Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 22 May 29, 2005 |
Celebrating the anniversary of the unseating of the communal BJP-led NDA government, scholars at a meeting expressed apprehension that the communalisation initiated in the last regime is not being undone with the vigour that is mandated by the last election.
The meeting organised on May 25, by SAHMAT was chaired by the senior historian Prof Barun De. Those who addressed the meeting included Professors Irfan Habib, Prabhat Patnaik, Zoya Hassan, Arjun Dev, Rajiv Gupta and Rajat Ray.
The following statement was issued at the meeting.
is now one year since the BJP-led NDA regime was voted out at the centre. This
was a mandate against the communal and anti-people policies pursued by the NDA
government. The BJP blatantly misused its power to undermine the Constitution
and to aggressively implement the sangh parivar’s communal agenda. Right from
the communalisation of education through saffronised text-books to the Gujarat
pogrom, the sangh parivar played havoc with India’s secular polity and
society. Education and culture were major targets of the NDA regime, and the
State intervened both surreptitiously and openly to destroy the autonomy of
public educational and cultural institutions and to impose its divisive communal
ideology on and/or through them. Hardly any institution was left untouched. The
subversion of the NCERT, ICHR, ICSSR, Indian Institute of Advanced Study (Shimla),
ASI, NCTE, National Institute of Open Schooling and Sangeet Natak Akadami, ICCR
to name only a few institutions, was a key element in the policy of the sangh
The formation of the Congress-led UPA government, supported by Left and secular
political parties, brought with it the promise of undoing the damage inflicted
by the BJP regime in the areas of education and culture. The urgency of this
task can hardly be overemphasised. However
the pace at which the UPA government has been attempting to undo the
anti-secular legacy of the BJP regime has not been very satisfactory.
During the last one year the UPA government has taken some steps to reverse the
policies of the BJP regime: the reconstitution of CABE, which had been rendered
defunct by the NDA government; the somewhat reluctant restoration of NCERT
history-text books which had been withdrawn; the setting up of a review
committee to go into the affairs of the ICHR and the Indian Institute of
Advanced Study; the revival of the prestigious “Towards Freedom” project of
the ICHR; and the formation of new councils for the ICHR and ICSSR comprising
recognised scholars in their respective fields.
However, it would appear that the UPA government has not really grasped the
significance of its mandate. Opposition to
the communal politics of the sangh parivar forms the basis of the support
extended to the UPA government by Left and secular political parties, groups and
individuals. The sustained campaign
against this politics during the years that the BJP was in power helped in
mobilising public opinion against the onslaught of the sangh parivar which
created the conditions for the formation of a secular government. The
ideological struggle against communalism is therefore a major responsibility of
the UPA.
This task, obviously has not been accorded the priority that it requires. In
some cases a section of the bureaucracy has been far from enthusiastic in
undoing the communal legacy of the sangh parivar. Apart from long-term
initiatives in education and culture, there are some measures that need to be
taken forthwith. The ASI, which in the wake of the Babri Masjid issue has
acquired a political role as well and which the sangh parivar tried to use for
its own communal agenda, has not received much attention. The longstanding
demand that it should be headed by an academic rather than by a bureaucrat has
been ignored, even though the Indian History Congress in its 2004 session passed
a resolution on this issue. What is more, only a small fraction of its reports
pertaining to excavations undertaken during the last few decades have been
published, and so and are not available for public scrutiny. Also the seventy
crore rupee Saraswati project launched by the previous government, which is
supposed to have been disbanded, continues under a different nomenclature. A
similar apathy is visible in the case of major national institutions such as the
National Museum, the National Archives of India (NAI) and the Nehru Memorial
Museum and Library (NMML). All these institutions continue to be headed by
bureaucrats. The government was recently put to much embarrassment when it
appointed a person of relatively junior rank from the ASI, and with no archival
training, as DG of the NAI and had to cancel the appointment after protests.
In the case of NMML, it has been without a full time Director for well over a
year now. An important part of the library is the Centre for Contemporary
Research in Modern Indian History and Contemporary Studies which provides
research fellowships to outstanding scholars for research on modern and
contemporary India. Interviews were held recently for these fellowships even in
the absence of a full time Director, ignoring protests of scholars.
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS, formerly National Open School),
has escaped public notice and continues to be used as a vehicle for propagating
the ideological views of the sangh parivar. The NIOS, which is directly
under the union HRD ministry, has a very wide reach. It is the apex body to
provide open and distance education at the school level. Every year about three
lakh students take admission in its courses from all over the country and
abroad. Active enrolment at a given time in NIOS is about 12 lakh. Under the
BJP-led NDA government there was a systematic attempt to impose the ideology of
the sangh parivar on the courses and study material of the NIOS. Social science
textbooks glorified the sangh parivar, especially the RSS. Surprisingly these
books are still in use and almost nothing has been done to ‘detoxify’ the
teaching material prepared by the NIOS.
While most of the earlier history textbooks have been restored, they are stated
to have been based on the National Curriculum Framework for School
Education-2000 and the syllabi prepared in accordance with it which had been
prepared under the BJP-led regime to communalise education. There could be no
worse travesty. Numerous other institutions, such as the Indian Council for
Philosophical Research and the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, which are
publicly funded remain in a saffronised mode due to the ideological apathy of
the UPA government. The inability of the minister for culture to sort out the
mess in the Sangeet Natak Akadami has already received wide publicity. Several
institutions under the ministry of culture have not been reorganised. Chairman
of the governing body the National School of Drama has not been appointed for
the past several months.
Finally no long term steps have been initiated to tackle the problem of
textbooks used in private schools, Shishu Mandirs, and madrasas, as well as
government schools in some states which propagate communal ideologies, are
marked by gender bias, inculcate obscurantist values, uphold caste inequalities
and are anti-dalit in their outlook. The sinister ideological agenda of the
sangh parivar was sought to be implemented with impunity during the BJP regime.
The Gujarat pogrom was one example of its destructive consequences. The UPA
government has a mandate to restore the secular character of our society and
polity, and must accord top priority to this task.