Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 10 March 05, 2006 |
Budget And Neo-Liberalism
Prabhat Patnaik
was a time when the Union Budget was dominated by additional resource
mobilisation measures. Even the structure of the budget document gave primacy to
this issue. The document would give revenue estimates at the existing tax rates,
which would be inadequate for meeting the proposed expenditure by the
government; it would then outline its tax proposals for additional resource
mobilisation and the fiscal deficit it proposed to have. The discussion on the
budget would generally centre around the incidence of the additional resource
mobilisation measures, the direction and magnitude of expenditures and the
wisdom of the deficits.
are different now. In the 2006-07 budget there is hardly any net additional
resource mobilisation worth the name, a meagre Rs 6000 crore. True, this meagre
net addition consists of concessions to some and imposts on others, which, on
the whole would have a regressive effect. For instance there is hardly any
justification for lowering the excise duties on automobiles (and making each
small car cheaper by as much as Rs 20,000) while the government is increasing
the rate of service tax from 10 to 12 per cent with inflationary consequences
for a wide range of social classes. Likewise making aerated drinks cheaper while
increasing the cess on domestically produced petroleum crude, which will
inevitably get passed on to consumers after a time lag and have significant
direct and indirect (cost-push) effects even on the poor, can be scarcely
what is remarkable about the total picture
is the minuscule net additional resource mobilisation. And yet gross tax revenue
of the central government is supposed to increase by a whopping Rs 72,012 crore,
or by 19.5 per cent over 2005-06 (RE). This is no flash in the pan: the rates of
growth of gross tax revenue during the last four years, starting with 2002-03,
have been, respectively, 15.6 per cent, 17.6 per cent, 19.9 per cent, and 21.4
per cent. And this has happened despite the fact that under the neo-liberal
dispensation customs duties have been cut, excise duty increases have been
consequently restrained, and tax concessions have been given to speculators and
capitalists, both Indian and foreign, to improve the so-called “confidence of
the investors” in the economy. Indeed for these reasons the tax-GDP ratio of
the centre had declined in the nineties compared to what it had been in 1990-91.
This decline however seems to have got reversed of late. The centre’s gross
tax revenue-GDP ratio which stood at 9.2 per cent in 2003-04, increased to 9.8
in 2004-05, and 10.5 in 2005-06; it is supposed to reach 11.2 in the coming
year. This has happened not because the finance ministers have gone in for any
significant additional resource mobilisation but largely because revenues have
simply fallen on their laps without their having to do anything, which has made
the budget- making exercise so different from the old days. How has this
reversal occurred?
reason lies in the enormous increase in income inequalities that has occurred in
the Indian economy during the neo-liberal years, increase that
has actually been associated with an absolute immiserization of a vast segment
of the population. Between 1993-04 and 2003-04 for instance the bottom 80
per cent of the rural population has witnessed an absolute decline in its per
capita real expenditure. If this is the case when the real per capita income in
the country as a whole has been rising at the rate of around 4 per cent per
annum, then the extent of increase in income inequalities can be well-imagined.
Putting it differently, there has been during the liberalization period a
dramatic increase in the share of (pre-tax) surplus in (pre-tax) income in the
Indian economy. Now, as long as the marginal
rate of taxation on surplus is higher than the average tax-ratio for income as a whole, which is the case anyway,
the rise in the share of surplus will automatically raise the tax-GDP ratio for
any given set of tax rates, and yield revenues to the government without its
having to make any special effort.
point should be clarified here. To say that a unit addition to the surplus
yields a larger tax revenue than a unit of income does on average, is
not the same as saying that the rich pay a higher share of taxes out of their
income than the poor. Consider the following example. Let income be 100 to
start with, divided between 50 wage bill and 50 surplus. Suppose the tax burden
on the wage bill is 10 (20 per cent) and on surplus 5 (10 per cent). Now if
income rises to 120, with 50 wage bill and 70 surplus, and if at
the margin 25 per cent of the surplus is taxed away at the going rates, then
the tax revenue rises to 20 from 15 (5 extra tax coming out of the extra 20 of
surplus), and the tax-income ratio to 16 2 / 3 per cent
from 15 per cent. And yet even in the new situation wage earners pay 20 per cent
of their income as tax compared to 14 2 / 7 per cent by
surplus earners. All that matters is the ratio of taxation of surplus at the
margin, compared to the average for all incomes. And the first of these is
certainly higher than the second in India, as it is virtually everywhere. (The
introduction of the service tax, even though it affects large segments of the
people, has also contributed towards ensuring that taxation of surplus at the
margin is higher than the average for income as a whole).
Minister Manmohan Singh congratulated the revenue department for ensuring for
the third consecutive year that the gross tax revenue increased at about 20 per
cent per annum. But this increase has little to do with the revenue department,
since the collection of arrears, where the government has
made an effort, accounts for a small proportion of the revenue increase. In
2006-07 for instance when gross tax revenue is supposed to increase by 72012
crore, the contribution of arrears is only about 10000 cr. The real contribution
comes from larger collections at existing tax rates and that is because of the
rise in the share of surplus. It is this rise which is also responsible for the
increase in the savings ratio in 2004-05 to 29.1 per cent, for which the finance
minister ironically claimed credit! And it is this rise again which accounts for
the fact that even without doing anything the government gets an increasing
tax-GDP ratio.
other words, the job of squeezing the people has already been done behind the
scenes, b y processes not exclusively linked to the budget. The budget only gets
a fraction of the loot even without doing anything particular, and claims credit
for it.
In a situation where the people are being drastically squeezed, the Finance
Minister, if he was serious about the humane pronouncements of the NCMP, should
have raised additional resources from the rich and spent these for the welfare
of the poor. But he has not touched the
rich. The revenue increase he expects comes largely at the existing tax
rates without much effort on his part; and even out of this increase what goes
to the poor is a woefully inadequate amount, which appears impressive in some
areas only because of the arithmetical quirk that starting from a low base
exaggerates per centage increases.
consider the situation he is in. He gets 72012 crore of additional gross tax
revenue with little effort, of which 53066 comes to the centre. The net interest
payments (that is payments minus receipts) which he has to make
increase by only 10 per cent, i.e. around 10,000 cr., thanks to a
lowering of interest rates on government borrowings and an off-loading of
borrowing obligations to the states. Defence expenditure, which normally takes
another large chunk, increases by only 7 per cent, i.e. 6000 cr. He therefore is
in an excellent position to give a big boost to capital and welfare expenditures
by going in for additional resource mobilisation as was suggested in the Left
proposals. Instead consider what he does.
rural employment programmes the increase is only 10 per cent in nominal terms,
from 11700 to 12870 cr. (excluding the NER component). While the National Rural
Employment Guarantee Scheme comes into being, the Food-for-Work programme
disappears, and the Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana experiences a drastic cut. A
major purpose of NREG was to inject purchasing power into the hands of the rural
poor, but if NREG only substitutes existing programmes then this purpose has
been defeated. To be sure, there is a guarantee element in NREG but since it
becomes effective all over the country only over a period of time, there is very
little change in the de facto
situation. Even in the matter of NREG therefore there is a reneging on the
promise made in the NCMP.
food subsidy the provision is 24200 cr., compared to 26200 cr. earmarked in last
year’s budget and 23200 cr. spent according to RE for last year. There is in
short hardly any increase at all. Now, food subsidy is nothing else but the
operational loss of the FCI. The reason food subsidy had come down last year
compared to the BE is because of the running down of stocks (which meant lower
stock-holding costs for the FCI). These low stocks are in fact the reason cited
by the government for going in for imports now. In the coming year the stocks
are not going to remain as low as they recently have been. Pegging the food
subsidy at last year’s level therefore presumes either that FCI operations
will be scaled down, or that food prices will be raised (a move the government
started but could not carry through because of opposition). At any rate no
expansion in PDS is obviously being visualized. Now, if the government was
serious about employment guarantee then it should have planned for an expansion
in PDS: the additional purchasing power in the hands of the newly employed,
after all, would be spent partly on food for which the PDS should be prepared.
But the fact that no PDS expansion is visualized, together with the fact that no
increased allocation for rural employment is made, suggests that the whole
scheme, started with such fanfare, is being given a quiet burial.
increases in education and health are woefully inadequate. Whether it is ICDS or
National Rural Health Mission, the absolute increases are paltry. Likewise in
education where the increase in Central Plan Outlay amounts to about 4700 cr.,
an apparently impressive figure, the NCMP itself has a target of increase far in
excess of it. If we take the eight flagship programmes the increase in
allocation by 15088 cr. to 50015 cr. appears impressive but is actually
deceptive. Apart from the fact that some of these schemes are funded by foreign
agencies, like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan by DFID,
the decrease in other expenditures for which these flagship schemes are
substitutes must also be taken into account, as we have already seen in the case
of the NREG. Indeed if we just replace the total
amount to be spent on NREG by the additional
amount provided for rural employment in our calculation of the provision for the
“flagship programmes”, then the increase comes to only 3388 crores, which is
less than a 10 per cent increase in nominal terms. The finance minister has been extremely disingenuous in
conveying the impression that he has raised social sector outlays, as reflected
in the “flagship programmes”, by 43.2 per cent.
of course is an area largely meant for state government action, but even such
steps as the centre could take have not been taken. The lowering of short term
interest rate to 7 per cent is still nowhere near the 4 per cent rate suggested
by the Swaminathan Commission. The refusal to raise the import duty on raw
cotton despite even Congress chief ministers demanding it is indefensible. And
not implementing the Swaminathan Commission’s recommendations with regard to
the extension of crop insurance to all regions and crops, and the setting up of
a Price Stabilisation Fund is inexplicable. What is more, even the initiative in
lowering interest rate and extending credit would not serve the purpose unless
the banking system comes directly into contact with the farmers, which banks are
increasingly unwilling to do under the new dispensation. Rural branches are
being closed down and many banks, the ICICI bank being a prominent example, are
now openly operating through middlemen. Bank credit to agriculture in other
words is now being channelled through a new class of middlemen who are no
different from the moneylenders of yore. Unless banks are directed to open
branches in rural areas and contact farmers directly the credit and interest
rate provisions of the budget will only benefit the intermediary class of new
moneylenders. Putting it differently, unlike in the Bank Nationalization era
when the entire ethos was for banks to reach out to the villages, the current
ethos is to withdraw from them. Apparently well-meaning measures in this
neo-liberal ethos therefore have little impact in arresting the agrarian crisis.
the budget has little to offer in crucial areas like agriculture and employment,
it does carry liberalization forward in the financial sector. Allowing banks to
offer government securities for sale and allowing FIIs to buy up government
securities to a larger extent than hitherto is a way of putting lucrative assets
in the hands of foreign speculators. If
this trend continues then a day will come when the state of public finances in
the country will become dependent on the caprices of international speculators,
since how much money the government can raise and at what rate will then be
determined by the “state of the market”. Likewise allowing mutual funds to
invest abroad is not only unwarranted in an economy which, according to the
government itself, is short of resources (the argument for unrolling a red
carpet for MNCs), but increases volatility.
Three other areas where the neo-liberal agenda has cast its sinister shadow are: first, the reduction in peak customs duty on non-agricultural products from 15 to 12.5 per cent which would affect small producers and cause job losses. Citing the East Asian example here is beside the point since those economies make extensive use of non-tariff barriers. Secondly, the de-reservation of 180 items would also have an adverse effect on the genuinely small producers and contribute to job losses. And finally, there is a cut in the grant component of the Normal Central Assistance Under Plan Grants and Loans to state governments. Against the budgetary provision of Rs.13541.28 cr. in 2005-06 as the grant component, the revised estimates already show a reduction, to 12044.23 cr. The budgetary provision this year has been further cut, to 10916.61 cr. It may be recalled that a part of the loan component of the Central assistance to states had been off-loaded from the budget last year, so that state governments had to fend for themselves in the market. With the cut in the grant component this year we have even greater pressure on the state governments to approach the financial market, or, worse still, to approach agencies like the World Bank and ADB, which, apart from increasing the stranglehold of these agencies on the Indian economy, would contribute to a fracturing of the nation, as states vie with one another to curry favour with them and to meet their “conditionalities”.
budget has more than the usual quota of tall claims and deceptions. What stands
out in particular is the gap between what could have been done and what has