Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 10 March 05, 2006 |
Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following
statement on February 24, 2006
railway budget of 2006-07 presented to parliament today shows a better financial
health of the railways in comparison to the previous years. Obviously, based on
this, the railway minister has announced the introduction of 55 new trains and
extension of the routs of 37 trains. It is welcome that no further burden has
been put on the people. Catering to the middle and upper middle class the
railway minister has announced a reduction of 10 per cent for II AC and 18
percent for I AC tickets. Now III AC trains called “Garib raths” have been
introduced. The conversion of 200 trains to the superfast category however may
imply higher costs for regular travellers who now need to pay the superfast
fares. The 50 percent concession announced for the farmers and dairy product
producers is welcome.
it is unfortunate that despite the financial health of the railways and
projections of higher passenger and freight traffic in the coming year, there is
no provision of acquisition of rolling stock particularly locomotives and
coaches. A disconcerting aspect of the budget is proposals concerning
public-private partnership in the railways. There are suggestions to privatise
the maintenance and cleaning of stations, ticketing centers and outsourcing the
modernization of various aspects of the railways to private parties. This has
been done despite the fact that the public sector units under the railways are
perfectly capable of undertaking these tasks. Clearly, the budget seems to be
implementing the controversial Rakesh Mohan committee recommendations which
suggested the virtual privatisation of the entire railways. This is not
freight corridor policy announced in the budget appears inconsistent with the
assurance given by the prime minister from the Red Fort on the last independence
day that a dedicated rail freight corridor would be developed. The concept was
for the railways to develop along the Golden Quadrilateral highway and its
diagonals a dedicated freight corridor. These freight corridors were to
ultimately connect with the major metros and the major sources of raw material
like mineral resources with major ports. It is therefore perplexing that the
eastern corridor stops at Sonnagar instead of proceeding to Kolkata and its
ports. This is an inadequacy which needs to be immediately rectified.
Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) calls upon the railway minister to assure the
parliament and the people that such inadequacies would be corrected during the
course of the discussions on the budget and more emphasis will be laid for
improving the safety of the railways.