nuclear
deal will be washed off by the international hike in oil prices and all that
will be gone and you will end up as a loser.
is not even a pecuniary economic gain. In fact, nuclear deal is a different
subject. Even in terms of short-term economics, what the prime minister says is
that India should be self sufficient in its nuclear energy. But nuclear energy
is only three per cent of our total energy production today. However much you
increase it, you will have to buy oil from abroad and if the price of that oil
is raised because of this attack, then we are the ultimate losers. It does not
help us even from that narrow point of view. Having said this, we say that we
should oppose this position for another reason. The International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA) has identified 15 countries, which it suspects, are doing
clandestine weaponisation and among them include South Korea, Taiwan and Brazil.
But why are you singling out Iran? Why is there no word against Israel? In fact,
that is the reason why Iran is targeted; it fits into the geo-politics of the US
we raise this matter, very interestingly, it is preached: “don’t communalise
the issue”. It is not my fault that Iran is an Islamic country. It is not my
fault that Iraq is an Islamic country. It is not my fault that even in Saudi
Arabia most of the oil wells are there in the Shia-dominated areas. If the
Americans start attacking and doing things in this way, it is not we who are to
be blamed for communalising the situation in the world.
It is not those who oppose American actions who are communalising the
situation in the world but it is the US itself and its actions that are
communalising the situation in the world and they are the ones who are actually
giving bliss to this communal wheel.
I would like to quote Harold Pinter again. I am sure you will also enjoy this.
He says that Bush, unfortunately, does not have good script writers and
volunteers to be one. Since he has won the Nobel Prize in literature, I am sure,
they will consider it positively. Here is what he writes for Bush in his speech.
It begins by saying, “God is good. God is great. God is good. My God is good.
Bin Laden’s God is bad. His is a bad God. Saddam’s God was bad, except he
did not have one. He was a barbarian. We are not barbarians. We don’t chop off
people’s heads. We believe in freedom. So does God. I am not a barbarian, I am
the democratically elected leader of a freedom-loving democracy. We are a
compassionate society. My God is good. His God is bad”.
one God is good and another God is bad, what else is this but communalisation? I
am sure my esteemed colleagues will agree with me. That is exactly the point.
Finally, I would like to say as to who is communalising this entire thing. Actually, George Bush went to the extent of saying that God came to him and showed the path of enlightenment. Sushma Swaraj was talking about the Bodh tree. But then God made an enlightened appearance to him and said, “Attack Afghanistan; Attack Iraq”. Of course, he must have also said, “Attack Iran”. And now, we are all led to believe that God came to him in a wave of enlightenment and said, “Attack these countries”, and, therefore, he did it. What else is it but communalisation? Who is communalising it? Therefore, I would like to say, on this issue, let us build a national consensus.
Sushmaji, we do not like that national consensus and enlightened nationalism
should depend on who is in power and who is in opposition. It should not be that
one should talk in favour of the US while being here (treasury) and of
enlightened nationalism after having gone there (opposition). We only want that
such a situation must not arise. We humbly request you all to take steps in our
country's interest, for our country's honour. In today's situation, we urge the
government that when it comes to voting on the issue in the IAEA meeting –
better if such a situation does not arise, but suppose it does arise – then
please remain neutral instead of going with the US.
Bush is coming here. You please tell him that for us "Atithi Devo Bhavah"
(Guest is like a God) but in our mythology Vishnu, in disguise, comes to
Mahabali and asks for three foot-lengths of land. He (Mahabali) tells Vishnu to
take so much land wherever he likes. Then Vishnu gives up his disguise and
measures three foot-lengths of land in such a way that one foot-length covers
the whole of heaven and the other covers the whole of the earth. As for the
third foot-length, Vishnu puts his foot on Mahabali's head, which was now the
only thing that could be measured, and pushes him down to the netherland. So
take my word, we won't say " Atithi Devo Bhavah" if this kind
of guest comes to us. We do urge you to reconsider this matter, maintain the
country's dignity and defend its honour.