Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 47 November 20, 2005 |
Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee placing a wreath at the statue of Lenin in Kolkata
October Revolution was commemorated all over Bengal with mass conventions,
rallies, and marches. The Red flag was hoisted amidst slogans in all the offices
of the units of the CPI(M). The day was also commemorated by the different mass
organisations that believe in the tenets of scientific socialism and who cherish
the October Revolution.
Biswas, state secretary of the Bengal unit of the CPI(M), addressed on this
occasion a packed mass convention at the Promode Dasgupta Bhavan in Kolkata in
the early evening of November 11. State secretariat member, Raghunath Kushari
who heads the Kolkata district unit of the CPI(M) as its secretary, presided.
Biswas started by saying that the CPI(M) had been consistent ever since it was
founded in observing the October Revolution and iterating the relevance of the
great historical event.
CPI(M), said Anil Biswas, ‘has been consistent in its campaign for the tenets
of scientific socialism and has always regarded the October revolution as the
source of inspiration for the struggles of the working class and of the mass of
the people.’
marking out the signposts of the struggle ahead, Anil Biswas said that India is
at the stage of the democratic revolution –– and the aim as to achieve the
people’s democratic revolution towards socialism.
the inspiration that the October Revolution has always been for the CPI(M), Anil
Biswas said that the CPI(M) could intervene in a democratic manner in the
political process in India. The Congress, recalled Anil Biswas, went on to
splinter 17 times and was soon reduced to a political force that was no longer a
striking force against the democratic movement in the country. Post-1977, the
political structure started to be democratised although the detractors and
enemies of democracy continued to create obstacles to this path that the
political process had taken.
this connection, reminded Anil Biswas, it was a sectarian thought to declare
that the democratic phase was not essential in the march towards socialism and
the Russian political scenario between 1905 when the democratic revolution took
place, and 1917 when the October Revolution occurred underlined, the democratic
revolution is inevitable.
CPI(M), declared Anil Biswas, ‘has worked assiduously to introduce democratic
elements in the political process of India.
amidst cheering that ‘socialism is the alternative,’ Anil Biswas went on to
point to the world political scene and he drew the attention of the audience to
the fact that post-1989, the communists ‘have started to regroup and enter the
political mainstream introducing a strong democratic element and struggling
towards the basic changes in the social structure.
recent elections have seen very many European communist parties gain ascendancy
and they have also started to expand their mass bases.
The Latin American continent has witnessed communists winning elections
in many a country.
striking power of the Left, democratic, and patriotic forces when led by the
communists has been exemplified over and over again in the recent years in the
big anti-imperialist movements that have rocked the developing nations.
more than 30 countries, communist and socialist parties take part in the process
of governance either in office or in the ranks of the opposition.
powerful nations like China and Russia have come together in support of
Democratic Korea, causing a great deal of discomfiture in the hearts and minds
of the imperialist forces led by the US and subserved by the EU.
said the speaker, one has to see a series of attacks against the principles of
Marxism-Leninism emanating from the ruling classes of Europe and elsewhere.
The recent attempt by the Council of Europe to denigrate communism met
with a stern resistance from no less than 82 communist and socialist parties.
In Bengal, the CPI(M) has been able to collect a total of nearly a
million signatures on a protest letter addressed to the Council of Europe.
instance of harassment of the president of the Workers’ Party of Ireland, Sean
Garland is another case in point. Sean
Garland was arrested while in Northern Ireland to attend a conference of the
Workers’ Party at the behest of the United States on the plea of Garland
having connections with Democratic Korea and China, something that he never
attempted to hide. This attempt too
has met with resistance from the communist parties around the world, including
the CPI(M).
concerted campaign has been launched by a very nervous right reaction to
discredit the communist parties and their leaderships and also to create hatred
against communism. The sustained
movements launched against the tirades will ensure that the attempt will fail
political-ideological content of the October Revolution, concluded Anil Biswas,
remained intact and it would continue to inspire the mass of the people to
resist and fight against imperialism, and to struggle for socialism.