Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 11 March 12, 2006 |
season for BJP’s rath yatras seems
to have arrived once again. This is
an ominous development.
terrorist attacks in Varanasi have been universally
condemned by all the major
political parties. Both the houses
of the parliament have expressed their grave concern and grief
at the loss of lives. The parliament reiterated its strong resolve never
to surrender to such criminal acts and to maintain peace and tranquillity and
complete harmony amongst the Indian people.
of uniting with the rest of the country, in this resolve, the RSS/BJP, as is
it’s wont, is seeing in this unfortunate and dastardly attack an opportunity
to regain its waning political/electoral support in the country.
Advani has made the most outrageous of charges against the Left parties
claiming that the po0licy of appeasing minorities has led to such terrorist
attacks. Specifically, he has cited
the anti-Bush protests organised by the Left parties as an expression of
appeasing minorities! This is
nothing surprising for a party that
sees the world only through communal blinkers: a world
that is divided between religious majorities and minorities.
as an ardent supporter and collaborator of US imperialism, the RSS/BJP
deliberately glosses over the inhuman crime perpetuated by imperialism the world
over. Opposition to US imperialism, disengaged from the world wide reaction to
protect human dignity and liberty, is seen by the communal forces as a protest
that must have an ulterior electoral motive. Such is their pathetic
understanding of the world situation, that they seek to mask their
bootlicking of US
imperialism by ascribing false and fabricated motives to those who uphold universal values of freedom and liberty.
still, the BJP charged the Left’s
support to the UPA government in
measures like the setting up of the
U C Banerjee Commission, which concluded that
the Godhra train fire was not a conspiracy
but an accident, as
expressions of minority
appeasement. Nothing further
need be said of their diabolical effort to
suppress the truth to justify
the State-sponsored communal genocide that followed in Gujarat.
would, of course, be loath to
accept a similar suggestion that the growing incidents of terrorist attacks
under the NDA rule were due to
minority appeasement. The attack on
the parliament, the attacks on the Red Fort, the attacks at the Akshardham
temple in Ahmedabad, the various terrorist attacks all across the country evoked
universal condemnation by all political parties and the then NDA government
received the fullest of cooperation, despite its inefficiency and lack of
resolve, to combat such terrorism. Yet, today, instead of doing this, the RSS/BJP
rakes up preposterous charges of
minority appeasement only to sharpen
communal polarisation. Their
objective is not to combat terrorism. Their objective is to utilise terrorist attacks to sharpen communal polarisation
for electoral benefit. In the
process, they seek to destroy the very unity
and integrity of our country and its social harmony.
these columns, we had repeatedly
drawn the attention of our readers to the fact that the RSS/BJP, following their defeat in the 2004 general elections, after agonising
absence of any meaningful explanation
for the defeat, have fallen back on
their core communal agenda as the only basis for their political
survival. The change in the BJP’s leadership guard
was also part of this effort. These
attacks appear to them to be a `God
sent’ opportunity to embark on a nefarious course of
sharpening communal conflicts and tensions in the country. Advani’s
earlier infamous rath yatra
left behind a trail of bloodshed and mayhem, till then (i.e., till the
Gujarat carnage) hitherto unknown since the days of partition.
The political gains they made, as a consequence,
have whetted their appetite
to once again replicate the
Indian patriot can afford to allow
this to happen. While the UPA
government must take all necessary measures to combat terrorism and its
consequences, the blatant attempt to
utilise terrorism to advance the RSS/BJP’s political fortunes at the expense
of the country and its people cannot be allowed.
The Indian people must rise to thwart and defeat
such a diabolical gameplan.