Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 10 March 05, 2006 |
TODAY’S budget speech of the finance minister conforms to the pattern evolved
by him since last year of keeping the budget a low-key affair and pursuing the
reforms agenda through intermittent executive fiats throughout the year. The Economic
Survey preceding the budget presentation has laid out an ominous road map
for such reforms. It advocates a shift from the existing Minimum Support Price (MSP)
and Public Procurement System for the agricultural produce to developing
alternative product market; prescribes pursuit of pension reforms, an euphemism
for privatisation of social security; favours further liberalisation of FDI
regime and speeding up privatisation exercise in the mining sector; regrets
floundering of the movement towards market determined prices particularly
regarding LPG and Kerosene subsidies; cautions against deterioration of central
and state finances while constituting sixth pay commission and the like. The
budget has thrown hints of removing 184 items from the list of items reserved
for the small-scale sector and seeks to redefine ‘captive mining’ moving
towards privatisation of coal mining; indicates measures to promote private
control (both domestic and foreign) in strategic infrastructure areas like
sea-ports, airports, highways and also in petroleum exploration and refining,
electricity etc. By seeking a consensus on targeting (eliminating) subsidies on
essential commodities and inputs and laying stress on quality of social sector
spending, the budget makes clear the real intention of the government, which is
to cut down on government spending for the poor and common man.
Though there is no imposition of new taxes or hike in tax-rates, there is no
relief to common man either. The popular demand for relief from tax-burden on
welfare and housing facilities, in the name of perquisites, went unheeded. On
the other hand, there has been no effort to augment the revenues of the
government by taxing the rich and affluent, who have practically cornered the
gains of GDP growth. This creates serious apprehensions on implementation of the
pro-people promises in the Common Minimum Programme, including those for the
workers of in the unorganised and agricultural sectors. On the other hand, the
increase in the cess on domestic crude will impact adversely the oil sector PSUs,
producing crude.
finance minister has derived consolation that tax revenue as a per cent to the
GDP is inching forward from 9.2 per cent in 2003-04 to 10.5 in 2005-06, hiding
the fact that this figure is related to current market prices whereas the GDP
growth is derived at constant prices. There is no word on recovery of huge
backlog of tax-arrears and bank loan defaults of the corporates.
The Economic Survey referred to the unemployment scenario haunting the economy,
though in an attempt to advocate a drive towards labour market deregulation. But
the budget reveals no employment friendly measure worth its name, except
indicating allocations for the National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme,
which is at best a relief. Tangible efforts are needed to create durable
employment in the economy.
There is some apparent increase in allocations for some segments. But on the
whole, the allocation proposed to the flagship programmes of the much-acclaimed
Bharat Nirman itself is a mere Rs 50,015 crore in the total budgeted expenditure
of Rs 5,63,991 crore i.e. less than 8 per cent. There is no mention of the
revenue losses on account of the steep reductions in the custom duty. The
reduction of duty on alloy steel and minerals will create obstacles for the
indigenous steel and mining industry.
The finance minister boasted about the growth in the domestic savings rate to
29.1 per cent. But in reality, as highlighted by the Economic Survey, the
household savings have actually declined, which is the direct result of the
lowering of the administered rate of interest and the move to subject the
various savings instruments to taxation at the terminal stage. The budget only
opens up the avenues for the mutual funds to hike overseas investment up to $2
billion with relaxing the reciprocal share holding stipulation even. The attempt
is to make the corporate lobby and overseas debt markets the beneficiaries of
the surge in domestic savings, with ominous portents of encouraging resource
outflows and making the economy vulnerable to external shocks.
In fine, the budget 2006-07 yet another phase in carrying forward the disastrous
economic reforms and hides more than what it presents. The common man has
nothing to cheer.